Community > Posts By > willntheway

willntheway's photo
Sat 12/28/13 05:35 AM

willntheway's photo
Sat 12/28/13 05:33 AM
Your poetry gets better with time...WILLflowerforyou

willntheway's photo
Fri 03/23/12 06:17 PM
She waited as the rain came down upon her like a deluge of the soul
Clutching her worn jacket close as the moisture penetrated
She sighed as her eyes scanned the area searching
No one apparently was coming
I could see her from my spartan picnic spot
My sandwich laid before me window rain shadows crossing the white bread diagonally to land in my lap
I could see her giving up
No umbrella
Why not come inside
I wished I could go to her
I grabbed my sandwich and bit into it
The peanut butter tasted dusty and forgotten
She began to walk away
I began to stand up
As she disappeared around the corner
I cried
The shadow tears reflected from the window
Coursing down my face
The taste was bitter..

willntheway's photo
Fri 03/23/12 06:05 PM
It's not a cop out

I am just done

Fed up with the superficial

Tired of the hunt

I am not giving up

Just.. Pausing


For the worse/better

You can stop this

you can turn it around

It is not too late

For me/you to start again
and again

But starting implies an ending


willntheway's photo
Fri 03/23/12 05:50 PM
Thank you very much happy

willntheway's photo
Thu 03/22/12 05:08 PM
I am the dark within the light
I am the pinnacle of what you could never want to be
I am the spinning madness that accompanies too much time alone
I am the quiet scream while you wait in line
I am the moment you realize it is all downhill from here
I am the stinging bile at the thought of non-existence
I am the sad and beautiful moment you have knowing this is true
I am the waning and the waxing of your blue moon
I am the morning you wish you never had but enjoyed anyway
I am contradicition
Opposite to anything you say when you say it
Before you say it
Just don't say it......I AM

willntheway's photo
Thu 03/22/12 05:00 PM
Bolstered jacks and regulated guns extra stacks still to come
Dogs that cry within the night and hope for the bombs
Within the momentary disconnect lies the dark of light
Heavy lives and disfigured worlds all surrounded by words
Wishing for the end to come
Deflated backs and situated suns shine false against the nothing
You know what this means You know what this is
Floating disconsolate and wrong forever the victim of God
Still you falter still you procrastinate Hoping
Needier and steadfast wants What you buy you sell a little
Head vibrating burning with the rising tech
Embarking to nowhere and everywhere at once
Seeking the everything that can only be found in nothing

willntheway's photo
Tue 03/06/12 07:54 PM
Don't disappoint me
I have always been here
Don't let me down
I have been here forever
Lifting you up
Don't second guess me
I have a plan
You can't believe me
When I show you the
Science of eternal truth
All math adds up to nothing
In the end

willntheway's photo
Tue 03/06/12 07:22 PM
Billions of people
How many alone?
How many left behind?
What is the nasdaq index for pain?
I am 99 percent fed up with this
Billions of people
How many truly alive?
How many know?
How many see?
How many people just...existing?
Billions of people
How many aware that it is over??
How many see a way out?
Billions of people
One of them is YOU WILLNTHEWAY

willntheway's photo
Tue 03/06/12 07:10 PM
I remember dying in the grass
Bits of me returning to the earth
From whence they came
To lie with you is death
To love you is worse
I remember moving
Flesh falling from face
As heart slows from beating
The taste of you on my rotting tongue
I shuffle Zombie shuffle
Away from the corpse of our commitment
Having eaten my fill of possibility
But none the less needing more
I hunt he hills
Spreading the virus WILLNTHEWAY

willntheway's photo
Tue 03/06/12 05:28 AM

willntheway's photo
Tue 03/06/12 05:28 AM

willntheway's photo
Sat 03/03/12 05:37 PM

willntheway's photo
Sat 03/03/12 05:34 PM
However you think it is
However you believe this world to be
No matter how exact your vision is
You are missing something
That niggly feeling you don't know it all
A lifetime spent gathering information
Only to slowly slip away at the end
A library built to burn
A hard drive to be erased
Scrambled and magnetized by time
The way ahead is lit with the darkness
Of your flickering flame

willntheway's photo
Sat 03/03/12 05:18 PM
Permanent damage incurred at the moment of inception
Thoughts occur and give way to deception
Fleeting is the clock that flies away
Midnight its only destination
Still the hour draws nigh
The ever darkening night envelops day
All that is all that ever was is over again
Circadian rhythms rolling over the hardened earth
Like the wrath of so many Gods forgotten
Science now the only way out and the only way in
I fear for us all as we slowly morph into one
Individuality a myth we bought for convenience
Freedom believed to be had forgotten like the gods
The burning of "souls" with nowhere to transubtantiate to
Nowhere...Virtually...Somewhere really nowhere at all

willntheway's photo
Mon 02/27/12 05:22 PM

willntheway's photo
Sun 02/26/12 02:52 PM
I come before you eyes up
Tongue unable to taste
My techno halo burning my head
I open my hands to the coming fire
I Murder The Time
I see the raw dimension of it all
As an apple cored soul
Falling endlessly from the tree of knowledge
To land on me again
I Murder The Time
Metronome light scars my world
With vision of things to come
Absent reason
Absent thought
Eating my flaws as bread
The clock retires and
I Murder The Time


willntheway's photo
Fri 02/24/12 02:58 PM
Don't let the soft light distract you from the past
Remove you from the real
Don't let the moment of passing take you
Hold your feet to the fire
Like inquisition of the soul
Don't memorize the seconds of time you lost
The never happened becoming more important
Than the IS now
You dangle pendulum like in the wind of heartache
Paralyzed yet moving through
This is not you
This is not
This is

willntheway's photo
Fri 02/24/12 02:45 PM
Terry, good one..XX WILLNTHEWAY

willntheway's photo
Fri 02/24/12 02:42 PM
He would rail against it and like don quixote he would fail but it would be brilliant to see him try.. I am overwhelmed that you would mention shakespeare in the same breath as my poem..Thank you madam..flowerforyou

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