Community > Posts By > MtnBkr80446

MtnBkr80446's photo
Wed 08/27/08 07:22 PM
Edited by MtnBkr80446 on Wed 08/27/08 07:23 PM
flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowersflowersflowers


MtnBkr80446's photo
Wed 08/27/08 07:19 PM

whatdya have Joe?

Boy I hate getting pulled away.

We had a salad, steak, and pasta.

yummy .. what kinda steak

New york marinated in a garlic, olive oil mix.

any leftovers? I like mine medium rare bigsmile

Alas, sorry no. Jack and I ate everything and we did have it at a medium rare.

MtnBkr80446's photo
Wed 08/27/08 07:17 PM

whatdya have Joe?

Boy I hate getting pulled away.

We had a salad, steak, and pasta.

yummy .. what kinda steak

New york marinated in a garlic, olive oil mix.

MtnBkr80446's photo
Wed 08/27/08 07:12 PM

whatdya have Joe?

Boy I hate getting pulled away.

We had a salad, steak, and pasta.

MtnBkr80446's photo
Wed 08/27/08 06:33 PM
OK back from making dinner. Did I miss anything?

MtnBkr80446's photo
Wed 08/27/08 05:20 PM

Happy hour!! Saweet!!!

What are you serving Judy?

drinker drinker drinker drinker

whatever you'd like Joe .. my 2 bartenders are really fallin behind frustrated .. dang it all pitchfork

How about a rum & coke.

MtnBkr80446's photo
Wed 08/27/08 05:02 PM
Happy hour!! Saweet!!!

What are you serving Judy?

drinker drinker drinker drinker

MtnBkr80446's photo
Sun 08/24/08 05:08 PM
Congrats Merle.

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

MtnBkr80446's photo
Sun 08/24/08 04:47 PM

No, I have so much going on right now, I don't know which end is up

Oh what is happening other than your internet hitting a cyber worm hole.

MtnBkr80446's photo
Sun 08/24/08 04:34 PM

blushing {{{joe}}} hi love and how are you


How are you mi'lady?

Doing well. My son and I went camping this weekend and are going to go next weekend also.

Any plans for you?

MtnBkr80446's photo
Sun 08/24/08 04:29 PM

How are you mi'lady?

MtnBkr80446's photo
Sat 08/23/08 07:40 AM

I am judging no one the bible says JUDGE ALL THINGS THAT'S it, I judge not people, just common sense solutions. I BET YOU DONT HAVE THE BALLS TO SEE ME IN PERSON AND THREATEN ME ABOUT the Big Guy! WHO IS THAT? maybe it is the one who brings on the Lightening! You watch that and I will watch the THIN ice you are judging jims X and now me just a man talking **** against women...Jim if u read this, I am not judging you Focus on the kid and it will be all good 4 her:)

This is going to be my last response to you. I was part of the church and all I saw was hypocrits. I have been judged since leaving and I see by their actions who their real God is. As far as you I have no problems seeing you eye to eye and letting you know how I disagree with your views. However I do agree with you about focusing on the kids.

Nuff Said

MtnBkr80446's photo
Sat 08/23/08 07:26 AM

Good morning peeps.

Got a fresh batch of coffee going.

What is everyone up to this weekend?

My son and I are heading out camping, I bought myself a new travel trailer, got quite the deal on it also.:banana:

Cool. I'm taking my son up to Mt Washington.

Sounds like a blast. Have a great time.

MtnBkr80446's photo
Sat 08/23/08 07:17 AM

I will make whatever judgements God tells me to make! Secondly, I Am not judging him! Do u think that this child should bear the burden of this? Speaking of not enough info! HOW DO U KNOW WHAT KIND OF PERSON SHE IS TO SAY THAT JIM IS BLAH BLAH AND SHE IS TO BLAME? You are judging not me PAL!

You know what you God does not want us to judge. Go read your bible. The only one that can judge is God. You are treading on thin ice with the big guy so look up your info before opening your a$$ in the future.

MtnBkr80446's photo
Sat 08/23/08 07:16 AM

May have? Wow! I HOPE that doesnt mean that you are planning to put her through more agony and abuse to prove it! You and your Sig other at the time may want to bear the burden of Proving it since u let 17 years pass how stressful for your child esp the part that she needed to EMAIL her dad! SOMEHOW there is shame in that.

Ok I don't know Jim that well, but from other posts that he has put up, he is all about his kids. So if his Sig Other from the past chose not to tell the child about him then that would be a shame on her part. So unti Jim gives us a bit more info, and I know we are all entitled are opinion, stop making judgement on the situation.

Jim like I said I don't know you that well, but follow your gut feeling on this one and who knows what will happen when you follow through with everything. The path of life can be very interesting that is for sure.

Thank you, I dont know that much at this point. 17 years ago my ex said "She is not yours" and said she was pursuing someone else for the paternity. That was the last I had heard of it. Now all of a sudden I get this.....It's like getting hit with a brick wall....I need a paternity test before anything goes further....

That is the next best step for you Jim. I wish you the best. Remember you can alawys give all of us a chat to vent when you need to and just ignore the monkey in the corner making noise out of their a$$.

MtnBkr80446's photo
Sat 08/23/08 06:59 AM

May have? Wow! I HOPE that doesnt mean that you are planning to put her through more agony and abuse to prove it! You and your Sig other at the time may want to bear the burden of Proving it since u let 17 years pass how stressful for your child esp the part that she needed to EMAIL her dad! SOMEHOW there is shame in that.

Ok I don't know Jim that well, but from other posts that he has put up, he is all about his kids. So if his Sig Other from the past chose not to tell the child about him then that would be a shame on her part. So unti Jim gives us a bit more info, and I know we are all entitled are opinion, stop making judgement on the situation.

Jim like I said I don't know you that well, but follow your gut feeling on this one and who knows what will happen when you follow through with everything. The path of life can be very interesting that is for sure.

MtnBkr80446's photo
Sat 08/23/08 06:47 AM
Good morning peeps.

Got a fresh batch of coffee going.

What is everyone up to this weekend?

My son and I are heading out camping, I bought myself a new travel trailer, got quite the deal on it also.:banana:

MtnBkr80446's photo
Fri 08/22/08 06:32 PM

Hey Judy. Going to make pizza and have beer with it here.

So an ice cold Corona will do me just fine.

drinks drinks

got an extra? :tongue:

(((Madam))) I always have extra.

How have you been?

MtnBkr80446's photo
Fri 08/22/08 05:53 PM
Hey Judy. Going to make pizza and have beer with it here.

So an ice cold Corona will do me just fine.

drinks drinks

MtnBkr80446's photo
Thu 08/21/08 07:11 PM
Judy, sorry to get on and go but it looks like I have a ton of stuff to do that has just happened.

Peace out and talk to you soon.

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