Community > Posts By > SKArtist

SKArtist's photo
Mon 04/18/11 11:33 AM
Love is supernatural.
You can't prove or disprove it.
Some people believe in it.
Some people don't.
Some people don't know what to believe.
Some people experience it.
Some people don't.
Some people don't know if they have or not.
If you feel with all your heart that you're in love, then maybe you are and love exists for you. And if it doesn't, then it doesn't.

SKArtist's photo
Thu 04/14/11 11:39 PM

I don't know, I'm looking forward to "Thor" this year. And then there's that "Deadpool" Movie I've been waiting for. That is going to be awesome!

Hail to Deadpoool! (Although the fact that Green Lantern had to come first AND that our precious Reynolds abs were stolen away from us simply works negatively in Hollywood's favor.

SKArtist's photo
Wed 04/13/11 09:59 PM
Edited by SKArtist on Wed 04/13/11 10:00 PM
Oh, I've seen so much it's not even funny. Shoujo and shounen.
Lucky Star, Naruto, Bleach, Kemonozume, Working!!, High School of the Dead, Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro, Full Metal Alchemist, Hetallia, Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei, Higurashi no koro ni, Umineko no koro ni, Pokemon, Digimon, Fighting Foodons, Monster Rancher, Metabots, Powerpuff Girlz Z, Dragon Ball (Z, GT), Wolverine, Monster Princess, Maria Holic, Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin, Law of Ueki, Beelzebub, Maburaho, Tokyo Mew Mew, Evangelion, Blood+, Needless, Tenjou Tenge, Air Gear, Eyeshield 21, Green Green, Astroboy, Minami-ke, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu, Ouran High School Host Club, Toradora, Azumanga Daioh, Death Note, Zombie Loan, Jigoku Shoujo, Witch Hunter Robin, Ghost in the Shell, One Piece... and probably many more that simply haven't come to my mind at the moment...
XD I'm a dork.

SKArtist's photo
Wed 04/13/11 09:26 PM
Edited by SKArtist on Wed 04/13/11 09:27 PM
Amen to that!
Most of what Hollywood dishes out nowadays is just complete bull.
My god! Get some ideas people! I'm 18 years old and I've come up with more original ideas than these so called 'professionals'.

SKArtist's photo
Wed 04/13/11 09:20 PM
I feel that they can be more so. Online people have less inhibitions compared to real life interaction. They're not faced with the dilemas or distractions presented by face-to-face interaction and so they hold back less about themselves. It's a popular feeling that one can be more at ease, or themselves, when they're talking to someone online as opposed to real life.
However, this process can also work negatively. Someone might interpret these missing inhibitions as the opportunity to become someone more interesting than they believe themselves to be. And so they are more exagerated versions of themselves or else someone completely new.
It really depends on the sort of person you're speaking to. Perhaps a shy person might open up more, removing a persona they display in real life interactions, but maybe a social person with little confidence in who they really are might mask themselves with a second persona.

SKArtist's photo
Wed 04/13/11 08:59 PM
These are the best that I've got (sorry, I don't know how to post the pics directly)

SKArtist's photo
Tue 04/12/11 06:30 AM
So I'm old fashioned (to an odd extent), and I don't feel it's that peculiar to want to have someone ask you on a date and actually MEAN a date.
If a guy asks a girl out, or vice versa, on a date then logic would dictate you would actually DO something on said date to get to know one another, correct? You don't typically expect to get lucky on the first date.
However, if you're on a first date with someone and your intentions are to go in for the kill, then that's not a first date. That's a **** buddy.
If you just want someone to have sex with then just say that. Dressing it up like a date is just infuriating and a waste of time on the other's part.
You asked me on a first date. You asked me a question. So you sodding listen to my answer and get your hand out of my pants. If you want something else then you be specific from the get go.
Has anyone else had a situation like this? Or feel the same way?

SKArtist's photo
Tue 04/12/11 06:17 AM
Well, I can't really speak for all women, but from experience I find most women tend to look for guys taller than them. Class clown characters seem to be popular for the fact that they can make her laugh. I've also noticed a lot of girls liking guys who are not geniuses BY FAR but they seem to stick with them because they're easily manipulated.
Personally, natural critiques and anyone who can passionately voice their opinion is a must if one is looking for any intellectual contact. To keep things interesting, yeah, a sense of humor or a comedic nature is a good thing. Lots of women also want to feel like they're totally safe with their partner. As for appearances, different women have different tastes.

SKArtist's photo
Tue 04/12/11 06:10 AM
As long as you know what you want in a relationship, does it really matter to whom your affections are given and recieved?

SKArtist's photo
Tue 04/12/11 06:06 AM
Edited by SKArtist on Tue 04/12/11 06:07 AM
I usually like bigger men. And that can refer to being taller, built larger or simply with a couple extra pounds (or even what you naughty people are thinking). The same applies to women. I've never found myself attracted to someone who was overly skinny--makes me feel like I could hug them and they'd snap like a twig.
I also find myself drawn to blondes or redheads a little more often with guys and redheads and brunettes for girls.
Personality-wise, I try to avoid the jealous type and lean more towards people with an adventurous agenda and a sense of humor similar to my own. Not to mention I love a person who has a wide variety of facial expressions.

