Community > Posts By > funches 3:16

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Mon 11/18/19 10:50 AM

so, to you, someone claiming the existence of Yah, Buddha, krishna, the devil, whomever, all falls under the category of deity and therefore is the same classification throughout?


even if the others are called prophets and not gods, but only one said He is God, then even the Ancient Greeks wrote He lived, He was executed, He Resurrected, He Ascended back to Glory.

God knows the time of Judgement day yet the one that was supposedly executed resurrected and supposedly ascended admitted that he does not know the Time, therefore that person can not be God ...simple logic ....funches 3;16

technically, that would break it down to 1 God and many Prophets of other Idealisms, and to put them together is incorrect because of the literal specifics to each view.

the biblical story of the tower of babel helps explain that ...the believers no longer able to understand each other branched out into other ideologies but stayed committed to their belief in a God

so i have to disagree with you on the putting all faiths into the same category.

actually I placed all believers into the same God cult ....a believer can change their Faith as the Faiths are interchangeable but the one constant is a belief in God and this is why a belief in God itself is the cult/religion and anything beneath that falls into the category of worship and/or faiths

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Sun 11/17/19 01:02 PM

you are highlighting some basic keywords and then formatting it must mean Religion/Cult/other?

what I'm saying is that everyone that has a belief in God all belong to the same cult ...the God cult ..this includes deism, agnosticism, buddhism, spiritualist-ism and any other God related ism(s)


if i said


from those 3 keywords, am i discussing a pile of dog duke or am i discussing trash not thrown away yet, or am i discussing a wound on a animal (fly strike), or the description of the dead, or the description of Hell?

since this is a biblical investigation flies maggots and smell would be of the plagues God reign down upon Pharoah

you're an idiot just like Tom pointed out!!

should you and tom whom has given your life and soul over to something neither of you can even prove exist use the term idiot other than for a self-description ...but anyway at least you two finally agree on something ...

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Sun 11/17/19 06:30 AM

Yet again, you inserted your own bias to twist words.
Church of Tom was like saying the world according to Tom.
It mean absolutely nothing.

actually you said that The Church of Tom gave you peace of mind as a belief system should ...see even you claimed that you had a belief system and clearly you know that a belief system constitute as a religion

the fact you portray yourself as funches 3:16 exemplifies your need to mock anyone not believing as you.

actually 3:16 was a code in a sci-fi series I'm producing and when I join mingle2 the name funches was taken so I added 3:16 to my bad

Do you think you are important? is it that you yourself feel unimportant and that's why you need a belief in a God

You have classified my belief in a God as a religion but you are wrong.

actually your belief is a cult can only become a religion unless or until it is first approved by the government(s) in which the belief will be practiced ..that's because those with a belief in God generally torture and murder those not of their Faith and some government(s) have deem such practices illegal

The religion of Tom thing is an attempt to stress that I have no beliefs any religion can identify with. It was a phrase and you saw it as something else.
Context, look it up.

but remember you said that The Church of Tom shared beliefs with other religions come you guys say things then deny that you said guys are worse than President Trump

Obviously, your religion let you down sometime and you lash out in anger trying to ruin others belief systems.

so how do you actually ruin someone belief it when you suggest that perhaps they should think before they circumcise or genitalia mutilate their children

If you think you can address me, you first need to read all my posts.
All 11,500+ so get busy, I'm ready.

I'll tell you what..out of all those 11,500+ posts pick out one post that someone with a belief in God never said or conceptualize ...if you can't ...that's the proof that you belong to a cult and that a belief in God is a cult/religion

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Sat 11/16/19 07:05 AM
since "The Church of Tom" brought it up i guess it's best to explain why a belief in God in itself constitute as being a cult/religion and a symptom of mental illness

FOR EXAMPLE: In The beginning
when Abraham was about to shove a knife up his son isaac apse because a voice told him to do so was not due to Judaism but due to a belief in God which is why a belief in God in itself is the cult/religion .. that a belief in God would cause Abraham to harm his son or harm himself by performing a self-circumcision ouch ouch ouchhhhhhhhhhhhh is why a belief in God points to questionable mental issues

Abraham perhaps later called the specifics of what he was doing Judaism but it was a belief in God that caused him to do those Judaism type horrors not realizing that his actions due to a belief in God were in actuality symptoms of mental illness

and this is why it's impossible to believe in God and not be religious or in a cult or perhaps have questionable mental issues ... funches 3;16

