ThornSeeksHerRose's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:25 PM
Trying to meet a couple of people in Tennessee before I move. I recently have been talking with a seemingly great guy named Brad and so for the moment, friendships are the only thing I'm wanting. If anybody would like to talk, I'd love a message ^-^

ThornSeeksHerRose's photo
Mon 04/28/08 06:34 PM
I've only apologized to mom a million times for it, too! I was cramped in there... lol.
Oh, I just uploaded some pages from my sketchbook onto my pics, too. ^-^

ThornSeeksHerRose's photo
Sun 04/27/08 07:26 PM
Well, thing is is that... Thorn is my name... lol. I'm actually not a negetive person for the most part... [even if a lot of my writing does tend to point out flaws in society.] My name just kind of seems that way... Go figure, eh? *shruggs*

ThornSeeksHerRose's photo
Sun 04/27/08 07:10 PM
bigsmile Thank you guys. ^-^

ThornSeeksHerRose's photo
Sun 04/27/08 07:03 PM
:blush: Wow, thanks. ^-^ *smiles* And I do have some new pics to upload... I borrowed a digital camera. I shall post those momentarily.
...And yes, the half-eaten look is definetly not the best one to go for, thus why none of the new pictures will be of me wrestling alligators. XD

ThornSeeksHerRose's photo
Sun 04/27/08 01:06 AM
Wrestling an alligator, eh? Impressive indeed...Intriguing and maybe a bit intimidating... but hell if I'm about to go hunt down an alligator, throw someone a camera to take a picture with and wind up half-eaten to impress people. lol.

ThornSeeksHerRose's photo
Sun 04/27/08 01:01 AM
I'm moving there in a couple of weeks. Someplace in mid tennessee... around the Lebanon/Galatin/Hendersonville area. I'm actually on here to meet a few TN people before I get there. *crosses fingers*

ThornSeeksHerRose's photo
Sun 04/27/08 12:56 AM
All kinds of rock and metal mostly is what my friends and I listen to...
Most people where I am CURRENTLY listen to rap though... most of which, I'm not particularly fond. indifferent

ThornSeeksHerRose's photo
Sun 04/27/08 12:49 AM
Thankyou for the welcome... and the flower, its lovely. *smiles*
Huh, I suppose they do look sad... lol must be my dislike for pictures. *shruggs* I seriously don't know. I wasn't able to take newer pictures; those are from about a month or two ago but I got a new computer since then and haven't been able to find my webcam disc.
Go figure. Thanks for the comments!

ThornSeeksHerRose's photo
Sun 04/27/08 12:43 AM
I'm particularly fond of the dark style of writing. You're a very passionate writer.

ThornSeeksHerRose's photo
Sun 04/27/08 12:41 AM
The poetry held by my sould for ages
Now bleeds out onto these pages...
Defying society, defying its ways--
The words fall like hourglass sand-- numbering my days...
Falling... falling on deaf ears
Because everyone's too blind to hear.

Brains washed by a flood of lies--
Allowing their lives to become their demise.
But I refuse... refuse to succumb
To being a pawn born deaf, blind and dumb...
A fool with a head residing in clouds
And all but severed and lost in the crowd.

Who needs time? Why live by the hour?
By a clock are all our souls devoured.
If the clock would hold the hour for me,
We'd limit not and live in eternity.
These moments that take our breath away
become lost in the deadlines of our day.
There's no time now for simple pleasures...
No time to discover all the REAL treasures.
If only there were no time... no time at all...

But Time isn't all our worries,
For in the midst of all our hurry
We spend time to spend a dollar,
Again caring less what the real treasures are.
Tis costly to spend priceless moments on a bill,
Yet avarice determines and bends our will.

If you cost some lives, you can spare your own
If for wealth and fortune you are known.
How can you buy lives if they're priceless?
Society has found a way, I guess.
We base a person's status on a single aspect
Then from our labels know what to "expect".
Judgement never is passed fairly...
We scoff at those we know just barely.

With sincerity I write these words
In hopes that they'll, one day, be heard...
The ways of society are ways I despise...
Running on time, money and lies.

ThornSeeksHerRose's photo
Sun 04/27/08 12:38 AM
My profile: Check it out and give an opinion? :smile:

ThornSeeksHerRose's photo
Sun 04/27/08 12:24 AM
I'm new to this site. I just joined maybe an hour or so ago. I'm looking for people that are in the area that I'm going to be moving into... Lebanon, Galatin, and Hendersonville type area of TN.
Check out my profile if you live around there, eh? Or even if not, I'm up for people to talk to.
<3 Thorn