Community > Posts By > Up2Us

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Tue 02/04/14 03:01 PM

I think part of our problem with "finding life" is the expectation in looking for a deal of "It has to be similar to humans". I mean we are looking for planets that mimic this one (but won't because they're in a different place with different things involved in their creation and growth). That in itself shows a level of expectation that everything should mimic the basic idea for life here. I feel that's probably the thing that's also limiting our ability to find it. We're not thinking it'll come in any form as much as we should.
Meanwhile we have things like archeo bacteria (it can survive in harsh environments like geysers) and even sulfur based life in our ocean depths.
Living rocks also sorta does work. We have those same beds in Australia (I'm damn sure it's in "Oz") which are basically really low level collective organism colonies.

I agree....

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Fri 01/31/14 12:31 AM
Nothing else appeared to move, but the rock? spock

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Fri 01/31/14 12:25 AM
Alien Life on Mars?

Rhawn Joseph is taking legal action on the basis that NASA isn't doing enough to investigate alien life.

The author and researcher has filed the unusual lawsuit because he doesn't believe that NASA is doing everything possible to investigate potential signs of extraterrestrial life on Mars.

Joseph's main argument centers around the recent photographs taken by the Opportunity rover that show a strange rock appearing on the ground between shots. At the time, NASA scientists concluded that the rock had been kicked in to frame by the rover's wheels, but Joseph maintains that there is something more to it and believes NASA should have conducted a more thorough investigation.


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Mon 01/27/14 08:19 PM
Edited by Up2Us on Mon 01/27/14 08:24 PM

So was Dr. Jonathan Reeds' experience fact or fiction/hoax? spock

They did an episode on the show fact or faked on syfy.
I'm not really buying their conclusion that it was faked though.
Mainly because all they really did was recreate the spaceship and alien body and did a lie detector test.
Just because you can recreate something doesn't mean that it was faked.
As far as lie detectors go they can be deceptive as well.
No one will ever know the truth without actual direct evidence.
Otherwise it's just a story and supposed video.

Dr. Reeds' identity was supposedly erased by government authorities. Personal relationships connected with his case were mysteriously killed. According to him there was direct evidence of a bracelet that was removed from the alien. Unlike the Betty and Barney Hill abduction, which appeared authentic. His case seems a little ambiguous, and appears to be a hoax.

Additional photos & video:


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Mon 01/27/14 01:33 AM

Dr Jonathan Reed Alien Encounter Part 2

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Sun 01/26/14 08:20 PM
The internet belongs to the NSA & Fusion Centers....pitchfork

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Sun 01/26/14 10:17 AM
So was Dr. Jonathan Reeds' experience fact or fiction/hoax? spock

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Sun 01/26/14 09:47 AM
Edited by Up2Us on Sun 01/26/14 09:48 AM

Moore's Beach Monster or Baird's Beaked Whale

According to the Santa Cruz News, the specimen was thirty-four feet long, its head bigger than a barrel, and its eyes bigger than an abalone. Also, it had a great oval shaped body with a neck seven feet long and thirty-six inches in diameter. Its body was covered with a coat of "semi-hair and feathers," and its mouth was like that of a duck's bill.

"In the Wake of Sea Serpents," Bernard Heuvelmans' authoritative book, discusses the monster in the following terms: "It was a strange creature, with a huge head longer than a man, tiny eyes and sort of duck's head beak. It was joined to the main body by a slender neck that seemed to be about thirty feet long."

We now come to perhaps the most intriguing description of them all, given by one of the most scientifically competent of them all. Mind the reader, not most competent, but one of the most competent. His name was E.L. Wallace, a man who served twice as president of the Natural History Society of British Columbia. He had the following to say about the animal:

"My examination of the monster was quite thorough. I felt in its mouth and found it had no teeth. Its head is large and its neck fully twenty feet long. The body is weak and the tail is only three feet in length from the end of the backbone. These facts do away with the whale theory, as the backbone of a whale is far larger than any bone in this animal. Again, its tail is too weak for an animal of the deep and does away with that last version.

"With a bill like it possesses, it must have lived on herbage . . . I would call it a type of plesiosaurus."


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Sun 01/26/14 04:03 AM

The Naden Harbour "Cadborosaurus" carcass, retrieved from the stomach of a sperm whale and photographed in October, 1937

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Sun 01/26/14 03:28 AM

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Sun 01/26/14 03:25 AM
Lake Van Monster

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Sun 01/26/14 03:22 AM
Loch Ness solved...laugh

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Sun 01/26/14 03:09 AM

None of which have ever been proven too exist at all. Attention and money is a good enough reason to get people to lie.
That is true, but for many eyewitnesses there is no monetary gain. Some witnesses come forth despite severe scrutiny. It seems new types of species are discovered almost routinely globally.

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Sat 01/25/14 10:18 PM

Here is just a partial list of lake monsters seen in many parts of the world:

The Loch Ness Monster . Affectionately known as "Nessie," this is the most famous of all lake monsters. There are many websites devoted to Nessie, and one of the best places I've found to learn all about it is The Legend of Nessie.

The Altamaha-Ha. This creature lives in the Altamaha River near Darien, Georgia. It has been sighted numerous times, at least since the 1960s, by fisherman and other witnesses.

Champ. Lake Champlain in northeast New York State is the home of Champ. Most sightings describe a 15- to 25-foot creature with a "long sinuous neck" and a dark-colored body with one or more humps.

Lake Van Monster. In June of 1997, video was taken of some kind of creature in Lake Van in eastern Turkey. A brief story and QuickTime movies of the video footage can be seen at this CNN news story.

Memphr�. Lake Memphr�magog, which straddles the U.S.-Canadian border about 70 miles east of Montreal, is the home of Memphr�. The earliest sightings of this creature, which resemble those of Nessie, date back to 1847.

Nahuelito. Descriptions of this creature in Nahuel Huapi Lake in Argentina vary from that of a giant water snake with humps and fish-like fins to a swan with a snake's head. Witnesses estimate its length at anywhere between 15 to 150 feet.

Selma. Lake Seljordsvatnet in Norway is the site of eyewitness accounts of this whale-like creature since 1750.

Ogopogo. Native Americans called it N'haaitk, and it makes its home in Okanagan Lake in British Columbia.


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Sat 01/25/14 06:46 PM
Nice write...smokin

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Fri 01/24/14 07:18 PM
That's so sad to see....sad2

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Thu 01/23/14 03:32 PM
On the Trail of the Chupacabras

It attacks in the night, sucking the blood from its helpless victims. Let's follow the bloody trail of the elusive "goat sucker" -- chupacabras -- over the years


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Tue 01/21/14 08:02 PM

slaphead did you know there is a 10000.00 reward for anybody who can produce the Jersey Devil I look at it this way The Legend of the Jersey Devils is 250 + years old you think somebody would have captured. s.o.b by now. spock
Once Legend status is reached, T-shirt images are the only thing seemly captured.slaphead

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Tue 01/21/14 04:47 PM

I still say my jersey devils boss :wink:
The Jersey Devil is often described as a flying biped with hooves. Sounds like Santa Claus's mutated reindeer....laugh

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Tue 01/21/14 04:16 PM
Thanks for reading Leigh2154 flowerforyou love
Thanks brwnkimba drinker
Thanks teasingbrunette blushing

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