Community > Posts By > mido

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Mon 03/09/20 08:32 AM
[09/03 5:14 PM] Mo Hamdy: [09/03 4:35 PM] Mo Hamdy: Written by me
from my book shake hands with glory
To achieve success ,you must kill the first two letters from the word impossible
you must say shut up to laziness and you must remove the word despair from your dictionary..To make a great deed you need to want indeed ,you need to understand that health and time are your lungs in this life and you certainly need to never think about thinking about giving your way to your dreams which may be further than stars you will find bad humans trying to kill your hope .in the other hand ,you will find great humans saying to u ,dear ,never fear ,we are here ,your tear hurts us
[09/03 4:36 PM] Mo Hamdy: Open ur tv ,watch great swimmers doing their best to achieve their dreams after killing hundreds of waves which try to stop them but their ambition is greater.turn your tv off .open a window.can u see these happy birds which fly ignoring pain .what about being one of them ,to fly happily and to hammer all difficulties trying to stop you.close this the window of your dreams .look at the sky of your ambition .think about your goals which may be further than stars.ask yourself how can i achieve them.repeat the question again and again.never stop asking how and when ?.finally u will find an answer .in this moment imagine u r a tight rope walker.ur answer is ur rope .walk over it to finally achieve ur dreams.never stop.never think about return as i am going to close ur window and i will never open it for u.
[09/03 4:37 PM] Mo Hamdy: Written by me
From my book shake hands with glory
Look for your goal and run towards it.if you cant ,walk .if you cant,creep but never stop.look at the universe around u .make the tortoise ur example.despite the slow movement and lack of speed,it never gives always reaches its is certainly better than avery speed cheetah decided not to move .u may wonder of my words but this is the truth.some humans have the ability to achieve their dreams but they dont move towards them.they are like a lazy cheetah .they like sleeping alot and wasting time in vain .
[09/03 5:15 PM] Mo Hamdy: Tell me ur opinion about I wrote