Community > Posts By > VenusianWoman

VenusianWoman's photo
Wed 03/21/07 08:29 PM
As I sit and let my mind wonder,it drifts away to thoughts of you
Sitting there,smiling,looking away to something in the distance
Your clothes are the darkest shade of blue,perhaps it's midnight blue
It looks black,but there's a hint of blue in there
Your cotton shirt is unbuttoned part way
Sleeves rolled up to the elbow
Your hair is tossed lightly by the breeze
It's a warm sunny evening as the sun starts descending
You finally know what it is to relax and be at ease
It's been so long since you've been able to let go
A busy life that has not known silence like this
This sense of peace and tranquilty is what you've longed for
Time seems to stand still as darkness ascends slowly
Drowning the sunlight in a calming blanket of stars
Your eyes close as your mind takes a picture
Taking in a deep breath,then exhaling
You lay your head back on the chair
A gentle smile remains on your lips

VenusianWoman's photo
Mon 12/11/06 06:05 PM
oh you guys are so it all!! keep it

VenusianWoman's photo
Mon 12/11/06 05:28 PM
Well I gotta say something here.

How many guys would actually stop a female when shes the one
attacking??? I sure as hell don't know any...LOL.. what guy's gonna turn
down getting groped or raped??..LOL..SHEESH!!!

And for Spay,well, I guess some women just don't get that a guy has the
right to sit n relax the way he likes to at some point.We all need down
time and time on our own to do whatever it is we need to without gettin
bitched at.I think them type women should just leave the guys alone if
they want to watch their sports and drink beer or whatever.At least you
know where they're at.It's no wonder that when women are constantly
bitchin' about something that the guys leave home and go elsewhere for
some peace and quiet.

And yes, there is a difference between sex and making love, no doubt.But
there are alot out there who still don't see the difference.Those ppl
have not yet really experienced "Making Love" is my guess.

VenusianWoman's photo
Sun 12/10/06 11:28 AM
well sure thing sweety. what would you like to talk about?

VenusianWoman's photo
Sun 12/10/06 11:26 AM

I gotta say, most you dudes get so excited when you kiss a woman for the
first time. For me personally, there's nothing that turns me off faster
than a probing tongue searching for God knows what the first kiss, and
there after.Or one that's too soft and all you get is spit,like you're
lickin' a melting icecream cone.They give the impressions you don't know
what the hell you're doin'.You gotta relax man.

I like a soft/firm tongue that say's you're in control and know what
you're doing.You have your wits about you and thinkin' with more than
your dicks.That's a nice,sexy kiss.

And don't be running your hands all over God's green acres either.Keep
the roaming hands to a minimal.Hold her firmly,not tight.We like to feel
safe in your arms not captive.

Most(and I do mean MOST, not all) of you guys get too excited then you
take all the pleasure and romance out of things for us.We like the
romance!! How many times do we have to tell you goons this??? It's
different when all you're both after is a quickie, but the other
times,take it easy. Enjoy the pleasures you're giving us, you never know
what you'll get in return.

We have alot of buttons and I'm sure you've gone and pushed the wrong
ones then didn't know what the hell happened,because the majority of the
females just get mad and don't say anything.Big mistake on their part.

Majority of females still don't get that a man needs to be told what's
going on and what they're doing right or wrong. Males (again,MOST not
all) need instructions all the time as you have a tendancy to forget
things. Mainly because you weren't listening the first time.

I know males in general don't like to read instructions,but if you're
reading this, keep it handy. It's just a few little tid bits you should
keep in mind for future reference.

VenusianWoman's photo
Sun 12/10/06 11:19 AM
awe do I ever like that! sweet!

VenusianWoman's photo
Sun 12/10/06 11:15 AM

I think about you all the time
I wonder where you are
Do you ever think of me
While driving in your car

It doesn't matter what goes on
Or where I'm at in time
It seems you're everywhere I look
You're embedded in my mind

I can't escape your hold on me
It's stronger than before
No matter where I try to run
I can never find that door

What is it about you
That keeps me holding on
I can't seem to figure it out
No matter how much time has gone

I don't know if it's in my mind
Or if it's in my heart
I always seem to feel you near
Even when we're so far apart

I go to bed alone at night
Wishing you were here
To put your arms around me
Holding me so near

The feeling of your body
Lying next ti mine
Brings me peace and happiness
The everlasting kind

The softness of your gentle touch
Your tender kisses too
Are just a few of many things
I really miss from you

VenusianWoman's photo
Sun 12/10/06 11:14 AM

I have 5 nephews all are tall
Each bigger than the other
And of these 5 there are but 3
To each that they call brother

