Community > Posts By > DaddyTime

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:42 PM

I know many arent from the same culture

but its known as a 'spanking'

nothing to be executed over,,,,

20 whacks is about right for breaking the law when your dad is a judge,,,,but all the pausing made it worse

that is not spanking, he did not use his hand once.

A spanking is giving you're kid a swat on the ***
to get them moving. not a beating with weapons.

well, we were 'spanked' with belts on our well padded behind, that we fell on much more often than we got swatted

never felt 'abused' and turned out fine,,,

of course, we werent still getting 'spanked' at that age,

at that age, we had learned about consequences and choices,,,

daddy putting you over the knew and giving you the belt
and giving a "normal" "spanking" is still a lot different
from this. daddy getting his belt is all through history
since belt were made. this was not that this was brutal.

The things the parents said while beating her, that was not
a spanking of any kind.

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:37 PM

Driving while high on pot nearly doubles the chance of getting into a crash, say researchers from Halifax's Dalhousie University.

The authors of the paper, which is published in the online edition of the British Medical Journal, reviewed nine previous studies involving 49,411 people.

They say previous research didn't take into account the consumption of alcohol or other drugs, and so didn't provide a clear picture of the effect of smoking marijuana alone.

One such study published in October, the Cross Canada Report on Student Alcohol and Drug Use, reported that more Canadian teens than ever before are drinking and smoking pot and then getting behind the wheel, often within an hour of indulging.

The Dalhousie researchers, isolating marijuana consumption, found that drivers who smoke within three hours of driving are nearly twice as likely to cause a crash. The risk is even higher for those aged 35 and under.

More than 10% of adults in Canada and about a third of young people 16-25 report using pot in the past year, according to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto.


My comments: Since alcohol is a factor they can not say that it
is the pot that causes this effect. If doing a study on a substance
you can not toss in another substance and judge the results of the 1st.

Alcohol is well known to cause adverse affect, so they can not say that it is the pot, the could say pot and alcohol cause this effect
but that is not what they are saying. The are saying that you could not properly judge the effects of pot with out the addition of alcohol.

They say previous research didn't take into account the consumption of alcohol or other drugs, and so didn't provide a clear picture of the effect of smoking marijuana alone.

I could see testing drinkers against smokers but not mixing the 2 together for the testing, as then the affect of the alcohol could give false results.

That said i have driven with a lot of smokers and not once had any fears, I have been afraid many times getting in car's with drunks.

It is good that they are finally getting data on weed smoking and driving.

It has been needed for a long time and using the data that had both alcohol and weed can't be accurate. So it is good that they are starting to get the data of weed alone now.

they did not test weed alone at all, they tested weed with alcohol
that's why i say their results are null.

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:34 PM

I know many arent from the same culture

but its known as a 'spanking'

nothing to be executed over,,,,

20 whacks is about right for breaking the law when your dad is a judge,,,,but all the pausing made it worse

that is not spanking, he did not use his hand once.

A spanking is giving you're kid a swat on the ***
to get them moving. not a beating with weapons.

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:29 PM

Anyway I think I'm done with this silly subject. Spoiled brats, angry parents.... ho hum.... actually pretty boring and really none of our business.

No it just gives us something to talk about and kill the boredom.

the judge thing though everyone should know about and they should be executed.

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:28 PM

I agree 100% DaddyTime...
children should be allowed to express themselves.
We don't always have to like it, they do have that right.

People say they encourage their children to move away from the herd, be free thinkers...seems only when they express themselves in a way WE want them to. If they express themselves and we disagree with the message or the tactic, then we condemn them, tell them their wrong, punish them.

This girl maybe is a brat...ok, fine.

She is also unhappy and resentful. She posted to her friends because she couldn't talk to these wonderful adults in her life. Instead of a caring concerned response, she gets punished.

I can't wrap my mind around this being ok with anyone.
But then, some thought the judge beating his daughter was appropriate and she deserved ohwell

ahh so many quotes but can you please link me to that story, i am interested in seeing what my opinion will be.

this will disturb you DaddyTime...
and some say the swearing is the only thing offensive mad

ok I misread you're post thought you
said you agreed with the judge, so I
wanted to see why. I wish I had not
misread it as that is something I never
want to see.

