Community > Posts By > Sweetnessonly

Sweetnessonly's photo
Thu 02/21/13 09:33 PM

I had a friend once, she was in a verbally abusive relation with a guy. After some others and me encouraged her to break up with him and kick him out, she decides she was going to date women.

A former co-worker’s best friend’s mom did the same thing after being in a similar type of relationship.

Another friend of mind dated a girl that was in an abusive relationship before him and he was spending much of his time trying to build her up after the jerk she was with tore her down. Such jerks make you want a law pass removing them from every having the ability to have kids.

My best friend and I want to go around a beat the living tar out of jerks like these. It is hard enough trying to get a girl attention without the a-holes that treating women so bad they turn away from men. Any body else feel the same way?

A couple things I wanna say about this, one, I agree with some of the people posting that it is a choice women/men make by STAYING in an abusive relationship. I don't think it is a choice by being in one.. sometimes they sneak up on ya.. Its anyone's choice to remove themselves from a situation where they are being treated in a way they do not like, its also their choice to stay.

Two, I know the feeling of wanting to go beat someone for what they have done to people I care about but I think in the reality of it violence isn't the way to respond to violence.

I also agree that it doesn't matter which gender you choose, anyone can turn out to be abusive. It takes time to know someone and see how they react to different scenarios. As far as going from one gender to the next to get away from the one they were just with..... that seems like convenience to me..

Sweetnessonly's photo
Thu 02/21/13 09:07 PM

I fix everyones collars... or straighten their ties... or tuck tags in.. the other day i turned to a guy in the elevator and straightened his tie and fixed his collar...

its almost compulsive for me lol

wow,can i know his reaction?

I think he was genuinely frightened.. He just kinda stiffened, let me fix it... and then the elevator opened to my floor and I walked out like nothing happened, but turned at the last second to catch him looking at me with a very strange expression... It was funny lol.

I should really just learn to keep my hands to myself.... whoa

Sweetnessonly's photo
Sun 02/17/13 08:13 PM
@singmesweet.. sorry i have a “smart phone“ and its not letting me quote tonight lol... anyway i guess its because i see women as queens and think they should be pampered in more ways than one and younger men just seem like they dont know how to do that they are mostly self centered and i think that women usually have a guideline as to what they want and younger men “in general“ dont have any idea....

mainly just how things play out in my head thats all.. :)

Sweetnessonly's photo
Sun 02/17/13 07:54 PM
So i must be biased... i think its weird for women to date younger men but i think its totally ok/normal for younger women to date older men.....

Sweetnessonly's photo
Sun 02/17/13 02:10 PM
I fix everyones collars... or straighten their ties... or tuck tags in.. the other day i turned to a guy in the elevator and straightened his tie and fixed his collar...

its almost compulsive for me lol

Sweetnessonly's photo
Sun 02/17/13 10:54 AM
Good luck!!!! :)

Sweetnessonly's photo
Sun 02/17/13 10:39 AM
I can only talk from what my mom did for me (my son is only 3 and i dont envy you right now) which was a hard conversation... she bought condoms and kept them in the house and said they were there just in case but she didnt approve of me being sexually active. i think thats a great idea except that i never used the ones in tge house because i didnt want her to be disappointed in me having sex... so if you are going to buy them just give the box or a couple to your son... that way it reinforces that you want him to be protected.. if he wants to have sex he will timing is everything having easy access to condoms will make it easier for him to just slip it on. kids know right from wrong and im sure no teenager wants to have a baby while planning for college but hormones will rage and by giving your son a condom may just give him the confidence to go buy more because you arent shunning him or forbidding him from using protection.... just my .02

Sweetnessonly's photo
Sun 02/17/13 10:25 AM
How to lose a guy in 10 days... its a perfect show of games and real love... plus matthew mconaughey is gorgeous... lol

Sweetnessonly's photo
Sun 02/17/13 09:53 AM
It is like a train wreck you cant turn away from...

i just dont understand why ppl cant be honest. i mean when you are online you can be you and ppl will respond to that its not like you are walking down the street next to five other barbie dolls when you happen to spot a hottie...
When youre online you can take that chance and try to spark a conversation and sometimes it just works when you least expect it...

I just thought it was interesting... thanks for all of your replies :)

Sweetnessonly's photo
Sun 02/17/13 09:49 AM


I kinda think its relevant here... lol

I did lol sorry david.. i didnt mean the furry treat you love so much... sorry :)

Did someone say cat? drool

Sweetnessonly's photo
Sat 02/16/13 08:42 PM

I kinda think its relevant here... lol

Sweetnessonly's photo
Fri 02/15/13 09:35 PM

Funny this topic should come up at this time as two ex-boyfriends in the last 3 weeks are trying to get back together with me. I don't believe in second chances when it comes to a relationship. Once we are broken up; its done. I don't buy the crap that they have changed either.

I agree.. also if the relationship ended there was a good reason for it and no sense in trying to fix or change it later... dont wanna waste anymore time..

Sweetnessonly's photo
Fri 02/15/13 07:20 PM

Yea, if your not getting any at home

ya gotta give to get... or use the other hand... one can get tired after a while..

Sweetnessonly's photo
Fri 02/15/13 11:18 AM
I made german chocolate brownie sandwiches with a cream cheese filling.... it was kinda like eating germam chocolate cheescake... does that count?

Sweetnessonly's photo
Thu 02/14/13 08:06 PM

<<<<<Sits here in jammies & mud mask flirting shocked

exactly my point :) and it feels wonderful!! Lol

Sweetnessonly's photo
Thu 02/14/13 07:58 PM

I'm reading through your profile description and it all seems fine until the bit at the end where you say that you are willing to travel if they provide the money.

I think she is being honest.. nothing wrong with that. I give you a 10!! :)

Sweetnessonly's photo
Thu 02/14/13 07:36 PM

Bars and nightclubs are not my thing.

Bars are not my thing, either, especially whenever they are surrounding my jail ce...err...Never mind. :angel:

Sweetnessonly's photo
Thu 02/14/13 07:36 PM
Edited by Sweetnessonly on Thu 02/14/13 07:37 PM
Ugh too many buttons!! Lol sorry ppl...

Sweetnessonly's photo
Thu 02/14/13 07:20 PM
Before instantly responding*** (sorry i have a “smart“ phone) just my .02

Sweetnessonly's photo
Thu 02/14/13 07:11 PM
I agree that the validation can go both ways. I feel that if you are going to require a box for women who have met in person and combine it with the box to click if you are married... its easy to click or unclick a box. If you want someone real you have to talk to them and get to know them͵ ask those questions that are important to you.
Just like going to a bar you can give out your number and have someone never call... you can have a great connection online and never meet. I think that personally for me a lot of online dating sites are for ppl to meet new ppl and get laid͵ and you are right if thats what women are looking for they can walk out their front door and get that..... so can men. But if you are looking for good conversation and like minded conversation its easier to do online... i dont have to worry about logging on in my pajamas with my hair a mess and talking to ppl because they arent going to judge me for it. Plus i can say whatever i want (not that i dont anyway) and not have everyone instantly react... some will read a post and think

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