Community > Posts By > PoemWriter99

PoemWriter99's photo
Wed 12/28/11 07:00 AM
I have a cat and she's crazy. Almost good enough for a youtube video ( a good one). But ferrets are better.Anybody have one? People complain about their smell but I actually like it, call me weird. Guinea pigs are good to. But I accidentally killed one once. And it was a rare breed. Rodents just die easily, I dunno. But you know, I feel sorry for people who love animals over people, and a way they kinda have tne right idea. People can be so hard and stressful to love...but a pet you can shower affection on and the best of them will return it, like my cat. She's like in love with me or something. Seriously, I've never seen such an affectionate and appreciative cat. So what do you think of animal love?

PoemWriter99's photo
Sat 06/25/11 02:07 PM
there is absolutely no justice in that

PoemWriter99's photo
Sat 06/25/11 02:06 PM
reminds me of Liar, Liar with Jim Carrey where that woman tells Carrey's character that her friend was robbed by some dude in the middle of the night and he fell through the ceiling and landed on a butcher knife, he sued and won and her friend had to pay like $6000. that story always makes me go WTF, seriously how is there any way to justify it for the thief? i cant think of anything.

PoemWriter99's photo
Tue 06/21/11 07:42 AM
Yeah. Lawyers suck.

i agree with you on the courtesy thing. But like I said, I pretty much want to save every poem on that forum, that I like anyway but I'm not picky, and it would take too long to ask every person. Some wouldn't even reply, and some might say no, and then I might really like the poem and badly want to save it but then I can't...I might as well just do it

PoemWriter99's photo
Tue 06/21/11 07:28 AM
Edited by PoemWriter99 on Tue 06/21/11 07:31 AM
Thanks for all your responses.

I did not and do not plan on publishing anything for money, like I said, I simply want to copy and paste poems into word documents for me to read, and in the documents I give the credit to the authors, I even go so far as to say it's off this site, give their username and the date it was posted.

For those who are saying it's illegal period, that just seems stupid to me, totally stupid and inane. It makes sense that it's illegal to plagiarise or outright steal from other people and claim it's yours, but what is the big deal about copying something for personal enjoyment and even giving credit? It's a frikin forum for crying out loud, it's not officially published and the people choose to post in here so it's possible anyone could come along and simply copy the words and no one would know. At least I'm asking and not just doing it, I didn't have to ask.

I thought copyrighted stuff was officially published books and magazines, stuff like that, not regular people on a free website. Seriously, I don't get it.

PoemWriter99's photo
Sat 06/18/11 02:58 PM
I was wondering if it would be like, morally or legally or whatever way, wrong if I copied and pasted people's poetry off the Creative Writing and Poems board, just to my own Word file for me to read. I even put a disclaimer in the file saying I do not claim to own any of the following poems, they were written on this website by other people, blah blah blah...

you see, I'm a huge poetry nut and I'm composing all these collections, And I'm sure some of you might say I should ask for permission or whatever, I guess I should, but that would take so long...What do you think?

PoemWriter99's photo
Fri 05/27/11 02:19 PM
so how do you love yourself when it seems like everyone else hates you?

PoemWriter99's photo
Thu 05/26/11 05:44 PM
yeah im really jaded and cynical in life right now. everyone has scarred me deep and caused so much hurt i didnt deserve and i dont think ill EVER find the "right one," or "miss right" or my "soulmate," as some saps call it. leave that crap in fairy tales and movies and books, this is real life and the real world is a cold cold loveless place. love is a rare and priceless commodity you dont get very often at all and im losing faith

PoemWriter99's photo
Thu 05/26/11 02:46 PM
oh and theyre liars and hypocrites and fakes

PoemWriter99's photo
Thu 05/26/11 02:46 PM
love does not freakin exist people suck and only love themselves

PoemWriter99's photo
Thu 05/26/11 02:36 PM
ugh why is teeth so important. i hate my teeth

PoemWriter99's photo
Tue 05/24/11 11:46 PM
this probably belongs in the relationship/dating forum but i'm not looking for pity or advice, just wondering if a significant person in your life has given up on you? where they said "I can't do this anymore," or "I can't be your friend anymore," for whatever reason. My girlfriend of two years recently told me these words and she blamed everything on me...for moving away even though I had no other choice. Frikin screwy man. frikin screwy.

what about you? ever feel abandoned?

PoemWriter99's photo
Tue 05/24/11 11:40 PM
Edited by PoemWriter99 on Tue 05/24/11 11:41 PM

PoemWriter99's photo
Tue 05/24/11 11:40 PM
thinking i want to play final fantasy 4 and that i want to give up on life cuz sometimes it sucks. it sucks especially right now

PoemWriter99's photo
Tue 05/24/11 11:36 PM
that was...really depressing. so wait, the husband kills himself and the wife, now a single mother, is happily starting a new life...? what the f....

PoemWriter99's photo
Tue 05/24/11 11:26 PM
lookin4home, I'm in a very similar situation, only she is 8 months pregnant and we just met, on here, for the first time. We're kinda into each other, but she lives 500 miles away, and I'm only 20. Man, I'm not ready to take care of a kid, I can barely take care of myself...and if I fall for this girl as I stay in touch, that could be bad...I'm just like, maybe I should give up now, just let it go, I'll find other girls who like me and so will you.

PoemWriter99's photo
Sat 05/21/11 05:06 PM
I listened to that song and also like it, but definitely prefer Solitary Man much more. But this one was really sad and I could sort of feel his pain, like at the end of the video I saw it on his face, I caught the part about the frog...he's been catapulted to stardom and people love his music, like a frog into a king, but he's still lonely and people clapping for him isn't enough, it's not personal enough...that's why I would hate being idolized instead of loved. I feel sorry for idols. I really do.

PoemWriter99's photo
Sat 05/21/11 03:11 PM
Edited by PoemWriter99 on Sat 05/21/11 03:12 PM
I do know they are saying something, and I'm very into the music itself and not just the lyrics, for example even if the lyrics are really really good and I can relate to them intensely, then if the music itself isn't good (to me) then I won't like the song at all. But you shouldn't give up, no one should. It's better to die having tried than live given up.

Well Neil Diamond is okay, he's kinda "old" for me, but I stumbled across this song and it resonated with me. Oh man that sounds really hard, I'm sorry mickielo. Divorce sucks. Well yeah sometimes we all need to be alone, but I've been alone long enough, right now I feel like I'm really missing out on life so I'm trying to live more. Yeah I have a bad habit of making bad times worse by listening to sad songs, but in a way it's therapeutic and better than bottling everything up inside. Thanks for the encouragement, I appreciate it.

PoemWriter99's photo
Sat 05/21/11 03:02 PM
Edited by PoemWriter99 on Sat 05/21/11 03:03 PM
I probably think this what is about me? No I don't think the world revolves around me if that's....what you're saying. I looked at a lot of the topics and there are so many views but so few replies. Aren't we here to get feedback...?

PoemWriter99's photo
Sat 05/21/11 02:48 PM
Why is it that people will read each other's stuff but not say anything? It bothers me.

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