Community > Posts By > eternalsun

eternalsun's photo
Mon 02/11/08 07:36 AM
Why is it that when valentines comes around its all about the women? ads on the tv, radio, billboards, etc. wheres the ads for women that show things like tvs and cars, tools, etc for us men? if i were to be dating some woman and i got her a necklace or earrings or something, there had better be a small plazma tv for the bathroom or some new tools or i would show her what bought and then return it. ill show em equality and if they dont like it, then ill show em the door. if only a guy could get sexual satisfaction from a car, there would be no need for modern day greedy, self centered, all about me, women. enjoy

eternalsun's photo
Tue 02/05/08 04:47 PM
I drive a Toyota and just this past weekend bought a honda project car. I have driven almost every make of car/truck around and I have to admit, when it comes to longevity, MPG on average, most imports fit the bill. Now I will say hands down, if I need to haul something, F-series is the way to go, all about the power stroke.

eternalsun's photo
Tue 02/05/08 04:36 PM
Love cars? When I say cars I mean, imports. Old school is outdated. Im talking about Honda, Mazda, Nissan, Toyota. Don't come in my thread either down talking what I am saying. Its my thread so keep your negative opinions to yourself. Anyway, is there any women out there that dont mind getting grease under your nails? Know what they are looking at when they open up a hood. What started the love for you? What do you drive etc?

eternalsun's photo
Mon 01/28/08 09:03 PM
Edited by eternalsun on Mon 01/28/08 09:03 PM

i have an 81 camaro that need carb work want to help

lol it not just guys

wax on wax off:tongue: flowerforyou

So true but for the most part it is just guys. Though a woman who actually knows her way around an engine bay and doesnt mind getting grease under her nails is just my cup of tea. lol

eternalsun's photo
Mon 01/28/08 08:59 PM
So after a long day at work you would think I would just come home and relax. Nope. lol I got home and preceeded to remove all 4 struts and springs on my car to install my new lowering springs. That was a 2 hours job and I just had enough time left over to eat, make this thread, take a shower and go to sleep before my 5am alarm beckons me to the world of the living. It is amazing what lengths a guy will go in order to make his baby (car) even more eye pleasing and road worthy. Ok thats all for tonights ramble. tata

eternalsun's photo
Sun 01/27/08 08:52 PM
I like chicken.

eternalsun's photo
Sun 01/27/08 04:23 PM

eternalsun's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:23 PM

yeh and imagination lollaugh laugh

I'd say it's more interestingn that slamming peoples choice of sport and thinking you know everything... I much prefer talking about judging willy's and sexual preferences than reading some child tell us we're freaking morons b/c we choose to like something...

ok, not done, yet. I simply have to reply to this. I will reply with a quote. "You do not have to be young to be stupid and you do not have to be old to be wise" That was said by me. Now come on, child? Oh my god I am 23, god forbid I now something. Youre post just further provides fact in my thinking that as soon as my generation becomes in power this country, if it still stands, will be much better off. Ok, now im done.

eternalsun's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:17 PM

Then say "eating establishment" instead of "Bar"

Keep your smoke outside!

And to say drunk moron, your profiling good people you dont know who just worked their asses off 50 hours that week and want to get out and have a good time with their friends and enjoy a football game with their hard earned money....tread lightly

As far as learing anything? I am always learning, as well as you my friend..It appears you still have a ways to go happy

No because the bar in an eatting esablishment is where you see these morons aside from real bars where I do not flock to. Come on 50 hours? Thats not work. So when I get done working a 78 hour work week I am not entitled to a nice quite meal where I can smoke? I take 50 hour work weeks in stride. Why should I tred lightly? Because I may offend someone or worse piss someone off? I started this off as a question as to who here also does not enjoy sports and more finely pointed out, football and nascar. Not to have people come in and make an attempt at making these sports rational. A simply yes or no with a bit of explanation would have done the trick. Though it is just like people to get all defensive when something as stupid as football and the oh so lovely "sport" of nascar is not liked by an american. "What, he doesnt like football, or nascar, hes a terrorist and not american". Football is stupid, nascar is stupid, wrestling is stupid, boxing is stupid. AH my older little children, how much you have to learn.