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Fri 11/15/19 05:25 AM

Your words, not mine.

actually it's common sense ..since you claimed to have a belief in God is the proof that you at the least formed a relationship with God within your mind or perhaps your delusions

Again, that is YOUR belief, not mine.

nope sorry ...remember you said that you share some beliefs with many other religions ..that in itself makes you religious ..also is one of those religions The Flying Spaghetti Monster

I find it amusing how you try to classify me from your own biased beliefs.

your belief in God is in fact you classifying you yourself ...otherwise if you wish not to be classified pertaining to religion then practice "Don't Ask Don't Tell"

Especially after you tell us you are unbiased.

How Rude...I'm simply posting the stuff that you yourself posted which in turn keeps me unbiased

You are a fraud, just like the religions you attack.

Temper Temper claimed to belong to the church of Tom the church of Tom and you also a fraud? ...the problem is that you failed to remember the stuff you posted earlier and then later on contradict yourself ...does that make you a hypocrite or a sufferer of selected memory perhaps

but anyway ...your belief in God and being a member of The Church of Tom (your words your Church) is the proof that you're religious

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Thu 11/14/19 02:57 PM

I guess, if you are conditioned that way.

one either have to be conditioned to believe in God or have a condition

I'm not.

let me guess you're not in a religion with God but in a relationship with God ...which is the same thing

Perhaps it is impossible for YOU to believe in God and not be religious?

a belief in God is the religion

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Thu 11/14/19 12:18 PM
So what makes you think you are without bias ?

treat the bible literally stay within it's parameters with no claims of Hebrew mistranslations

If you believe in God you are biased.

the religious are commanded not to debate but to convert... funches 3;16

If you don't believe in God or miracles you are biased 
(NERD ALERT) you don't have to believe in Spiderman to ponder why the web comes out of his wrist and not out of his ******** (NERD ALERT OVER)

so the same can be done with the bible does not have to believe in God to point out their personal ponderences or what might appear to be biblical inconsistencies

the bible reveal that the Messiah's name will be Immanuel nothing about him being named jesus which points to Christians following the wrong person...and that bible points to Jesus either being the son of Lucifer or Lucifer himself

Which Biblical?

The Wiccan Rede
The Rule of Three
The Book of Shadows
The Grand Grimoire

These are biblical too.

awesome ..discuss those too

Its all religion. If you focus on only one aspect of religion, say Christianity, you are biased.

not actually if that's the direction the discussion goes ..for example ..if someone claims that 1 god + 1 God + 1 God = 1 God and not 3 Gods the focus will turn to Christian math and Christianity

Personally, I don't believe any religion.
Just because I might think a God does exist doesn't mean I am religious.

it's impossible to believe in God and not be religious ... funches 3;16

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Thu 11/14/19 07:46 AM
if there are things biblical that you pondered about that never get address or dismissed as being metaphorically or a mistranslation of Hebrew text when the bible suggest otherwise or something you consider to have been a miracle that happen to you personally, then place it here and it will be investigated thoroughly and unbiasedly ..well at least by me

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Mon 11/11/19 06:27 AM
Edited by funches 3:16 on Mon 11/11/19 06:29 AM

i have so much Faith in God, the moment i just get out of bed to pizz, the devil begins shaking because he knows all i do is bring God upon him!!

the devil is not running to a fire he knows he will get burnt!!

once you debunk their gospel they start ranting nonsense how was the devil burnt when the devil had Uncle Arlo under contract...had grandpa speaking in tongue, had your grandmother rebuking demonic snakes... you guys had more demonic forces in your home then in the movie The Exorcist

darkness CANNOT exist in the light.

God is the darkness and light was created so that man can not see God and why the bible insist that no Man has never seen God ever

ever walk into a complete dark room and the moment you flip the light switch to on, the darkness no longer could be seen because the light overpowers it?

Lucifer is the once you flip that light on guess who

that is the very same concept between the darkness of evil and light of God!!

Lucifer as the lightbringer and Jesus being the lightbearer is why it is of the belief that Jesus is the son of Lucifer

according to the Torah The Holy Spirit was an Angel...either Gabriel or Lucifer, when Jesus would pray to his father or his God in Heaven...Jesus was praying to Lucifer

what most people don't fully get in concept, is that Believers in God are commanded to follow the laws of Government, which are not of God. that means however the government is structured, which includes Science, we are to follow and obey those Laws.

that's why the Government(s) is God

the only time we are to go against those Laws, are when they are designed to go against God.

so if thou shalt not kill...then Christians shouldn't be soldiers

Yeshua paid taxes and obeyed the Roman and Jewish Laws until they went against God.

that is what led to His Death.

