Community > Posts By > Hikerjohn

Hikerjohn's photo
Sat 02/16/13 11:28 AM

forgiveness of INTENTIONAL wrongs (sorry folks, having sex with someone else doesnt 'just happen')

correlates directly with remorse for those wrongs

true remorse virtually eliminates the chance of that INTENTIONAL act happening again

if it happens over and over, ,there wasnt truly remorse, so whether there is true forgiveness will no longer matter much,,,and distrust has been earned,,,,,

I can forgive and still be logically cautious

just like I could forgive someone passing on an std, unknowingly, and still take the precaution to avoid it happening in the future,,,

if someone cheats, I Can forgive them, and still be cautious to the FACT that it is within their moral capacity to do such a thing under the right circumstances,,,

Very good answer.

Hikerjohn's photo
Sat 02/16/13 10:03 AM

Okay, firstly I'm not from England. It says quite clearly on my profile that I'm in Scotland.

Secondly, I did not say that I thought that afairs are cool. What I said was that I think that it's possible that a couple having problems in their relationship can find some sort of resolution after one of them has an afair.

Here's an example: Their sex life has broken down. The woman feels undesirable and she is unhappy. She has an afair. The husband finds out about it and becomes jealous. She says to him, "Why do you care? You don't want to have sex with me anyway. This afair is making me happy and if you loved me you would want me to be happy" Now, let's suppose that the couple are not actually married because that's arguably just a piece of paper. The couple were no longer having sex. A man and woman that are no longer having sex are not in a sexual relationship and that makes them only friends. They decided to stay friends, even though they felt that their relationship was over. Anyway, the woman going with someone else forces the issue. It causes arguments and then the friendship starts to break down. The guy may even have tried accepting the afair because he does love the woman or thinks of her as his best friend and he does want her to be happy. He wants to be happy as well though and it's tearing him apart that she's now with another man. He says to her that he doesn't think that they can be friends anymore because continuing to see her and being around her while he's feeling jealous is making him unhappy. Sometimes it is only when you lose somebody that you realise how much you really love them.

I got involved in a situation like this. They were not married. She told me that the guy was her ex but he was also her best friend. She finished it with me telling me that she couldn't bear to lose the other guy. She said that she had been thinking about getting back with him and giving it another go. I haven't heard from her since. I don't know if she did what she did to make the other guy jealous and she did actually lie to me about how long it had been since her last relationship. The woman was confused and all over the place. I don't think she knew what she wanted but she made her mind up in the end. Would they have been better off getting relationship counceling instead of her seeing me? Possibly but they didn't and their "relationship" was supposedly over. Their relationship had been on and off for five years and they were "on a break."

I got involved with someone that was still involved with somebody else and this is not the first time that I've been involved with a woman that's come out with this "we're just friends" jazz. When my ex did that we had been on and off for years and she refused to commit to me, saying that we were just "friends". I went along with the casual relationship but during one of our breaks she met somebody else. She told me that he was just a friend too. I told her that I didn't think that we should keep seeing each other because I couldn't handle it that she was involved with someone else. I forced her to choose. She chose him.

This is call justification. What we do to justify what we have done so that we don't have to face the truth which comes with guilt, remorse, humility and the horrible place of waiting for someone else's forgiveness.

She was separated, she did nothing to divorce (give another piece of paper vowing to walk away) before you hooked up with her. And you paid a huge price.

Looks like she already had an amazing man who eventually forgave her 'MISTAKE' and took her back. But thats what affairs are. Two people using each other for selfish reasons.

Hikerjohn's photo
Sat 02/16/13 09:56 AM

My posts talk about seeking answers and the importance of doing so. I think understanding the difference between real and truth is something I will leave up to you to study and investigate. If your not sure, they are not the same.

We are fairly offtopic now. If you would like to continue discussing this, you can message me and I will respond when I can. But I will close it on my end on this thread.

Hikerjohn's photo
Sat 02/16/13 09:37 AM

Sure will. Would cure horny.

Sadly this isn't true. When we indulge our fantasies, we satisfy them only for a short time, but what we really do is feed the desire more. Then at some time in our life we wish for more control over those desires, the work is multiplied by how long and how much we fed the desire.

So it if vital we chose to desire things that are good for us and let them multiply in our lives instead of bad things which deteriorate us.

