Community > Posts By > lwturkjr

lwturkjr's photo
Sat 05/25/13 06:55 AM

lwturkjr's photo
Wed 05/15/13 08:42 AM
Edited by lwturkjr on Wed 05/15/13 08:47 AM
One good place to look is on small blogs about content relating to your site in this case health & beauty products. You can get in contact with the owner of the blog and talk to them about mentioning your website in one of their blog posts, also don't forget social media twitter, tumbler, facebook, reddit, etc. these are useful resources you can use when trying to promote your website.

lwturkjr's photo
Wed 05/15/13 08:32 AM
Edited by lwturkjr on Wed 05/15/13 08:36 AM
i could try going through and explaining everything in my own way, but it would be easier just putting this link here, I feel it answers this question quite adequately

lwturkjr's photo
Wed 05/15/13 08:18 AM
The bigger question here is why does everyone judge everyone else, it's human nature you might see a homeless person and judge them, but you don't ask yourself what got them in this situation? what happened to make that person the person they are? it could have been anything you don't know, but you will make a judgement based off appearence.

Like i said i think it is human nature to judge why is it human nature? well at some point during human evolution it might have become necessary for our survival to look at people and judge them, or maybe not honestly it doesn't matter what you think about someone or how you judge them unless you're willing to talk to and get to know them and learn why they act the way they do no one should have any right to judge anyone, granted that doesn't stop people from judging other people

lwturkjr's photo
Wed 05/15/13 08:13 AM
Lets see a nerd what type of nerd there are a few different

there is the type of nerd who hangs out at the local card/hobby shops where he plays games such as MTG, Warhammer, Warmachine, Legend of the Five rings etc.

Now there is the computer nerd type of nerd this type of nerd knows a lot about computers is prolly an aspiring hacker and knows at least the basics of atleast one programming language.

Now there is are the Scifi nerds who are really into Startreck Starwars shows like Dr. Who Warehouse 13 etc.

There are the math nerds, well educational nerds where they excel in on or several different things such as history, math, physics etc.

Now there are many many more and they are not exclusive obviosly for example I play MTG L5R I like scifi and watch Dr who every weekend, and i work with computers

Most nerds are like this some mixture of "nerdy" things they do but they are unique each individual slightly different than any other, so what type of nerd are you looking for?

lwturkjr's photo
Wed 02/20/13 05:55 AM
Well I'm sure if all those people who died alone had met one another before they died some of them would have been right for each other.

Your story is kinda sad, but it happens and now you're moving on with your life, and you'll find the right person for you don't worry, but don't sit around expecting him to knock on your door when you have if you have any free time go out with friends hang out with people etc. eventually there will be some one who it clicks with.

lwturkjr's photo
Thu 02/14/13 05:40 PM
I posted this planning on posting more poems to it here is another one a bit lengthy, but I think it tells a good story, Although It could probably be more than one poem. Anyway hope you enjoy.

I cannot see with these eyes
The destiny of all galaxies
Gazing into the eye of the universe
The future's looking bleak
I know the time is near

Lords of the darkness
Blood is staining peace
Skies brightened up by the fire
War's knocking at every door
And the mankind craves for war
They want us to fear and they want us to crawl
But they forgot we are not crawlers

The scene for us was set
Towards the battle we go side by side
Revenge returns to us, this returns to me
Nothing matters on the battlefield we stand
Into the battle with power and might
And the horsemen shall come they will judge all your lives

Tired of the fighting destroying our world
We all travel light and space
Far out to galaxies unknown
To find the answer to the question
Save the human race.

A dark sphere surrounds us
A hidden force has found us
I hear screams of fallen souls, sad cries of agony
Present and future have no difference

Out of the night and into a vortex of fire
And out of nowhere we materialize
We folded space to a distant sun
When we made the journey here

Reality itself twists and bends.
Light years away, beyond our Galaxy
I see a planet like our own
A brilliant display, quenching my deepest desires
We stand before the dawn of a new world

lwturkjr's photo
Thu 02/14/13 05:27 PM
A fair point.

I do not think a penguin collection is necessarily a sign of being immature and insecure, granted at first glance it may seem that way, however you look at how penguins are, they are very strong willed, they mate for life, (A very strong marriage) and they will do anything for their family (Very reliable). Now maybe it's just me trying to justify the collection of cute stuffed penguins I have, but what a penguin represents is the exact opposite of the impression you got.

About the smile, I suppose I should be smiling, well tbh I have no counter point to this argument good sir.

I do thank you for being honest in your opinion, and I will remember to smile when I put another picture up.

lwturkjr's photo
Thu 02/14/13 06:38 AM
I think foreplay is an important part of a relationship, not only does it get both partners mentally and physically ready for sexual intercourse not only that, but more importantly I feel foreplay leads to a more satisfying sexual experience for both partners both mentally and physically.

I'm not really an expert on this matter by no means and I maybe I'm wrong, if I am someone older and wiser feel free to correct me. Welp that's what I was going to said and now I've gone and said it so take it for what you will.

lwturkjr's photo
Thu 02/14/13 06:10 AM
Sure why not lets have people rate my profile too, be honest, be critical, I'm not looking for an ego trip I'm looking for honest opinions. I would like to know what people think whether its be good or bad.

lwturkjr's photo
Wed 02/13/13 06:47 AM

Ive been on this site for a few and I feel that the site needs to update itself. There are people on here that hasnt been on for months. I see why someone feel that no one serious cause you cant really tell. And if you send a message no one respond to you or cant tell you to move on. Oh who cares. lol

I feel there are serious people on here,I think those are the people here in the forums. However, I believe when most people think of a dating site they think of logging on looking though profiles then sending a pm or email to that person and getting a response, This website seems to be different where it tries a more social approach, where you post on the forums and you end up finding people with same interests, point of views etc. Then you pm that other person and start talking. I could be wrong, but that is my impression with this site, It is a neat idea, however most people probably don't understand that, so they don't post on the forums and end up stop showing up to the site, and they don't bother deactivating their accounts. I think that is where the problem is, however I could be wrong.

lwturkjr's photo
Fri 01/18/13 07:43 AM
Sometimes I get feelings that something is going to happen never any visions, but I usually know what these feelings mean. That's about it really

lwturkjr's photo
Fri 01/18/13 07:13 AM
I guess i might as well start being active on here, some bands I like are

Iron Savior
Iron Fire
Leave's eyes
Axel Rudi Pell
Power Quest
Amon Amarth

There are a lot of Other bands I listen to that I that would be considered some Sub-Genre of metal.

I know what you're thinking oh he's a guitar hero nub, but while it's true i enjoyed playing guitar hero I listened to Dragonforce before Guitar hero came out. I must say about Dragonforce even though I like ZP Theart I honestly feel the band is better with off with Marc Hudson

The new Line up for Powerquest is much better than their older one while the old Powerquest lineup wasn't bad a lot of people including myself tend to think that while the old Line up wasn't bad the new line up between the lyrics and the sound just seems more mature.

That's about all I've got to say for now.

lwturkjr's photo
Thu 11/15/12 08:38 PM
Something I'm actually kinda good at lets find out for real I guess.

I'll post some of my poems I've done here and see how it goes.

I spent my time just dreaming
Moving on searching for a better life
Seen enough sorrow to last all my days

Running through time
My vision never ending
The path ever holding

How am I suppose to know
Where this road called life will go?
Do I have to make the journey on my own?

As I grew up, reality childhood had to end
Funny how those years seemed so long but passed on by
Why do my memories resemble someone else's life?
Grey is the sky cold is the wind.
How is this journey going to end?