Community > Posts By > simpleboy01

simpleboy01's photo
Mon 12/01/14 01:34 PM
im constantly being told im nudging to much! so i cant nudge so i try email, now i cant email cause ive reached my limit for the day! Is this website like the govt! everything has to be controlled!! how am i supposed to meet anyone??????? I try to message, and the message box doesnt work.

simpleboy01's photo
Wed 04/23/14 11:40 AM
How is bundys supporters in the wrong... the feds should have never been there from the beginning!

simpleboy01's photo
Wed 04/23/14 11:19 AM
Harry Ried can go **** himself..Ill give him domestic terrorism, should he ever step 5 feet away from me.. ill pass gas so bad that he turns purrple.... Scum... complete congressional district and the president should be terminated and thrown in Jail.

simpleboy01's photo
Mon 12/09/13 01:31 PM
grrrrrr, why does this always happen ... i know theres a limit, but my limits is affected so soon.. can you please help'

simpleboy01's photo
Thu 11/07/13 12:17 PM
there is only so much that "we the people" will accept. Once we get tired of it all SHTF, second revolutionary war.

simpleboy01's photo
Thu 10/17/13 09:04 AM
12 days ago... profile is still up.

simpleboy01's photo
Wed 10/09/13 01:17 PM
Hey there, i have an older profile with almost the same name on here, but i have no way of deleting it, i dont remember the email/username i used or password. Is it possible if mingle can delete it for me user name is simpleboy

simpleboy01's photo
Tue 09/10/13 08:54 AM

The pu$$ies that hide behind the power of their office are always the most dangerous because of the evil they surround themselves with out of fear.

Do you think this...... person ...... we call our president would even consider joining the military, or for that matter even pick up a gun to defend this country? Hell NO, he'd run and hide behind one of his terrorist buddies or use a baby for a shield!

He even throws a baseball like a little girl!


Just like some women should never wear spandex, this person should avoid anything even remotely manly!

I think the Judge nailed him down rather precisely!

However, she could have left out the rhetoric pushing for war, but her bosses probably would have pulled her rant without it.


simpleboy01's photo
Mon 07/22/13 11:48 AM
beautiful plant... .did you grow it yourself?

simpleboy01's photo
Mon 07/22/13 11:45 AM

simpleboy01's photo
Wed 07/17/13 10:48 AM
well im not part of the Gubament! Anyhow, I don't agree with any political party they are so to corrupt!

simpleboy01's photo
Fri 07/12/13 06:52 AM
I say this, our economy is already shot and look at the number of unemployed people that are legal citizens, now add another 7 million illegals to that number. it will not look good for this economy, as bad as it is now it will get worse.

simpleboy01's photo
Mon 07/01/13 07:17 AM
never knew he was on meds, for what ?? he does speak some truth to whats going on, I kinda like Wilkow better. but the way I see it.. we all need to stick together, this is our country.

simpleboy01's photo
Mon 07/01/13 07:13 AM
why do you put your self in the situation, just end it for once if you don't really want it any more. but if your gonna wait for her to keep knocking on your door then shame on you.

simpleboy01's photo
Tue 06/25/13 12:04 PM
hi Kay, was trying to inbox you .. but I cant. if your interested in getting to know me, let me know... ttyl...ciao

simpleboy01's photo
Tue 06/25/13 12:03 PM
So bored today, any girls out there let me know..

simpleboy01's photo
Tue 06/25/13 11:46 AM
got ya... LMAO good.... what are your thoughts on Glenn Beck?

simpleboy01's photo
Tue 06/25/13 08:35 AM snowden is just a B.s story?

simpleboy01's photo
Tue 06/18/13 09:10 AM
Edited by simpleboy01 on Tue 06/18/13 09:10 AM
I agree brutha.... have you seen the Glenn Beck Show the blaze channel...he hits it on the head every time when obummer thinks amnesty is the way.

simpleboy01's photo
Mon 06/17/13 09:30 AM

I dont recall any mention in the bible where the mark of the beast is associated with weapons or guns,,,lol

its an actual mark on the flesh,,,

AND how do you know that its an actual mark on the flesh? Have you seen it or is it just what you think??

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