Good luck with that.

Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 02/15/13 07:45 PM

I guess I felt I answered it the best I could.

Is it a fundamental question you are not sure of, or a debate point you wish to continue with?

If you have a question, please state it clearer, if you have a view on the subject please just state it.

whats the truth man! :-)

I am asking you to explain what you mean by "truth" and/or "the truth". What words could we replace "truth" and "the truth" with without losing any meaning?


Since you raised the notion of Truth, it is only reasonable to explain what you mean, and perhaps what that has to do with the OP's question. Right?

One of the tools some people try and use against seeking wisdom is the argument that truth is not knowable. that truth is only relevant to each person. So don't try. This is destructive loop that, isn't true. :-) That was my point.

Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 02/15/13 07:01 PM

If the almighty imaginary creator was real there would be no debate over it's existence or any other mythological deity based pantheon.
If he was real he or it or she is one roguish,scared to come out of hiding deity.I mean he supposedly floats on a fluffy cloud under the "firmament?" in a castle where a renegade rabbi jew(jesus) sits on it's right side.Yeah sure i'm really going to accept that as truth?NO!

See. Thank you for stating your view and your opinion of what you believe. I respect that.

I have a question though. What all ways interests me is that someone who clearly doesn't believe, spends all there time posting in a section relating to something they don't believe in. In you case a ton a posts in the religious section. Seriously. What draws you to the debate. Its not like you spend time in the other forums also but basically here, arguing against the believe of a God or creator. What is the draw for you?

It's more like killing time,i really have no issues with people who believe in "ancient desert tribal gods" stories made into a book that contains most of them to only look like one imaginary monotheistic god.Really they choose to believe in that mythological pantheon,just like others did before the Abrahamic Trilogy was written.
I just will never choose to pick a mythological pantheon and become delusional over it,because i think i will have an afterlife by having faith in a man made imaginary desert god or gods.I accept that humans decompose and that's it.Believe what you want but I even knew Dungeons and Dragons was just fantasy.

Hey you dissed D&D. Now you've gone too far.

Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 02/15/13 06:42 PM

I was not talking to you.

There are still several points that were already raised which you have yet to have given due attention.

I guess I felt I answered it the best I could.

Is it a fundamental question you are not sure of, or a debate point you wish to continue with?

If you have a question, please state it clearer, if you have a view on the subject please just state it.

whats the truth man! :-)

Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 02/15/13 06:02 PM

If the almighty imaginary creator was real there would be no debate over it's existence or any other mythological deity based pantheon.
If he was real he or it or she is one roguish,scared to come out of hiding deity.I mean he supposedly floats on a fluffy cloud under the "firmament?" in a castle where a renegade rabbi jew(jesus) sits on it's right side.Yeah sure i'm really going to accept that as truth?NO!

See. Thank you for stating your view and your opinion of what you believe. I respect that.

I have a question though. What all ways interests me is that someone who clearly doesn't believe, spends all there time posting in a section relating to something they don't believe in. In you case a ton a posts in the religious section. Seriously. What draws you to the debate. Its not like you spend time in the other forums also but basically here, arguing against the believe of a God or creator. What is the draw for you?

Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 02/15/13 05:51 PM
Nobody gets it right the first time. Forgiveness is a foundation of a relationship. But that doesn't mean you tolerate habitual problems. If the same thing happens twice, I am not saying you cannot forgive but there needs to be some proof or plan that the other person has put into place for change.

Yes people change but not unless its vital to something they want. If this guy wants you, without turning it into a manipulation for getting everything you want, you should state your expectation to see change. If he doesn't love you enough to change what is 'wrong' then he isn't really asking for forgiveness, just your tolerance.

Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 02/15/13 03:46 PM
Sadly it ends up that is not the wifes issue something is missing. Many times there is nothing missing but one imagines what they might be missing.

In the end, sadly its after the affair that they realize what they just gave up for something that was better as imagined than what ended up as real.

Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 02/15/13 03:04 PM
Yes. It would be great for your wife to know your looking for this so she can leave you and move on with her life.

Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 02/15/13 08:52 AM
Edited by Hikerjohn on Fri 02/15/13 08:55 AM
It is the opposite that is the problem. Trying to believe that truth is selective or based only on each persons perspective. thats the deception.