I wonder if this father will let me
borrow his gun and $1 bullets so I
can go visit the judge and his wife
sick fing power perverts.

The beat the **** out of that poor girl
for downloading a video game. I thought
for a second that the mother was trying
to calm the father then she got in on the

I can't even comprehend this to comment

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:17 PM

I agree 100% DaddyTime...
children should be allowed to express themselves.
We don't always have to like it, they do have that right.

People say they encourage their children to move away from the herd, be free thinkers...seems only when they express themselves in a way WE want them to. If they express themselves and we disagree with the message or the tactic, then we condemn them, tell them their wrong, punish them.

This girl maybe is a brat...ok, fine.

She is also unhappy and resentful. She posted to her friends because she couldn't talk to these wonderful adults in her life. Instead of a caring concerned response, she gets punished.

I can't wrap my mind around this being ok with anyone.
But then, some thought the judge beating his daughter was appropriate and she deserved ohwell

ahh so many quotes but can you please link me to that story, i am interested in seeing what my opinion will be.

this will disturb you DaddyTime...
and some say the swearing is the only thing offensive mad

Hmm brb and i will let you know.

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:16 PM

But then, some thought the judge beating his daughter was appropriate and she deserved ohwell

I remember that video.

That was so shocking that I thought it was a set up.

link please lol

to see this story sounds interesting

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:15 PM
Edited by DaddyTime on Fri 02/10/12 06:16 PM
There is nothing wrong with how he is
raising his daughter and this will in
no way harm her. I simply disagree with
his methods and beliefs in certain things.

In no why will what he did harm his child
she may be pissed at him for being a d!ck
but that is all.

just wanted to make that clear in case
anyone thought I was saying otherwise.

She will grow up to be a normal dysfunctional
adult like the rest of us.

We all have parents lol

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:07 PM

I agree 100% DaddyTime...
children should be allowed to express themselves.
We don't always have to like it, they do have that right.

People say they encourage their children to move away from the herd, be free thinkers...seems only when they express themselves in a way WE want them to. If they express themselves and we disagree with the message or the tactic, then we condemn them, tell them their wrong, punish them.

This girl maybe is a brat...ok, fine.

She is also unhappy and resentful. She posted to her friends because she couldn't talk to these wonderful adults in her life. Instead of a caring concerned response, she gets punished.

I can't wrap my mind around this being ok with anyone.
But then, some thought the judge beating his daughter was appropriate and she deserved ohwell

ahh so many quotes but can you please link me to that story, i am interested in seeing what my opinion will be.

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:04 PM

And parents shouldn't rub every thing they do for their kids in their kids faces....

i feed you
i clothe you
i buy the food
i pay the bills
you live in MY house

bla, bla, bla
that's what parents do!

People wonder why their kids hate em.

I agree. IN a healthy home they dont.

IN a healthy home, children learn an attitude of GRATEFULNESS instead of entitlement and they WANT to contribute in return instead of just asking for more and more,,,,,,

Must not be many healthy homes as I know
few adults who ever learned this themselves.

I think most mistake a child's excitement
in wanting a new thing as a sense of entitlement.
We all want things as adult we whine for raises
as children we ask our parents.

there is a difference between being excited and being disrespectful,,,

if a child who is provided all their needs and even some of their wants thinks it happens because the parents are doing 'nothing' they are either disrespectful or uneducated about reality,, in either case clarification is justified on the parents part,,,,

the issue, in my opinion, wasnt what she wanted, it was how she went about it and the disrespect shown to her parents

the only thing she wanted in this case equality
in how chores are distributed. they have talked
about it many time's. Obviously her parents never
listened and she needed to do something extreme to
get there attention.

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:01 PM

And parents shouldn't rub every thing they do for their kids in their kids faces....

i feed you
i clothe you
i buy the food
i pay the bills
you live in MY house

bla, bla, bla
that's what parents do!

People wonder why their kids hate em.

