Community > Posts By > bored_mom

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Fri 12/07/07 04:40 PM
i went to school with a girl who was jehovah witness and her family didnt celebrate birthdays or any of the holidays if i remember right...? matter of fact she didnt even have to stand up for pledge of allegience. i thought that i could get by with that too so i tried didnt work though. i was only in first grade.

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Tue 12/04/07 08:02 PM

Pinball Wizard By The Who

i heard that one the other day

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Tue 12/04/07 08:00 PM
home by daughtry

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Tue 12/04/07 07:44 PM
sister golden hair...america

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Tue 12/04/07 07:37 PM
flowerforyou awww they do kinda look cute together dont they?

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Tue 12/04/07 07:18 PM
:heart: awww....i really liked that. thanks for posting it.:heart:

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Tue 12/04/07 07:12 PM
laugh laugh laugh OH MY!!! so funny, thanks for the laugh. i needed that today.

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Tue 11/27/07 05:07 PM
makes sure your actions are worth the consequences

(spelling ??? not sure on)

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Tue 11/27/07 05:03 PM
my favs

my 3 sons laughter is by far the most joyous sound there is. it makes me smile no matter what mood i may be in.

i love hearing my 14 year olds laughter when he is hangin out with a group "teenagers". it shows how he is growing and maturing in the world. i also like the sound of his voice when a grl calls the house for him. he lowers it a lil i

i also love to hear the sound of rain on the roof and all the sounds of a thunderstorm...the thunder, the sound of the wind in the trees, oh and the sight of the lightening. oh how i love storms. my boys inhierted this from me also.

my fav site is seeing them playing contently in the yard for hours and hours with no squabbles or arguments...with three boys that dont happen oh oh and when they sleep. i used to just sit and watch them sleep for hours when they were lil. also snow on the tree tops and the color of the leaves in the fall.

i love the smell of the air right after it rains. so crisp and clean, or the smell of fresh cut grass in the mid summers breeze. when my boys were lil i loved the smell of them after their baths. u know...that "baby smell". i also love the smell of beer on someones breath but i hate the taste of

fav feelings i would have to say hugs. i love hugs. hugs from my boys, hugs from my friends and family, hugs from the patients i care for. hugs hugs hugs....i love big ole bear hugs. nooone can get enuff hugs.

fav tastes would have to be or eating ch chip cookies with my boys with a glass of milk.

i have to agree with all of u that has said something about heartbeats. the sound of someones heartbeat is so soothing, and conforting. it is also sad and heartbreaking when u r listening to the slow heartbeat of someone passing on.

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Tue 11/27/07 01:54 AM
I hate it when pple judge ppl by the way they look, the color of their skin...etc etc

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Sat 11/24/07 08:31 PM
oh ill be back. i gotta find out who is sniffin who.

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Sat 11/24/07 08:29 PM
laugh well i almost made it hello and nice to meet u all. kinda new here. although so far i am addicted. everyone has been so nice. as always nice to make new friends

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Sat 11/24/07 08:26 PM
embarassed *sneaks in to see what this place is all about*
ill stop back by when i dont have to get up so early in the morning.

*slowly sneaks back out without being noticed...i think*

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Sat 11/24/07 07:20 PM
hello, i am new here but so far i have found this to be a great site. everyone is very nice and has it general warm atmosphere. welcome and good luck to u with making new friends or finding whatever it is u r looking for.

oh and i am in missouri.

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Sat 11/24/07 07:12 PM
well i see iam4u got u too with the elavator welcome and good luck meeting new friends.

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Sat 11/24/07 07:10 PM
oh no i am anything but bored thanks for the warm welcome everyone. getting to REALLY like this place.:heart:

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Sat 11/24/07 07:06 PM
I have 3 boys, each one of them has their own sweetness about them. my 14 year old has severe deep depression and adhd. he sees a counselor, phyciatrist, and has a youth services lady who comes to our house for meetings. she is there just for him. he is doin well on his meds and enjoys life again. we stil have our lil bumps but all in all he is doin great.

my middle son is 9 and was diagnosed with diabetes when he was 3. we had some routine tests done and when they came back his blood sugar was over 600 (really high). he has been on daily meds since then and is finally stable with the help of actos. he also has asthma and allergies.

my lil one is almost 8 and has adhd, asthma, psoriasis and the cutest thing u have ever seen, lol. he also sees a therapist and goes to counseling. he is not on meds at this time.

i am new here and so far this has been a wonderful place to meet friends. i was sent here by a friend. i am so glad i joined. everyone is so nice here.

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Sat 11/24/07 06:55 PM
oh wow T. that was funny. guess i am stuck here on the first floor. where is the stairs? Where is the fix it man? uh well, maybe i wont take the stairs...i am too old to climb all those steps anyways. maybe i will mingle with all the nice ppl around here for a while.drinker *in her mind she thinks about filling out a maintenance request form*

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Sat 11/24/07 06:46 PM
awww, u brought flowers and is that coffee in that cup? thanks!

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Sat 11/24/07 06:44 PM
Thanks dcrdnk. I really appreciate the warm welcome.

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