The back side of trying to define truth is trying to suggest that truth is subjective and unknowable. I am attempting to shed light on this untruth about truth.

Please note that the subject is "Is God real" and that I am not trying to blindly tell anyone that God is real. I am only suggesting that the question is answerable. Or at least I was able to answer it for me based on investigation and fact finding, not blind faith and wishful thinking.

Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 02/15/13 08:24 AM
Edited by Hikerjohn on Fri 02/15/13 08:25 AM
And this is why most men are happy they are single on valentines day. Its glorious to give a gift to someone who has no expectations and fully appreciates any gesture. Its absolutely horrible to attempt to get a gift knowing its intent is to satisfy an expectation and knowing that the gift is going to be judged if it meets the expectation or falls short.

Where is the love in that?

Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 02/15/13 07:26 AM
Edited by Hikerjohn on Fri 02/15/13 07:27 AM
Thank you.

As people keep re reading what you wrote, they will begin to realize the importance of believing in real truth and hopefully stop the useless game of and psycho babble that truth is subjective.

There is real. I am really here.

I don't think I need to say anymore.

Thank you again.

Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 02/15/13 12:37 AM
Edited by Hikerjohn on Fri 02/15/13 12:47 AM

We didn't give gifts as a sign of love in my family. We did things for each other. So my natural tendency would have been to do something for you and not buy you gifts. And in the end, as you seemed to be accustomed to being given a gift as a sign of love, my attempt to show my appreciation of you would have been missed. In turn i would have been lost on why you rejected my attempt at showing love.

Each person shows love differently. All I suggest is you attempt to find out how the person you are with shows love before you assume he doesn't care.

Here is a good place to start. One counselors way to express the differences in how we show or expect to be shown love.

Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 02/15/13 12:01 AM


What? You want to define "real" when just about anyone who believes in a god will tell you that you can't define god. If god were to be defined by science, there wouldn't be a question.
What's left to define if you limit god to the physical realm? Are not others allowed to think for themselves? Do you assert that images in the brain are not real?

Actually, don't answer that... :-/

Ok. Lets go another layer deeper. Science, psychology, Mormonism, feminism, catholicism, Christianity. These are believe systems. A set of beliefs as a whole. Some people chose to believe parts of these or others and some chose to believe in the whole belief system. Some try and combine multiple systems and make a new one based on the tenants of the systems.

You refer to science. Some scientist believe in Christianity and search for physics with the concept of a God. Other scientist believe there is no god and base there research with this being the truth.

But we can say the same thing with most isms. And now it becomes a question which ism do you put as your primary foundation. The others become filtered by your choice. If your a feminist first then a Christian, you will only believe in the tenants of Christianity that don't conflict with the tenants of feminism. If your a Christian first then you will only accept the tenants of feminism that agree with being a Christian. IF you have not learned to chose a foundation, usually your life will be chaos as you vacillate between beliefs based on your current feelings or views and you may abandon one of both out of the self made conflict and not out of evaluation or searching for truth.

My Personal view of science as this is the one you brought up?

Purest want evolution to be true and the patterns Darwin found in the adaptation of animals as a piece of that puzzle. They quickly ignore the huge missing links that have to be there for this to be true. And science isn't even close to solving the beginning of living tissue on a evolving ball of materials.

All science keeps doing is show the amazingly near impossibility of how the billions of calculations that are needed for our existence. even the existence of a tree. Or even a leaf. I love how hard some scientist look into space to find the missing links or the beginning of the big bang, only to bring more awe to the vast universe and its impossibility to explain by science. thats why so many scientist eventually become believers later in life after spending years dissecting our world.

Lets get real.

Hikerjohn's photo
Thu 02/14/13 11:09 PM

Who agrees with you? Who verified your method of analysis? Did you take a concensus before making your public statement? If it was uninteresting and irrelevant as you say, why take the time to respond?

I took the time to respond to save an otherwise unwitting reader from being fooled. I have shown - in great detail - how/why what you've written is irrelevant to the question at hand. If you wish to argue against what I've claimed, then do so.

Just in case one didn't get the more complex points I've already raised, I'll be more direct and simple this time around...