Children do not ask to be born

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 06:00 PM

And parents shouldn't rub every thing they do for their kids in their kids faces....

i feed you
i clothe you
i buy the food
i pay the bills
you live in MY house

bla, bla, bla
that's what parents do!

People wonder why their kids hate em.

I have seriously known kids whose parents were totally irresponsible and neglectful, even abusive!

There are so many!

That is why it bugs me when I see kids who have all they need and have good parents who work and provide for them and yet they feel oppressed and whine on facebook if they have chores.

Give me a break.

Once my mom was worried whether or not she had been a good parent. I told her that I thank God they were not abusive or drunks or drug addicts like so many parents are.

I am and always have been thankful for my parents.

Having good parents is not a privilege it's a right,
and what other kids have or don't have is no concern
of you're child's.

You love them because you're suppose to,
it's bad for children who don't and we
should all feel for them but. children
should not feel privileged if the do as
it's something they should have.

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:56 PM
Edited by DaddyTime on Fri 02/10/12 05:57 PM

And parents shouldn't rub every thing they do for their kids in their kids faces....

i feed you
i clothe you
i buy the food
i pay the bills
you live in MY house

bla, bla, bla
that's what parents do!

People wonder why their kids hate em.

I agree. IN a healthy home they dont.

IN a healthy home, children learn an attitude of GRATEFULNESS instead of entitlement and they WANT to contribute in return instead of just asking for more and more,,,,,,

Must not be many healthy homes as I know
few adults who ever learned this themselves.

I think most mistake a child's excitement
in wanting a new thing as a sense of entitlement.
We all want things as adult we whine for raises
as children we ask our parents.

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:51 PM

And parents shouldn't rub every thing they do for their kids in their kids faces....

i feed you
i clothe you
i buy the food
i pay the bills
you live in MY house

bla, bla, bla
that's what parents do!

People wonder why their kids hate em.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:50 PM

the family probably could use counsel on how to 'talk' with each other and find better ways to resolve things

I think they tried that the first time she did it.

Lol they point is the parents did not listen and
start doing things equally.

parents who are WORKING TO PROVIDE are not 'relaxing' , children need to learn a family is a unit where everyone CONTRIBUTES for the household to run smoothly

if the parents are WORKING to pay the bills, the children(and by this I mean TEENS who EXPECT Everything handed to them) should be WORKING to maintain the other responsibilities in the home,,,

The point is the parents were not contributing,
they have work she has school, and it's their
duty to support her. she should do no more then them.

have you ever worked to provide for a household and children before?


I doubt she is doing 'more than them'

I am a single father of 2 who works very hard
to provide for his children.

Her parents relax while she cleans and fetches coffee,
do they bring her coffee?

does she take them to their functions? pay for the gas? work to earn the money to pay for the gas? work to earn the money to pay to be warm and to eat? does she prepare meals? does she budget the books so they can keep their home?

in a tit for tat, most kids (including her most likely) are coming up really short on the 'work' part of the equation,,,

they deserve time to 'relax' if they are making sure she has those things, and she deserves to be contributing as well beyond getting the education that is for HER OWN BENEFIT, but doing things that likewise benefit the HOUSEHOLD

She does not need to do any of that she is their child,
it is their job to go to work and provide for her. She
Will do all that when she is older and has children.

She needs to focus on school which is just as stressful
as any job, plus she has homework and studying. If they
did not want to provide her with an education and these
things they should not have had children.

She owes them nothing for the things they provide her
as they brought her in to this world. She is doing what
she needs to with school, them with work, the things they
have should all benefit them equally such as the maid.
No need for her to do chores and these things if they don't.

Gas and bills are not even a factor as these are things
that should have before children with out the expectation
of them helping with those things.

we will agree to disagree

Love goes both ways, it isnt a freeby just because you are a child

a family is a UNIT and all must contribute something, typically that contribution from the parents is the home , the needs, and often times many of the wants of the children

children need to learn they arent ENTITLED to it just because they were born

just my opinion

Still if a child expresses feelings of inequality,
they do not deserved to be punished for it. You
should never be punished for expressing yourself.

She did nothing wrong with that post in my opinion.