SKArtist's photo
Tue 04/12/11 05:07 AM
I try to avoid taking pictures of myself beacause it makes me feel like a myspace douche

SKArtist's photo
Tue 04/12/11 05:01 AM
I'm the kind of shy that everyone around me seems to fear. At some point I managed to procure the title 'that creepy chick with the sunglasses and boots'. I rarely am able to look a person in the eye, and when I do, my height apparently presents me looking up at them in a rather intimidating manner, only accompanied by this terrifying gaze I seem to adopt whenever I'm nervous.
I can relate to any shy person in the sense that I'm either completely out of the woodwork and no one knows about me, or someone's interpreted my behaviour in a very inaccurate way, leaving me looking like some scary, world-hating pesimist.
From my experiences, however, I've found that it's always important to be able to express yourself honestly. If only for a second and if only to one person, doing this can greatly increase your chances of people starting to talk to you in a way that lets you talk back.
I was lucky enough to wander into a group of 'alternatives' in high school--a group of kids that basically has at least one stereotype from every subculture. While I was too shy to really speak out around them for the first week or so, I eventually managed to scribble my name on the door that presented all of their signatures (which for them apparently accounted for an iniciation) and that action alone immediately seemed to break the ice.
While I'm still shy around people I meet, I try to remember how that one sudden action managed to break the ice so easily and I try to act accordingly on that memory.

SKArtist's photo
Tue 04/12/11 04:53 AM
According to friends, I'm the anti-social one who spends all her time drawing comic books and only emerges from her hovel once in a fortnight to procure comic books from other publishers.

SKArtist's photo
Sat 04/02/11 11:01 PM
Well, I've dated people who started out as my friend. The first didn't work out so well and we haven't spoken since. The second I'm still friends with, on and off relationship-like.
As for telling them how you feel, I'm not much of a help on that part since I'd never have the courage to do it myself. For others I'd just recommend putting it out there and explaining that you don't want it to affect the friendship if they don't share your feelings.

SKArtist's photo
Sat 04/02/11 10:49 PM
The REAL me.
Just about everyone I know looks at me and sees this self-hating, world despising, dominatrix, coniving b*tch. Even people I've dated.
In reality, I'm really shy and I use sarcasm as a way of defending myself. I'm a very open and honest person and I see a lot of beauty in the world (and I express that through my artwork).
Not that many people can figure out that I'm not hiding in the corner because I hate people so much as I'm scared no one's going to like me.
For me, the greatest thing would just be for someone to see that.

SKArtist's photo
Sat 04/02/11 10:41 PM
I once had a man say to me 'hey, cool hair. Does the carpet match the drapes? ...can I find out?'
The first time it happened I was taken aback and kind of just scurried off with my friend (her response being 'at least he thought you were attractive')
The next time it happened I was a little more prepared and replied with "does that line actually work? or is is just a way of you trying to retain whatever dignity you might have had left after your boyfriend dumped you? Because in that case I think you need a stronger approach."
Looking back, if the guy had been able to stand his ground rather than retreat with his tail between his legs I probably would've ****ed him on the spot.

SKArtist's photo
Sat 04/02/11 10:18 PM
Edited by SKArtist on Sat 04/02/11 10:20 PM

IDK, sounds interesting to me either way. What kind of comics do you like?

Mostly X-Men, Deadpool, Hellboy and Green Arrow. I like a lot of Alan Moore's stuff, love Neil Gaiman's stuff and I've been known to read Excalibur, Exiles, Hellblazer, HackSlash, Flash, Thunderstrike and some horror comics. I try to keep to material that will keep me guessing.

SKArtist's photo
Sat 04/02/11 09:49 PM
So, just joined the site, made a couple posts, realized I didn't introduce myself.
I'm Brooke--er---SKArtist.
... Hi.

SKArtist's photo
Sat 04/02/11 09:41 PM

I used to know what it was but forgot. Is it like punk techno or something?

It's a variation of calypso and jazz music typically with a walking bass line that originated in jamaica around 1960. Generally categorized into original, 2-tone, ska-punk, ska-pop and sometimes horror-ska.
You could look at music by the Toasters, Skafunderz, Selector, Skankin' Pickle, Buck-O-Nine and various bands of the like for good examples.
(But, yeah, ska is very far from techno. Although I'm sure there's probably someone who tried to mix the genres)

SKArtist's photo
Sat 04/02/11 09:21 PM
Edited by SKArtist on Sat 04/02/11 09:23 PM
A few years ago I attened FanExpo and I've gone every year since.
One thing I enjoyed most about it was the fact that I could find so many 70s, 80s, and early 90s comic books for 1$ (which is awesome if you know how expensive they can be)
Since then, however, I've noticed that whenever I purchase something I consider not how much money I'm spending on it, but how many 1$ comic books I could buy with the money I'm spending on something else.
Then it progressed into me refering to dollars as 'issues' or 'comics'.
I buy a packet of gum and I see it as failing to buy two potential comic books issues.
Has my hobby started to consume? Or has my oblivious nature taken hold and am I already wedged deep within the abysmal crevice of comic geekdom?

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