Picturing a rose conjures up the memory of some thing that we can all point at. The existence of a rose is point-of-view-invariant. The existence of an imagined rose is not. Thus there is a clear difference between our imagining a rose and a rose. There is no possible distinction to be drawn and maintained between God and imagining a God. Thus, the line of thinking you've introduced does not lend itself to a good argument for the existence of God. God's existence is akin to our picturing a rose in our minds when no rose has been seen.

That is exactly why/how we have so many different religions. All those folk hold that what they think/believe about what they call "God" or "Allah" or whatever the case may be is true and what others believe is not.

The bit about truth is gibberish; prima facie evidence that you have no idea what truth is and/or the role that it plays in thought/belief and the statements that follow.

Why ought anyone here try to figure out why you would say anything at all? Your personal psychology is not the focus. Rather than instruct the reader to make sense of the words you write, why don't you say something clear, concise, and meaningful. Relevancy is always a plus too.The topic is "Is God real?" not why does Pan say the stuff he does.


Well, I feel that my words would also be a conflict for you.

Would you rather me say I have seen God. I see him in the works that are performed, in the creation we enjoy, the perfection of his instructions written at the hands of fishermen and doctors alike over 2000 years ago, in the healing of broken hearts and destroyed lives in ways psychology attempts to but cannot touch, In the grace and patients That I now have that I couldn't find or create before I met Him.

Those who don't want it to be true find me insane, a fool, a blind believer, a simpleton who will believe anything. It becomes foolishness for me to debate this type person.

I am non of those things. Nor am a a brilliant doctor or scientist. Yet so many brilliant people have also came to the same conclusion I have.

If you believe all the studies and questionnaires that have been around for a very long time, very few people actually believe that there was not a creator. Some have suggested it takes greater faith to believe there is no God.

But there are many who seek a creator who are still in great misery. That is true. So when you are seeking answers and you want a believers view, find someone who shows the signs of great peace. They are all around. But you have to be looking for them to find them.

And if your not looking. Then be at peace with your view.

Hikerjohn's photo
Thu 02/14/13 02:42 PM

I think there is something very important here. The word "rose" conjures up an image based on knowledge. The image isn't a real rose. It is memory. Memory tells us that roses exist.

Like the Rose, the word God points to all the knowledge that we have accumulated about God. God exists, God doesn't exist, the Mormons have it wrong because..., the Baptist are right because..., the Hindus this, Muslims that, so on and so on. Conflict in the world revolves around the knowledge that we hold on to, the knowledge we are unwilling to question, the knowledge we think everyone should agree with.

Do you see it?

Yes. Good evaluation. So based on this we can agree that the Mormons the baptist and Muslims all get parts of the truth right and all of them get parts the truth wrong. Some more than the others. Matter of fact, all church groups have got some parts wrong. Just as every person in the world doesn't have all the Truth figured out. If they did, they themselves would be Truth.

So to know Truth, one must keep evaluating what they believe. First I test the biblical word and it proves, to me, to be Truth. Then I seek out others who are searching for truth and look to see where we differ so I can test what I believe and see what is true. And when someone states that 1+1=3 when you factor x, I eventually realize what x was never part of the equation and its deception not truth.

I believe there is truth. And in our minds the "rose" can vacillate between real and imaginary. that doesn't eliminate the fact there was a rose. The existence of the rose was truth. That is why we don't just rely on our own understanding but we are called out in the word to keep seeking answers and wisdom.

Hikerjohn's photo
Wed 02/13/13 07:42 PM
I bet you $20 you don't take the class.

Hikerjohn's photo
Tue 02/12/13 06:08 PM

Some have questioned why God would have made this destructive thing called man then. Thats like trying to understand how a creater would make decisions based on what you or I understand. Suggesting a slight bit of arrogance in assuming we have individually learned enough to answer this question.

Others have talked about why create a being who can hate and be destructive. (in many posts)

I challenge your thoughts here. How can you have Love without Hate. How would you know love if there wasn't Hate. Without hate there would just be.

How would we know joy without sadness.
healthy vs sick
peace vs turmoil

And Loving God that did not also posses Wrath. Many who believe in God want just a loving God. They too have a distorted view of God. God is all things. Many who want just a loving God ignore all other things including wholly and Righteous. They want a grace filled God that has no expectations or requirements of us. They struggle with a grace filled God that also has wrath.

Those who do understand and believe in a heavenly father, take the time to put the whole picture together. He is even more awesome when you do.


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