Community > Posts By > snuggles1963

snuggles1963's photo
Sun 07/27/08 01:05 PM
Mostly just men lying about their height. Not sure why, guess they prefer taller women and figure those women want taller men.
Oh, and a webcam isn't real good at determining height.

snuggles1963's photo
Sun 07/27/08 12:59 PM
Toby Keith

snuggles1963's photo
Sun 07/27/08 12:05 AM
I know it's wrong, and like I said, it has not been physical yet because of his marriage. It is very complicated. I just have a really hard time dating because I compare them all to him and they just don't measure up! Sometimes I wish I could not see him anymore, but he comes in quite frequently and it is such a small town, we see each a lot in other places. Some people have even assumed that we are dating (most people in town don't know he's married because his wife is never here), but I correct them that we are only friends. Just wish I could meet someone that would make me forget all about him!

snuggles1963's photo
Sat 07/26/08 11:58 PM
So many "no's". He wears no ring, as many farmers don't, his wife lives in another state with her daughter, so he sees her only a few times a year. We see each other all the time because of circumstances. Nothing physical of course, but he says that he would (for the first time since being married) if I would. What to do? He is EVERYTHING I have ever wanted.

snuggles1963's photo
Sat 07/26/08 11:49 PM
soooo infatuated with a married person that you can't see the good single people around you?

snuggles1963's photo
Sat 07/26/08 11:48 PM

snuggles1963's photo
Sat 07/26/08 11:44 PM
Going for that second helping of icecream now. Sorry, I should say "don't do it", but that would be hypocritical, since I do. Especially when I'm depressed!

snuggles1963's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:45 AM
Just out of curiosity, why is this a question for the ladies? Don't men clean their homes too?
Just wondering....

snuggles1963's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:43 AM

Just wondering if anyone on the site was bi-polar or had experiences with someone who was.

B-P right here. So yay for me.

I once played a poker game at the bar where this jackass just out of the blue piped up and said "I hate people with bipolar." Funny thing is that he couldn't have known I have it...Still ticked me off. The reaction of the other people at the table was to ignore him, funnily enough.

As someone who was VERY high functioning (a computer programmer and analyst) for 13 years after being diagnosed, I know the uneducated comments some people make are difficult to handle. I was hospitalized almost once a year for those 13 years, but would only be off work for a few weeks. It was sad, because if I had been in the hospital for a "medical" illness, my coworkers would have been informed and there would have been flowers, cards, etc. Unfortunately, bi-polar seems to be a "don't ask - don't tell" illness. When I got back, I would just go to another project and proceed to work myself into another episode. Only a select few knew. Now, I'm very open with everyone. Hopefully, they can see that I don't have two heads and fangs and I can help educate them on the illness.

snuggles1963's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:38 AM

Bipolar illness usually manifests itself in late teens or early 20's. Thankfully, it is rare to see it in a child. It can also be hereditary. My father was never diagnosed, but after his suicide (1981), it was suggested that he was. I used to curse the fact that I was unable to have biological children. Now, I thank God my Angel is adopted. If I had to watch her go through what I went through, I think it would kill me.
Oh, I know what you are saying. My 18 year old is bipolar - we have gone through cutting, suicide attempts, a vehicular homicide attempt, arrests for burglary and shoplifting, numerous hospitalizations, etc. And I can't help but think she will never have a normal relationship with anyone - she doesn't have relationships, she takes hostages...I won't have's sad for everyone.

She doesn't want to be treated - right now I am forcing her to take meds, but how long can I do that? She is 18

Unfortunately, you can't force people to take their meds. The difficult thing is that when you are manic, it's actually a pretty cool feeling. Unfortunately, you eventually come down from it and have to deal with the consequences of spending too much, having indescriminate sex, etc. The depression part is typically the overwhelming force for me. I have put my family through hell. Especially my Mom and daughter. You would think that a person who lived through her Father's suicide would know that no child goes through a parent's suicide unscathed. Unfortunately, when you are depressed (or manic), your thought process is soooo skewed, that you actually believe that the people you care about would be better off without you.

I have been fortunate in that I have a family and a couple of incredible friends that have never given up on me, even when I gave up on myself. All I can say is be there for her and hope that as she gets through her teens she will realize the effect her illness has on her and the people that care about her and take the meds. They are not a cure-all, but I know for sure I would be dead without them.

God bless and good luck!

snuggles1963's photo
Fri 07/25/08 05:26 PM
They aren't quite sure what you use that catapillar thingy for....

snuggles1963's photo
Fri 07/25/08 05:18 PM
Always thought you get a little jipped with swiss cheese, all those holes!

snuggles1963's photo
Fri 07/25/08 05:17 PM
I am very much up for meeting and dating people in real life. Unfortunately, I live in the middle of nowhere. Really the closest men I've seen on here live at least 180 miles away. With the price of gas and having to work for a living... Until I meet someone that is closer, or feels I am worth going the extra miles for, I will continue to enjoy chatting on here.

snuggles1963's photo
Fri 07/25/08 05:13 PM

blushing Would take one from 1956deluxe!

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Oh, and OF COURSE, you too Waterloo! flowerforyou smooched

snuggles1963's photo
Fri 07/25/08 05:11 PM
My ex could handle me being bipolar. What he couldn't handle was the weight gain that the meds caused. He also couldn't deal with the loss of sex drive from the meds (I'm on different ones now, thank goodness. Still have the weight, but at least I have my sex drive back).

snuggles1963's photo
Fri 07/25/08 05:02 PM
blushing Would take one from 1956deluxe!

snuggles1963's photo
Fri 07/25/08 04:59 PM
Bipolar illness usually manifests itself in late teens or early 20's. Thankfully, it is rare to see it in a child. It can also be hereditary. My father was never diagnosed, but after his suicide (1981), it was suggested that he was. I used to curse the fact that I was unable to have biological children. Now, I thank God my Angel is adopted. If I had to watch her go through what I went through, I think it would kill me.

snuggles1963's photo
Fri 07/25/08 04:51 PM
That they don't all fall at my feet and worship the ground I walk on..

snuggles1963's photo
Fri 07/25/08 04:49 PM
Bipolar is the politically correct way of saying manic-depressive. It is a horrible, stigmatized illness. You tell people you are bipolar and they immediately tell you about the story they read in the paper where the bipolar guy killed his family and then himself. It is not like that for everyone. I have never had the anger like so many bipolar's get. I always take my meds, they just don't always work. It's hard when people judge you by one thing that they happen to know about you.

snuggles1963's photo
Fri 07/25/08 04:35 PM
Unfortunately, bipolar has nothing to do with polar bears. It can be a serious problem, with major ups and downs. I've always like roller coasters, but the emotional ones are ridiculous!