Eternal you're a bit self-righteous and indignant which is stupid... I think you're forgetting where we live and that everyone has a choice.. If you don't like football fine so be it... No reason to attack those that do and be undignified about it....

Hey, not to point finger at anyone because that is childish but I for one am not the one who started the bashing. I made a post about how I dislike football and nascar and called the "DRUNK" people who watch them in the bars are nothing more than drunk morons. That is not bashing a sport, it is bashing the idiotic people who act like, well, idiots in public, morons. I am not being undignified about anything nor am I attacking anyone. Everyone does have a choice, youre right. That is what made this country so great but being able to do something and actually doing it are two differant issues. I can go out and rob a bank. Do I, no. Just because one has the ability to act like an idiot in public does not mean one should. You will never see me being hauled away from a bar because I got into a fight because my "team" lost and your "team" won. That my dear is what make me, more rational, more dignified than youre average sunday night football watcher. Im done. tata

eternalsun's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:06 PM
Edited by eternalsun on Sun 01/27/08 12:08 PM

Then say "eating establishment" instead of "Bar"

Keep your smoke outside!

And to say drunk moron, your profiling good people you dont know who just worked their asses off 50 hours that week and want to get out and have a good time with their friends and enjoy a football game with their hard earned money....tread lightly

As far as learing anything? I am always learning, as well as you my friend..It appears you still have a ways to go happy

No because the bar in an eatting esablishment is where you see these morons aside from real bars where I do not flock to. Come on 50 hours? Thats not work. So when I get done working a 78 hour work week I am not entitled to a nice quite meal where I can smoke? I take 50 hour work weeks in stride. Why should I tred lightly? Because I may offend someone or worse piss someone off? I started this off as a question as to who here also does not enjoy sports and more finely pointed out, football and nascar. Not to have people come in and make an attempt at making these sports rational. A simple yes or no with a bit of explanation would have done the trick. Though it is just like people to get all defensive when something as stupid as football and the oh so lovely "sport" of nascar is not liked by an american. "What, he doesnt like football, or nascar, hes a terrorist and not american". Football is stupid, nascar is stupid, wrestling is stupid, boxing is stupid. AH my older little children, how much you have to learn.

eternalsun's photo
Sun 01/27/08 11:52 AM

real men love football!!!!! :heart: :heart:

i want a man i can talk football with. someone to scream at the tv with me. lose our voices at a live game. love love love love

Yeah, kinda like real men love jesus too right? What a load of crap. I am quite the real man and hate one and do not believe in the other.

eternalsun's photo
Sun 01/27/08 11:51 AM
OK this has become a pissing contest "my penis is bigger than your penis" "I have more sex than you". Seeing as how you are huge, you more than likely have a smaller penis than that which is the average american penis or 5 inches. Now on the sex topic, that is not exactly the kind of thing one should brag about, not on a dating site where you are surely making an attempt at looking for dates. It is so funny how you kind of people never change, once a dumb jock, always a dumb jock. Oooo ooo, I got another one ready!? I bet my honda will kick your chevys ass! OMG I feel so much better now! /sarcasm

eternalsun's photo
Sun 01/27/08 11:43 AM

Too funny, I am a hockey nut, football nut and I used to box myself...I am not even going to give this guy the pleasure of my knowledge or opinion....Except what bar has the Discovery channel on?

It would be a damn good one. That is why america, as a whole is so fing retarded. Take some time to learn something that will actually do you good rather than proving to me that darwinism really needs to get back on track and catch up. And FYI when I say "bar" I mean the bar in an eatting esablishment, where it is the only damn place I can smoke anymore durring a meal. So rather than enjoy a nice dinner I have to listen to drunk morons yelling. I would never go to a bar unless it is a bar that always has live bands playing.

eternalsun's photo
Sun 01/27/08 11:35 AM

o god dude..seriously take a joke...get into sports seriously.. football is the sport of America!!