Now of these 3 that look alike
Yet differ from the other
They all have certain qualities
Each similar to their brother

Shane is the comedian
Dean is quite the dad
Clay can be a bit of both
Just look out when they're mad

There are but 2 remaining yet
And this I will disclose
These two are very opposite
From heads down to their toes

One is big and gentle
And always there to please
The other one is tall but small
With hair down to his knees

Scott you can depend on
Whenever you're in need
Wade is always off somewhere
A smokin' on some weed

Although they are all different
They're very much the same
They have one thing in common
The blood that's in their veins

It comes from those who love them most
Who'll always stay the same
For they too share a common thing
And that's the family name

VenusianWoman's photo
Sun 12/10/06 11:13 AM

I have some news I think you should know
About someone we both know well
I'm not sure how you'll take it
You're the only one I can tell

It seems I have an admirer
That leaves me unsigned notes
They're bits and pieces of poetry
Of some very romantic quotes

Sometimes I may get letters
Not written but they're typed
That way I won't know who it is
In case I recall how they write

It seems that they've been watching me
And know my whole routine
From what they tell me in their notes
They're heard but never seen

I've been reading these notes and letters
Over and over for quite some time
Trying to figure out who it was
Reminicing about past times

Then just like that a light went on
And everything was so clear
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry
Then suddenly came the tears

This person means so much to me
I'm not sure what to say
I would have made more time for them
Had I known they felt this way

I was so preoccupied
With things I wanted to do
I took them forgranted for so long
They disappeared from view

I'm so sorry for what I've done
And what I didn't do
I have to make it up to them
By the way Dear,I know it's you

VenusianWoman's photo
Sun 12/10/06 10:54 AM

We have our highs we have our lows
We have our inbetweens
The things that matter most in life
Sometimes cannot be seen

We first look left and then look right
Then take what's left behind
Instead of going for the gold
We act like we are blind

Some follow a dream, some follow a friend
Some follow a road unbound
We know not where we're headed for
Then want to turn around

We look ahead and then look back
And wonder where to swerve
Unless we follow Gods' great path
We get what we deserve

VenusianWoman's photo
Sun 12/10/06 10:54 AM

My eyes are closed I see your face
I hear your voice as well
Am I asleep or wide awake
Sometimes I just can't tell

The view and sound are both so clear
You're where I want you to be
Does time stand still, is this for real
Or just a fantasy

I hear a noise I open my eyes
I look around the room
Are you here or are you not
I'm dreaming, I assume

Then there you are in front of me
Just crawling into bed
You smile at me and hold me close
Then gently lay your head

I close my eyes, breath a sigh
And whisper "I love you"
Then I drift off back to sleep
To dream my dreams of you

VenusianWoman's photo
Sun 12/10/06 10:52 AM

I see in your eyes a very hurt soul
Who's lost with no one to trust
You've been in search of someone to love
To help mend your heart of dust

Each time you thought you found someone
They turned out to be all wrong
They misused your trust, mistreated your love
Then left you more weak than strong

Your roads are blocked, your lights are out
The walls you've built are strong
You've put a padlock on your heart
You're where you think you should be

But I can still see a little flame
Just yearning to be fanned
The love it holds within itself
Needs tending by gentle hands

All I ask is just one chance
I've been there too you see
I never thought I'd find someone
That's been hurt the same as me

VenusianWoman's photo
Sun 12/10/06 10:51 AM

Searching for answers to questions unsaid
That echo inside my mind
Are there but not often heard or seen
They pass with the wings of time

As my mind grows weary my body gets weak
The arms of sleep embrace me
Drawing me down to where nothing is felt
Guiding me to a dream unseen

Reflections of pictures once thought when awake
Are somehow brought to life
The choice to take part or simply just watch
Is gone in the blink of an eye

Sometimes unaware what I see is unreal
It's accepted as true and believed
But scenes uncertain are left rejected
As I struggle to fight what is seen

No matter what's viewed when the body's asleep
The depth of the mind is awake
Information that's given is at times withheld
Grasping only to what it can take

Something awakes me from thoughts that disturb
Giving me some relief
Closing my eyes after few moments pass
I return to the arms of sleep

Pleasures replace uneasy thoughts
As I'm taken back into dreams
Comfort sets in as new scenes unfold
Accepting with ease it seems

Pieces of each are filed and stored
Remembered as curtains are drawn
This rest sets me free as night turns to day
As my sleep slips away with the dawn

VenusianWoman's photo
Sun 12/10/06 10:50 AM

It's unclear how you do to me
Whatever it is you do
I don't understand exactly why
I lose some of my will to you