Jesus would have not been crucified if he didn't break both Roman and God's law

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Sun 11/10/19 01:59 PM

but you aren't that important i have the need to entertain.

getting a Perry Mason moment by debunking "the gospel of iam resurrected" was entertaining enough

i don't care if you accept my answers,

what answers give fake answers for biblical things that happen 3,000 years ago that you had nothing to do with but yet can't answers simple questions about supposedly biblical things that happen to you both personally and recently

i only find it amusing you keep seeking for material to have an answer for that did not even exist in 1977.

are you saying that the devil didn't exist in 1977? said since the trucker knew all your names therefore it had to be God, but yet you can't explain why the devil couldn't also know your names

remember Uncle Arlo make a contact with the devil and died still under that contact uncle arlo could have told the devil your names guys were lost and stranded so it could have been the devil that sent a trucker to help and now you all could own the devil a favor ...and that is why your Father should have asked the trucker questions before stuffing all of you into that semi

how could 7 people fit into a semi must have been like the Tardis in Dr. Who ... little on the outside but room for a warehouse on the inside

True and true. You said it. You were made for better things than sucking up to me, brother. If you live to seek pity, terrible things will happen to you. You were made for a greater purpose worth living for, and only you need to know what that is.

cool you also read Tarot Cards? ..also would you happen to know what the winning lottery numbers are for today

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Sun 11/10/19 11:26 AM

you really are dense!!

the facebook post i copied/paste is a simple version to my Family, Friends, those associated with those involved in this story.




that mumbo jumbo don't work...either way it's still the gospel of iam resurrected and shouldn't stop you from answering a relevant question which applies to your situation ..if you can not explain it ...then your entire story is debunked

it's these Perry Mason moments that makes it all worthwhile ... funches 3;16

explain why the devil and his legion wouldn't know all of your names

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Sun 11/10/19 09:45 AM

really, we prayed because we was stranded?

would not being stranded where Bigfoot and UFOs hangout be the main reason of prayer

had that been the case we would had been praying all along.

you mention nothing in "the gospel of iam resurrected" about praying before being stranded ...also between the time you guys first realized you were lost until you believed you ran out of gas had to take 4 or 5 hours but yet you mention nothing about praying

we prayed because my Dad was about to walk off along that highway mountain stretch in west virginia.

actually in the gospel of iam resurrected it points to you guys praying because of the children...would the father only be worried about his own safety and not pray for his offspring ...but then again throughout the story your father were making some pretty unwise choices

keep taking what is said out of context. it reveals how desperately you are now drawing at straws!!

as you see it is you that is defiling the gospel of iam resurrected as you duck and dodge relevant questions that would help explain your gospel before it can be translated or perhaps in your case mistranslated into Hebrew text

explain why The Devil and his legion wouldn't have know all of your names

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Sun 11/10/19 07:03 AM

The doorway into our dimensional frame of reference is open for all to freely enter or venture out with peace.

and then there are those that do not believe they are here by choice nor leave by choice

I try not to let my ego get in the way when people’s souls are at stake.

if you truly believed that you wouldn't post ...the post is your ego

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Sun 11/10/19 06:11 AM


you don't know God you can only have Faith in him, Jesus thought he knew God and was forsaken and died which is why the same thing could have happened to your family, to believe otherwise is to to place yourself above Jesus, that is why your Father made a bad choice by not asking the stranger how he knew your names ....can you explain why Satan and his legion wouldn't know all your names?


you stated that you guys were stranded out there for so long that you felt the need to pray...that's an indication of fear ...also why pray to the one that stranded you out there in the first place

and anyone showing up when there was literally no traffic,

and yet you guys showed up there ....are you angels? ...

would in any circumstance not be aware to look for someone like us stranded. and then to show up and know our names and towns we lived in, from out of the blue, LOGICALLY does not reward the illness you would feel!!

here's a simple explanation ...your aunt didn't show up at the meeting place so her trucker boyfriend went out looking for her

you live n the realm where fear does handicap you, i do not!!

