Community > Posts By > lilott

lilott's photo
Tue 01/08/13 01:55 PM

The magic word : Love
What does love mean to you? B-)
Means nothing but hurt.

lilott's photo
Sun 01/06/13 10:06 PM

They are preparing to confiscate our guns. First, they want you to register them.

Are the globalist planing to start a civil war?

That is what Alex Jones is saying.
Yes they are through UNs small arms treaty which Obummer supports.

lilott's photo
Sun 01/06/13 07:07 PM

such a broad statement, it's difficult to agree totally

as far as craftsmanship, i agree
as far as status symbols, i agree
as far as availability to youths, i agree

the flip side is that the convenience is unmatched. being able to get in touch with someone in an emergency is awesome. being able to have access to information at your fingertips can also be wonderful

cellular telephones are a luxury that has become an unnecessary necessity
Not all that convenient. My sons have cell phones, the only, phones they have, and when I need one of them I can't get hold of them cause they always have them turned off. I leave messages and 4 or 5 days later I hear from them

lilott's photo
Sun 01/06/13 05:26 PM

I have one resolution and it's not to have any resolutions cause it's the only one I can keep.

Think of something more original.

That one is the coward's way out. A person who is afraid of failure will not get anywhere.

Be bold enough to try something even if you might fail.

That may be good for you but not for me.

lilott's photo
Sun 01/06/13 05:23 PM
Cell phones are worthless.

lilott's photo
Sun 01/06/13 05:15 PM

Ive been on a few dating sites testing the waters. All of which have been free (to a point)
Ive gotten my share of responses...and Ive sent out a few kisses or winks ( actual emails..I hate kisses or winks)

Im a pretty tough cookie..if you aren't interested..I can take it, a simple ." sorry, Im not interested" works for me! He is forgotten as soon as I hit the "NEXT" button.

What bothers me are the ones who say nothing.
I know I know...I should take the hint and move on! I guess Im a glutton for punishment!

Does anyone else prefer a cordial "not interested" reply, rather than the sound of crickets?
I love the sound of crickets.

lilott's photo
Sun 01/06/13 10:41 AM
One who is willing to live on a farm or homestead and live like it's pre 1840.

lilott's photo
Sat 01/05/13 08:05 PM
I have one resolution and it's not to have any resolutions cause it's the only one I can keep.

lilott's photo
Sat 01/05/13 01:09 PM
All headed up by that Obama Muslim.

lilott's photo
Fri 01/04/13 08:09 PM

Well what makes you think they dont want a good woman with sex. And not a good woman without sex.
I'll take a good woman without sex.

lilott's photo
Wed 01/02/13 04:37 PM

I only worry a little about what Barack is doing, whatever it is, to become law it has to pass both houses so I hope checks and balances work!
Unless he signs an executive order then it goes around congress.

lilott's photo
Tue 01/01/13 01:10 AM

lilott's photo
Mon 12/31/12 07:37 PM
Count me in.

lilott's photo
Sat 12/29/12 10:08 PM
Go to I don't know how to put a like on here.

lilott's photo
Sat 12/29/12 08:36 PM

Everyone is missing the point here. What I'm referring to is the laws that this administration has passed such as the government can arrest anybody they want and hold them for as long as they want and not have to charge them with anything. That's loss of freedom.

Wow, what a wild claim that you make, minus any evidence to support it.
If you would follow the news you would know that he signed this into law through executive order.

Then you should be able to provide a link to a news story that supports your claim.
Look up NDAA 1031 and remember the president had language removed that says that citizens in lawful residence would not be included.

lilott's photo
Sat 12/29/12 07:14 PM

Everyone is missing the point here. What I'm referring to is the laws that this administration has passed such as the government can arrest anybody they want and hold them for as long as they want and not have to charge them with anything. That's loss of freedom.

Wow, what a wild claim that you make, minus any evidence to support it.
If you would follow the news you would know that he signed this into law through executive order.

lilott's photo
Sat 12/29/12 05:13 PM

Everyone is missing the point here. What I'm referring to is the laws that this administration has passed such as the government can arrest anybody they want and hold them for as long as they want and not have to charge them with anything. That's loss of freedom.

which law is that exactly?

seems guantanamo bay was doing that long before THIS administration,,,,,and I wouldnt imagine it was the only such facility under US authority

chinese internment camps ring a bell? was that this administration?

so tell me again, how we are suddenly, under THIS administration,, less free than before?
You don't pay much attention to the news do you.

lilott's photo
Sat 12/29/12 04:21 PM
I've heard that lard is better for you than vegetable shortening.

lilott's photo
Sat 12/29/12 04:19 PM
Everyone is missing the point here. What I'm referring to is the laws that this administration has passed such as the government can arrest anybody they want and hold them for as long as they want and not have to charge them with anything. That's loss of freedom.

lilott's photo
Sat 12/29/12 03:00 PM

America used to be a free country. Sadly it's not anymore.

America is said to be the Most free country and that is why, so many are turning it into a not so free country. Too free is not necessarily a good thing, as we see everyday more and more.
So I take it that you don't want to be free.

Did I say I didnt want to be here?
You said too free is not necessarily a good thing so that tells me that freedom doesn't mean much to you.