Community > Posts By > SPUD69

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/27/08 10:02 AM

Decisions decisions. You need to re-arrange a more suitable time with the lady who wants to see you at 11.30, be positive and tell her you are really interested but it clashes with something else, it actually will show to this lady that you a) can make decisions and b) shows you wont be bossed about easily - these are two great attributes that any potential interviewer should recognise and value, be strong and be positive about changing the 11.30 time. Good luck

SPUD69's photo
Tue 02/26/08 07:18 AM

For males its best to be early. ladies are allowed to be late -thats their priviledge but then shame them into buying the first drink !

SPUD69's photo
Tue 02/26/08 07:12 AM

I'd believe it if the dead relative told her where to find the lifes savings !

SPUD69's photo
Tue 02/26/08 06:15 AM

Sounds like little princess is ruling the parents and will be wanting a mobile phone by the time shes 4 ! You shouldnt have to teach this girl manners, thread carefully or call SuperNanny !

I've found that the best way to raise children is to give them lots of love and encouragement but I always make sure my children say please and thank you and are taught to be polite...I won't have it any other way. Kids are human and have good and bad days and good moods and bad moods but there needs to be boundaries for them. Once when I was young on christmas day my brothers and myself were arguing over Scrabble and my mother threw the scrabble board and letters in the fire....I learnt a valuable lesson from that...never play scrabble near an open fire ! To be fair that was a tad harsh but still the lesson was learnt that my parents were in charge.

SPUD69's photo
Thu 02/14/08 01:44 AM

He sounds like his mother runs a hotel :wink:
You're a pretty lass and deserve better.

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:06 AM

Ok guys....i'm one of the many girls who wants honesty! if your out to get into a girls pants just freaking say so! you might with some honesty get some it beats being feed aline of bull crap!! might actually get alot further if you be honest!...drinker

I'd like to get into your knickers but don't know if they would fit my big bum!

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/13/08 05:15 AM

zero, the girls are on the bus, not in it :tongue: lol

Katwoman, you're trying to get off with a technicality!

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/13/08 05:11 AM

The two wood-worms were refused entry

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/13/08 05:09 AM

Well done to WarDriverJ, TeacherAmanda and medic_4981 for getting the right answer, come on up and collect your prize....A set of Abacus batteries for the winners.

though I fear that TeacherAmanda may have a speech already prepared laugh sad

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/13/08 05:05 AM


Not bad for a first guess but aren't you forgeting to include those cute little kitty wittys

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/13/08 05:04 AM

10990! I LOVE math questions... that was actually a bit easy

By any chance do you like wearing brown sports jackets with elbow patches laugh

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/13/08 04:44 AM


You don't win first prize just yet but at least you tried
Trust me I didnt get it either but then what else are my minnions for laugh

You have minions too?! Cool!

Its okay, I don't work 'em too hard, they get to have a days holiday on February 29th each and every year!

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/13/08 04:42 AM

i dont know how to use this thing, but i didnt think of that, and it doesnt say if the backpacks are on the bus, or if the little cats are either

my my you do ask a darned lot of questions!
The girls are on the bus, the backpacks are on the bus, the big cats and the little cats are in the backpacks that are on the bus. No need to count the legs on the seats on the bus and also Heather MCartney (Dancing on Ice Superstars) is not on the bus. Its not a trick question, but it took me ages and I had to employ a spreadsheet !
Also Katwoman, because of your name I can assure you that no cats were harmed during the making of this question

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/13/08 04:36 AM

I thought maybe he had mini onions, and just couldn't phrase it properly. . .

Nice one!
Stephen Hawkings has mini-ions working for him

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/13/08 04:33 AM

I'm being a pain, I know...

No worries, best to know all the facts. ie Q. Can a frog jump higher than a tree? A. Yes because a tree can't jump.

Interestingly enough I saw a programme last night on the brains emotions and risk where there was this guy giving people money GBP £20 in their hand and asking them if they wanted to gamble the money to win more but that if they chose not to gamble they could just keep the money £20, and then also this guy with some other people he gave them £50 in their hand and then immediately took £30 back and asked them if they wanted to keep the £20 (still in their hand) or all cases the people who were given £50 in their hand and then £30 immediately taken back chose to Gamble...therefore they precieved that they were losing £30 and that the risk was worth taking.

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/13/08 04:25 AM


You don't win first prize just yet but at least you tried
Trust me I didnt get it either but then what else are my minnions for laugh

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/13/08 04:23 AM

Not enough information.

Is the Driver included in the girls on the bus?

Are there any Boys on the bus?

The Question can not be answered until it is clarified.

No driver on the bus
No boys messing with compasses down the back seat
If it helps the bus is yellow in colour !

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/13/08 04:11 AM

Soft fried egg, lashings of marmalade on top of the egg and slapped between two pieces of toast, followed by coke cola or Rola Cola even better.

Just asked my work colleague what her hangover cure is and shes replied "a nice stuffing" clarified as Sage and Onion from a roast chicken dinner.

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/13/08 04:06 AM

Change the cats to snakes and problem where did I put my Svengali robes

SPUD69's photo
Wed 02/13/08 04:05 AM
Took my ages to get the right answer! And I'm an accountantnoway

This is a real math problem so don't say that the bus has no legs.
> There are 7 girls on a bus
> Each girl has 7 backpacks
> In each backpack, there are 7 big cats
> For every big cat there are 7 little cats
> Question: How many legs are there in the bus?

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