but you said that you were in an incident in which you were so frozen in Fear that you wouldn't help those that were burning alive next to you would you like to retract that statement of not living in a realm of fear

so far none of these incidents prove the existence of God actually the opposite can you reveal the next story that perhaps would

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Sat 11/09/19 11:04 AM

it's cool funches,

the semi literally approached us, stopped, the brakes were set, and BOOM he was out the door.

no time for plate checks, not the kind of time needed to run 1 plate of a car involving THREE SEPARATE FAMILIES,,,and still KNEW OUR FIRST NAMES, where we lived BECAUSE THE THREE FAMILIES ALL DID NOT LIVE IN THE SAME CITY...DUFUS...and told us he would see us all later in Heaven!!

you just don't get it ...your Father is a part time police officer that didn't ask any questions of the person that somehow knew all your names ..if he is this reckless with his own family imagine how he is with the general public

take your theories and cram them sideways

I'm going to tell jesus on you

and i said, we never were panicked, just sad over our dead Grandfather!!

clearly during that time someone had to either "wee wee monsieur" or "take a dump" in the pitch black among the critters varmints and road kill...a sure bet those washroom breaks weren't moments of non-panicking

it's very windy here in the mountains and that must be why it double posted

are you in the Outhouse posting

if anything, God while on Earth always had compassion for the grieving widow of those who chose to live for Him.

do this mean the Lord Almighty is no longer going to place anymore demonic snakes in her bed to be rebuked

seems legit, but they have a degree and diplomas and doctorates in every field of major science, imagine that!!

didn't they toss some parents in jail recently for bribing their children's way into schools...didn't someone in the Bush administration buy a doctorate or masters degree ...welcome to Capitalism

Religion limit Intellect ... funches 3;16


that was on my mother's side of the family.
back then, my grandmother lived in Warsaw, Indiana, and my Aunt lived on a farm in Pierceton, Indiana and they drove down to KENTUCKY and PICKED US (my Dad-Mom-Sister-Me) UP who lived in FAIRMOUNT, INDIANA literally 3 hour drive SOUTH OF WARSAW AND NEIGHBORING PIERCETON!!


there is a logical explanation for that ...The Trucker was secretly dating your aunt and being religious she couldn't let her family know

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Sat 11/09/19 10:01 AM


anyone can claim to be a scientist ...which is why those that mix science with their religion are not scientists but scientologists .... funches 3;16

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Sat 11/09/19 09:42 AM

i will answer why, and then we are done just like Argo.

How Rude .....and yet you replied back to Argo ...could it be because the name Argo reminds you of your Uncle Arlo the one that made the contract with the devil ....did you ever ask Jesus what happened to Uncle Arlo's soul after he died..or your family no longer care...out of sight out of mind

he just pulls up and hops out of the door and say's, i am here to take you to your destination. he said, put the children and grandmother in first, then the women and my Dad. but he called each one us by our names. and we did look among one another like this is weird, but the Bible teaches us to just accept the grateful gesture and thank God.

the bible might teach to accept grateful gestures but the police manuel teaches part time police officers like your Father to ask questions of suspicious characters which your Father failed to do and placed all your lives in danger ...

but he said he would see all of us again in heaven.

any serial killer that accepted Jesus as their Lord and savior will tell you that

the entire time we just knew it was God.

oh so your Father did ask for I.D. and it said God?...

but then when the semi vanished and we could investigate,

so after 20 hours of driving around getting lost and stranded with women and children and a grieving Grandmother your father decide to investigate a vanishing truck in a car that might once again break down in a part of a country where you got lost....your Father seem to make some very poor choices

that is when this really came more to life, especially what the State Police said of the other 2 incidents involving a semi who the police nor other semi drivers claim to have seen.

what was the other two semi truck incidents about? did they kidnap people stranded on the road

plus, the license plate did not match anything previous or current.

so we felt assured what took place.