I am into alot of sports but ones that actually envolve skill and are fun to watch like those I listed in my first post. It is way more fun to watch a small engined car running though a dirt road sliding around corners in order to keep up speed. It is more fun to watch a guy skating down ice with a hocky stick and a puck attempting to get that puck into a net on the other side. Yeah, Im gonna say it, it is way, way more fun to watch a guy hit a golf ball 400+ yards into a coffe cup sized hole all the while taking into accont, wind, curvature of the ball, the slope of the ground, sand, water etc. Football is a sport to sell things.

eternalsun's photo
Sun 01/27/08 11:30 AM

i agree with curt he was probbally a band geek wishin he was the one rushin up the field breaking tackles

Nope. I was a student in school and I looked down upon the football retards with pity. While they were smackin each others butts on the feild and hiding their gayness, I was actually learning things, kinda like what youre supposed to do in school. As for lining up with curt, I would but we all know the outcome. A smaller 230 pound built guy going up against the hulk, yeah that would end quickly but I would still say the same crap I am saying now, right before I fell backards.

eternalsun's photo
Sun 01/27/08 11:24 AM

It's A free country /Then go to library.....noway

Sure is, not for long though if this political correctness starts, but thats another topic. I am just saying we are the only country who worships sports that really, really have no real skill involved at all. Its all about dumb luck, and brute force. NASCAR is all about sticking a big motor in a gocart with a plastic body and driving in a circle. Football is all about selling beer, trucks, playing country music and seeing whos players are the fatter while trying to get a ball to the other side of the feild. Its stupid.

eternalsun's photo
Sun 01/27/08 11:12 AM
Am I the only guy that hates football? I can't stand it. Everytime I see some drunk moron at the bar screamin and yellin with a team jersey on I wanna ask the bar man to change the channel to something more entertaining, like the Discovery channel, or History channel. That way perhaps they will learn something rather than act like an idiot in public. Oh, and don't even get me started on "NASCAR", aside from the fact that there is no such thing as a "stock car" in the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, how hard is it to drive in a circle for hours on end? Thats not a sport, nor is it even entertaining. Road racing, F1 racing, Rally racing, now those are sports.

eternalsun's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:02 AM
Being a nail biter myself, I know how you feel. I have made the attempt a few times but I finally just said screw it.

eternalsun's photo
Sat 01/26/08 11:02 PM
Edited by eternalsun on Sat 01/26/08 11:03 PM

Well I am a smoker myself and I think everyday about quitting. I live in Northeastern NJ and I hang out in NYC a lot (where you cant smoke inside anymore) Ill be on a date and have to leave the table to go outside and smoke and it makes me feel like an outcast. It seems the majority of women on this site and many others do not smoke. Which I guess Im feeling guilty about. I guess I developed this bad habit to hide the fact that I am a pothead and after doing a hit of weed when I used to live with my parents I would smoke a cigarette to hide the smell. Which I still do now that I have my own place. I need to stop this old bad habit!

The thing is though, do it because you want to not because you think you want to simply to apease everyone else. I often smoke around people just because they give me the "OMG he is a smoker, gross" look, so I blow it their way. You wanna quit, more power to you, seriously but do it for you and you alone not because You feel as if you'll "fit in" better. If they dont like it, they can suck a big one as far as I am concerned.

eternalsun's photo
Sat 01/26/08 10:57 PM
Edited by eternalsun on Sat 01/26/08 10:58 PM

God, stop clogging up my screen with CRAP. I hate reading through endless paragraphs and broken sentences to find a loose punchline with no substance.

You know, you could simply, not read it; but seeing how you did and then replied, it must have tickled your fancy, if only in the slightest bit. E-ninjas, away!

Edit: Oh yeah, almost forgot, I thought they were rather funny.

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