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:43 PM

the family probably could use counsel on how to 'talk' with each other and find better ways to resolve things

I think they tried that the first time she did it.

Lol they point is the parents did not listen and
start doing things equally.

parents who are WORKING TO PROVIDE are not 'relaxing' , children need to learn a family is a unit where everyone CONTRIBUTES for the household to run smoothly

if the parents are WORKING to pay the bills, the children(and by this I mean TEENS who EXPECT Everything handed to them) should be WORKING to maintain the other responsibilities in the home,,,

The point is the parents were not contributing,
they have work she has school, and it's their
duty to support her. she should do no more then them.

have you ever worked to provide for a household and children before?


I doubt she is doing 'more than them'

I am a single father of 2 who works very hard
to provide for his children.

Her parents relax while she cleans and fetches coffee,
do they bring her coffee?

does she take them to their functions? pay for the gas? work to earn the money to pay for the gas? work to earn the money to pay to be warm and to eat? does she prepare meals? does she budget the books so they can keep their home?

in a tit for tat, most kids (including her most likely) are coming up really short on the 'work' part of the equation,,,

they deserve time to 'relax' if they are making sure she has those things, and she deserves to be contributing as well beyond getting the education that is for HER OWN BENEFIT, but doing things that likewise benefit the HOUSEHOLD

She does not need to do any of that she is their child,
it is their job to go to work and provide for her. She
Will do all that when she is older and has children.

She needs to focus on school which is just as stressful
as any job, plus she has homework and studying. If they
did not want to provide her with an education and these
things they should not have had children.

She owes them nothing for the things they provide her
as they brought her in to this world. She is doing what
she needs to with school, them with work, the things they
have should all benefit them equally such as the maid.
No need for her to do chores and these things if they don't.

Gas and bills are not even a factor as these are things
that should have before children with out the expectation
of them helping with those things.

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:22 PM

the family probably could use counsel on how to 'talk' with each other and find better ways to resolve things

I think they tried that the first time she did it.

Lol they point is the parents did not listen and
start doing things equally.

parents who are WORKING TO PROVIDE are not 'relaxing' , children need to learn a family is a unit where everyone CONTRIBUTES for the household to run smoothly

if the parents are WORKING to pay the bills, the children(and by this I mean TEENS who EXPECT Everything handed to them) should be WORKING to maintain the other responsibilities in the home,,,

The point is the parents were not contributing,
they have work she has school, and it's their
duty to support her. she should do no more then them.

have you ever worked to provide for a household and children before?


I doubt she is doing 'more than them'

I am a single father of 2 who works very hard
to provide for his children.

Her parents relax while she cleans and fetches coffee,
do they bring her coffee?

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:12 PM

the family probably could use counsel on how to 'talk' with each other and find better ways to resolve things

I think they tried that the first time she did it.

Lol they point is the parents did not listen and
start doing things equally.

parents who are WORKING TO PROVIDE are not 'relaxing' , children need to learn a family is a unit where everyone CONTRIBUTES for the household to run smoothly

if the parents are WORKING to pay the bills, the children(and by this I mean TEENS who EXPECT Everything handed to them) should be WORKING to maintain the other responsibilities in the home,,,

The point is the parents were not contributing,
they have work she has school, and it's their
duty to support her. she should do no more then them.

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 04:31 PM

I tell my kids all the time that I'm keeping a running tab for them and they have to pay me back for everything when they grow up.


hat is a parents right, we don't want
to be put in homes after all lol

Sponge baths and beatings are kinda
kinky but not when their from a guy
named Bruno lol. well ok that can be
kinky too.

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 04:25 PM
Edited by DaddyTime on Fri 02/10/12 04:25 PM

He spends $130 on a laptop that is worth $$$ and then shoots it


That tells a story on its own.

yeah tells me He has no respect for money,
and is kinda immature.

But he wants the daughter to pay him back for his ridiculous actions.

Are we alone here in thinking like this??

I must add here that the daughter is not free of bad actions but when you see the reaction of the Father one has to ask a lot of Questions

The daughter is not perfect no, I am sure
she is like any other girl her age.

if i was his son, I might have given him
his bullets back in his computer.

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