You succeed in numerous ways
To adjust me to whatever you please
My mind doesn't always seem like mine
What is it you do I can't see

You do it with such tactful ease
I'm a puppet on your strings
Giving myself to you in whole
Doing all sorts of things

I'm hypnotised as under a spell
You can't even see it yourself
Unknowingly you're my puppeteer
How you do what you do we can't tell

This gift you have is but my curse
That eludes us of how to control
Both of us bonded by which is unseen
Your strings are tied to my soul

VenusianWoman's photo
Sun 12/10/06 10:49 AM

So many times I've needed a friend
To tell my troubles to
Someone to lean on when I was down
And had no door to go through

I never found a single one
Down any road I took
I felt lost and all alone
Not knowing where else to look

Like emptiness in a ghost town
There was no one to guide my way
I walked along with the tumbleweeds
'Til night turned into day

The morning dew was everywhere
As the sun began to rise
When I heard a voice call out to me
The tears then filled my eyes

I sensed it was a voice I knew
From somewhere in my past
A friend I hadn't thought about
Who always helps when asked

I hung my head and began to cry
As you took away my pain
With words of love that gave me strength
You healed my soul again

I turned away so long ago
And had forgotten you
I ask that you forgive me Lord
I thought you'd done so too

VenusianWoman's photo
Sun 12/10/06 10:49 AM

If you could see what we had seen
It matters how things used to be
Our mommas' eyes, her loving ways
Our papas' strength in them ol' days

Things used to be so good for me
We all have such fun memories
My brother, boy how he could run
When sister told what he had done

The family dog when just a pup
Had gone and dug moms' flowers up
The cat would play with anything
We had so much to do back then

It didn't matter where we went
Even though there weren't much money spent
Our happiness and time to share
Kept the family peace right there

How I wish we could all return
To show you just how much I've learned
The values that most have today
They don't care for much anyways

If they could all just look and see
What matters most is family
There's so much hatred goin' round
We lose the love we thought we found

Everyone runs to and fro
Not even sure just where to go
No wonder everybody says
They sure do miss the good ol' days

VenusianWoman's photo
Sun 12/10/06 10:48 AM

Sometimes we may find it hard
To forgive those who've done wrong
We do our best to try and help
Though they choose to carry on

With words being said and actions done
Not seeing the damage unfold
Destruction is certain in more ways than one
They're blind to what they've been told

Lives are changed with feelings hurt
Left in uncertain despair
Not knowing when those wrongs will catch up
To the ones of whom they care

For some it may be just a short time
Before they admit they were wrong
Then ask forgiveness and try to change
Working their best to belong

A few might go on for quite some time
Then tire of how they live
Reflecting back to the ones who have tried
Hoping there's still time to forgive

Others cotinue 'til sometimes too late
The worth of life means nothing
Forgiveness for them is too far from reach
Caring not for the help they're denying

For many forgiveness means more than life
It benefits those involved
Rebuilding relationships and state of mind
Forgiveness gives strength to all

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 12/08/06 10:03 AM

I wish I knew how to heal your pain
To fix whatever's gone wrong
All the confusion and burdens you bear
Are hidden inside too long

They take their toll when you least expect
Your world is inside out
Things you thought you knew for sure
Are now replaced with doubt

Your mind is blank,your body's numb
Not sure which way to turn
Everything seems oddly strange
But gives no sense for concern

Just know I'm here if you should call
And need a friend near by
To lend an ear or hold you close
When you feel the need to cry

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 12/08/06 10:01 AM

A cocoon with holds a butterfly
Lying in wait to flee
As love is held within a heart
For one who holds the key
The beauty within is strong and true
Tho delicate to the touch
When set free it's hard to resist
Once you feel the rush
On gentle wings it soon takes flight
Evoking colorful moods
Soft as powder it covers you whole
When captured its brilliance is viewed

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 12/08/06 10:00 AM

The only "me" you see is "you"
Caring not what others go thru
Afraid inside "you" don't measure up
What "you" think others want you're not sure of
No one takes an interest in "me"
Their only interest is what seems to agree
They speak with words to kill some time
Not really hearing what's on your mind
So many people are stuck on "me"
That "you" are someone they do not see
Unless of course you're a challenge to some
It's when conquered their interest is gone
So many scenarios "you" go thru in life
Makes "me" wonder why even try
If you'd share the "me" in "you"
"You" won't be alone with only "you"
You'd see that "me" when shared by "you"
Will not be one but then be two
You're life will take some turn arounds
When "Me" and "You" share common ground

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