Dude wake up ...plates that don't match is due to illegal activity ...there were a chance that your entire family could have vanished with that Truck

enjoy your life funches, your philosophy is very dim, no wonder you need to put me down!!

it may seem like that but what happen is you can't use the same tactics you use with the bible by claiming that Grandpa and Grandma stories was mistranslated from Hebrew to English ...for example....when Grandma rebuked the snake and it vanished "vanished" in Hebrew means to dematerialize or do it mean to crawl away from sight

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Fri 11/08/19 10:09 AM

funches, i'm to the point where you no longer amuse me.

no one is here to amuse you nor to entertain you only to address your infinite lies ... funches 3;16

and to verify the Serpent is indeed the Adversary,

Adam and Eve was also the Adversary ...that's why they were all punished and curses placed on them...Adam/Man would forever toil, Eve/Women would have painful childbirth and Serpent/Snakes would crawl on their bellies

and their punishment was immediate now explain the immediate punishment that took place for the adversary you are referring to ..if you can't do it...then that is proof that you and perhaps your entire family were preaching a false gospel ...that would explain those demonic forces that invaded your home

speaking of demonic forces .. you never did address very relevant need to know questions

why didn't anyone in your family ask the trucker how he knew all of your come on and stop ducking and dodging and answer it...don't leave us hanging ...Jesus want to know too

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Fri 11/08/19 07:12 AM

i believe the Adversary asked Eve.

none of the religious books used the term "Adversary" in the case of "Eve" but all used the term "Serpent" what do you said that you maintain an air of honesty and not substitute words or someone might think you also change the words in the stories of your Grandparents be a buddy be a pal

her brother Arlo, claimed he sold his soul to the Devil to be the best business of his kind back in the 1940's. he became the wealthiest man in Muncie, Indiana and his family was very well known and lived large.

you also claimed to be so wealthy that you could buy and sell your past enemies did you also sell your soul to the devil?

on several occasions, Arlo came to my Grandfather and would plead and beg that he was going to hell and cannot get out of his deal.

why didn't grandpa suggest that a deal breaker with the devil would be if uncle arlo accepted Jesus as his Lord and savior

multiple family members have confirmed this, but as my Grandfather would pray and all would join in, Arlo not only claimed, but my family members said, you could see hands around his neck choking him.

sound like a form of Throat Spasm .."Zenker’s Diverticulum" is one example

a few years later, my Grandparents, after the family members visiting from out of town finally went to bed, went to go to bed themselves. my Grandfather was in the adjoining bathroom when my Grandmother began talking and she was saying, NO, I won't, you must leave forever.

my Grandfather ran in and there what looked just like this ARLO (been dead for some time now) talking to his sister, my Grandmother, when my Grandfather voicefully Rebuked that Demonic Entity and it vanished. evidently, this demonic looking Arlo was saying to my Grandma that he was in charge of taking her with him and if was not able to take her something horrible was going to happen to him

according to christian theology for this level of demonic forces to dwell in your home they would have to be first invited in like with a ouija board, tarot cards etc. and to rid the home of such evil forces would require your home to be Blessed by a Priest ....or perhaps an Exorcism ...did this take place? ..if the answer is no...why?

concerning the snake, where they lived in the smack dab middle of fairmount, indiana (famous for the legend actor james dean and garfield the cat creator jim davis plus cbs announcer jim jones in a town of barely 500 people), they were surrounded by asphalt and concrete and not an environment normal for begin with...

where there are rodents in indiana there are snakes ...built it and they will come

but they were in bed and my grandpa would just always be praying even in his sleep. and it was my grandmother who noticed someone being rude to the things my Grandpa was saying while unconsciously praying. my Grandmothers movement was enough to wake my Grandfather as my Grandmother was looking for the speaking person she heard. when the snake curled itself and they felt the movement causing them to jump off the bed and kicking the covers off.

and there it was, a snake, and when my Grandfather began rebuking it, it began to laugh at my grandfather. not sure what was said, just was told by both grandparents that after them praying the snake just vanished.

this is so easy to explain ....Grandpa was having a nightmare speaking in tongue or Gibberish and his leg touching Grandma leg which frighteningly woke Grandma up and believing it to be a snake jumped out of Bed with a now awaken Grandpa with the bed sheet curling up resembling a snake ...when the lights were turned on and the bedspread look under it appear that the snake had vanished

why did i come to this conclusion's because the supposedly demonic snake or what appeared to be a snake didn't say anything to Grandma and one can only conclude that the lights were off so how could Grandma see anything let alone a snake

also could uncle arlo be the semi trucker and that's how the trucker knew everyone name

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Thu 11/07/19 10:15 AM

technically, the Adam/Eve/Tree/Garden/Serpent scene is just to get to Yeshua to remove the impurity of humanity.

you never did reveal what the serpent said to Grandma can you reveal it now

also when you claimed that the serpent crawled between your Grandpa and Grandma was this a subconscious attempt to portray them as Adam and Eve

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