Community > Posts By > veggiesteve

veggiesteve's photo
Sat 02/02/08 11:15 PM

Well I have to say, impressive. And you do not look 57, I about sh*t when I saw that part laugh Look much younger. You have a good quote in your profile. That 2nd paragraph.

Thank you :heart: very nice of you to say ... I should stress that AGE also does not have to work against you. I use it to my benefit constantly ..

smokin drinker

I get that I'm "too young" most of the time. From younger and older women, so I'm stuck grumble

yea i think im going to be falling into that catagory on here too

veggiesteve's photo
Sat 02/02/08 10:49 PM

no you r just young

yea the biggest thing that kept me away from starting this was my age, but i guess i still have hopes. i met my last real relationship over the internet so i suppose there isnt an age requirement is there?

veggiesteve's photo
Sat 02/02/08 10:47 PM
yea, i am new to this i just don't know how to strike up conversations online, which is really odd because its not even something i have to try to be able to do in real life, its just natural.

veggiesteve's photo
Sat 02/02/08 10:43 PM
so, yea just out of curiosity what should i change about my profile and/or pics cuz no one even seems to view me let alone ever message me.

am i doing something wrong?

rate? i guess?

veggiesteve's photo
Fri 02/01/08 03:52 AM

whats the point of and opinion if you share it with no one? whats the point of a voice if you never speak to anyone with it?
thats what im saying. yet whether or not christians say they are or arent shoving their beliefs down your throat, they are. i was one of them that said i wasnt. but yet id be the first to tell you that you are wrong. and that i was right. and if i didnt say it i thought it which is also just as wrong. im not saying your wrong in believing what you believe. believe in what you need. but i do not need it.

i agree. sorry if you misunderstand me i dont want to seem like i think im right and your wrong i just striking up thought that goes beyond surface leve. on a side note that reply was direct towads adelines comment on how frivalous it was to argue over such things

veggiesteve's photo
Fri 02/01/08 03:47 AM

first i believe in a god just not one that is personally involved with us
second i dont believe in faith. i believe in reason and logic. faith is a placeholder for something thats not real

you cant say "i believe in reason and logic." and say you dont believe in faith. thats illogical in and of itself. you put your FAITH in reason and logic. faith is anything you belive to be true and value as right. faith is not bound to a religion. if you are an atheist you have FAITH that god does not exsist. people have a complete misunderstanding of the word for some crazy and unexplainable reason.
okay i connot put faith in anything so illogical
where is ther any kind of logic in christianity? theres not
yet millions believe in it
i cannot believe in something just because so many others do

this makes much more sense then saying you dont believe in faith. christianity is a joke. i belive in god but i can not advocate for a system that only pursues status and social acceptence rather then truth and real practice of its so called faith. how can one worship a homeless man on sunday and then reject another on monday? americans, not just christians have their values in all the wrong places.

veggiesteve's photo
Fri 02/01/08 03:43 AM
whats the point of and opinion if you share it with no one? whats the point of a voice if you never speak to anyone with it?

veggiesteve's photo
Fri 02/01/08 03:36 AM

first i believe in a god just not one that is personally involved with us
second i dont believe in faith. i believe in reason and logic. faith is a placeholder for something thats not real

you cant say "i believe in reason and logic." and say you dont believe in faith. thats illogical in and of itself. you put your FAITH in reason and logic. faith is anything you belive to be true and value as right. faith is not bound to a religion. if you are an atheist you have FAITH that god does not exsist. people have a complete misunderstanding of the word for some crazy and unexplainable reason.

veggiesteve's photo
Fri 02/01/08 03:24 AM

first of all there is no god and second ppl r too stupid to think that we r here and that no one made us. we r freaks of nature just like everything else in this world

not to be a douche but i personally dont consider myself a freak of nature. you can call yourself that all you want if it pleases you.

veggiesteve's photo
Fri 02/01/08 03:17 AM

If god made us who made GOD????
god isnt real...believe me. ive debated this in my head over and over. i was a strong penticostal for the longest time until i relize that religion only depressed me.

god does not equal religion.
religion is false and a joke. its only a tool of status and acceptance. faith is just what you believe. i havent been to church in two years but im probably more concrete in my own personal belief on what the real deal is then i ever have been.

veggiesteve's photo
Fri 02/01/08 03:15 AM
i did.

i dont understand why people even bother with these types of questions.

if the big band came from one tiny atom then were did that atom come from? the little silence?

veggiesteve's photo
Fri 02/01/08 02:35 AM
if it means anything im here! hello everyone this is my first post.