Community > Posts By > randomhero015

randomhero015's photo
Tue 01/22/08 07:31 PM

Heath Ledger ... was a good actor i miss him allready why did he have to go kill him self mad

hm, did he really kill himself?

honestly... i don't know any of the details, and i really don't think anyone else does either, and wont for at least a few more days until all the rumors die out

the only movie i ever saw with him was ten things i hate about you, and i just remember julia stiles being seeexxay

i'm not really one to care when a celebrity dies, i'll save my mourning for my family and close friends when their time comes

randomhero015's photo
Tue 01/22/08 07:15 PM
Edited by randomhero015 on Tue 01/22/08 07:16 PM
<img src="">

eat a Heath bar in Ledger's memory...

EDIT: damn img tags don't work here... copy paste people! copy paste!

randomhero015's photo
Thu 01/10/08 10:40 AM

but i do believe that instead of good, you would infact be feeling dead. :)

randomhero015's photo
Thu 01/10/08 10:08 AM
hahahahahaa!.... i don't get it

randomhero015's photo
Thu 01/10/08 10:06 AM
I thought the last one was pretty awful. the story tellling in it was just down right terrible.

though it did have the coolest special effects / fight scenes of all the movies... it was just a chore to try and follow along with the story as their throwing twist after twist at you... not to mention the corniest scene in the world when peter parker is walking around with his new flock of seaguls haircut and winking at all the ladies... c'mon

the second one is my favorite. awesome fights. awesome effects. excellent story.. MJ finds out about Parker's secret identity... and her fiance is stood up at the alter.. hah too good.

randomhero015's photo
Thu 01/10/08 09:55 AM
so give me some feed back if you will...

randomhero015's photo
Wed 01/02/08 01:28 PM
I pretty much get all my clothes from Khol's or Pacific Sunwear... I quit skateboarding like 3 years ago, but I still sport the gear... it's so comfy and full of quality... plus it wont break you like AE or abercrapie...

randomhero015's photo
Wed 12/05/07 09:29 PM
i friggen love the chemical brothers. i missed them in their recent us tour, but they'll be back in a few years i'm sure.

their new album, we are the night, listen to it all the way through. sooo amazing...

if you are a fan, what's your favorite song?

for me it's a tie between star guitar and galaxy bounce

whatchu got to say about it?

randomhero015's photo
Wed 12/05/07 09:25 PM
oh yeah. i see it as the fabric of the universe.

a black hole for example is a rip in the fabric... leading to who knows where.

i DLed this video from the history channel on xbox live market place about the universe and they talk about gravity a lot in it, it's what got me thinking so hard about it.

if gravity could be seen, i have a feeling i know what it would look like,

like imagine a grid. then place a body of mass inside of this grid, not ontop of it. inside of it, the grid will have to warp to make room for the body to exist, this warp is where gravity becomes apparent. though it acts on all bodies of mass and all bodies of mass act on eachother as a result.

so crazy.

randomhero015's photo
Wed 12/05/07 09:13 PM
so i'm gonna talk about what's on the TV behind me..

anyone watch south park? the guitar queero episode is on... it's pretty good but I think south park is pretty much finally reaching the end of it's line.


hah. i'm seriously just gonna ramble... so you might just wanna skip the next part...

i live in md. I have an opprotunity to move to vermont for the winter and work as a moutain photographer on mt killington... this would be soo sick, but i gotta find somewhere to live, and i'm pretty sure rent is gonna be insane in vermont.


oh yea. i'm new to this site btw. this is my first post. hah great first impression i bet.

oh i know.

how often do any of you think rediculously deep thoughts on any kind of regular basis?

lately i've been thinking a lot about gravity...

without it there'd be no possibility for life anywhere, no planets, nothing, just a bunch of space dust.

and i've also been thinking about this fact a lot...

every single molecule/object(clearly made of molecules) in the entire universe is constantly in motion.

everything. rocks. buildings. people. roads. because rocks are on the earth... and the earth is moving through space therefor the rocks are moving too.

EVERYTHING is moving.

and we have a problem comming up with alernate energy sources? we are friggen surrounded by constant energy in all directions...

humanity is stupid.

and doomed.


but we are all so unique in our own ways, which is why i'd much rather be human than any other creature in the universe.

we invented music for god's sake... music... which is really just noise with timing... animals have no sense of music, you never see a dog tapping it's foot to the beat of a song

music really boggles my mind. how does it work? why do we reconize the difference between two notes that sound good together and two notes that clash? so strange how our minds work. so strange how the universe works.

ah. okay. i'm done.


i'm jeff. and this is the **** i think about.

chime in with your own thoughts, i'd like to hear them.

peace out!

randomhero015's photo
Wed 12/05/07 09:00 PM

i seem to only meet the crazy ones

ahaha. i feel ya on that man.

the only girls i find are the super ****in clingy type.

or the kind that just **** with your head until... oh **** i've been dating this crazy ***** for 3 years what the hell have i been thinking?!

randomhero015's photo
Wed 12/05/07 08:58 PM
I'm actually quite outraged by the fact that it still hasn't been legalized in all states. denver, co as well as most of california and a few other states have decriminalized it to a certain extent but not completely.

When my generation is running the government is when I think we'll see some real change happen. Until then, I'll be blazin in the comfort of my own home away from the eyes of the man.

But to be more on topic... psh it's your own choice what you do. If you don't smoke weed, then you don't smoke weed but it's juvinile and rediculous to hold it against people that do choose to enjoy one of god's(the universe's) best gifts to man... and i don't even believe in god what am i doing in this forum?!

now i wanna blaze. and i got nothin but empty zip locks :(

randomhero015's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:59 AM
Yeah. I agree. If you're gay, then you were definatly born that way...

Why would any straight person just decide one day... "hmm i'm gonna be gay from now on and tell my family and friends and just deal with the sudden change in lifestyle"

i don't think so...

Then there's the case of bisexual people. Who can get off from either sex... that's a choice but I say... if you have the capacity to enjoy something, then friggen enjoy it.

randomhero015's photo
Sun 12/02/07 08:19 PM
pot smoker?

find the nearest head shop. go there. buy something simple like 10 packs of flavored rolling papers, or some new glass... hah that's what i'd want.