Community > Posts By > filmcrazy77

filmcrazy77's photo
Tue 11/16/10 11:04 PM
That people get extremely jaded. Yet somehow they find it in themselves to give it another chance because one never knows.

filmcrazy77's photo
Tue 11/16/10 10:57 PM
Hmmm...I've done lots of little things. One of the many romantic things my ex ever did was show up at my door in the middle of the night with his cd player, and we slow danced in the kitchen to Sting singing "My One And Only Love".

Now if he would have stood outside my window holding a boom box over his head, wearing a trench coat and playing Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes", that would have kicked *** too. lol "Say Anything" is a movie I can watch any day of the week.

filmcrazy77's photo
Tue 11/16/10 10:47 PM
Jon Stewart

filmcrazy77's photo
Tue 11/16/10 10:44 PM

filmcrazy77's photo
Tue 11/16/10 10:35 PM
I need a dream for an insomniac. It takes me forever to fall asleep each night, no matter how early I try to get to bed. I'm nocturnal and not sure that's ever going to change.

If you could be doing anything right now other than sleeping, what would it be?

I'm going to a song with Eddie Vedder.

What say you people?

filmcrazy77's photo
Tue 11/16/10 01:53 AM
We are all picky and let's face it, we should be. If you are hoping to meet someone you want to spend a lot of time with, you should have more than just lukewarm feelings for them. Convenience is one thing, longevity is another.

There is a misconception that if you have everything in common with someone, that things will click. It's just not always the case. It takes a certain combination (not necessarily a type, but you know the mix when you find it) in a person to give you the butterflies.
Anything less than that, isn't good enough.

And honestly, my longest relationship lasted 7 years. I'm from Los Angeles and we met when I moved to Alaska out of sheer impulse. I moved there for one reason and ended up meeting an amazing guy. Therefore geography doesn't limit me. I wouldn't be surprised if my future guy were living in Boston (I'm a sucker for an east coast accent). Who knows where he is but I hope he's out there somewhere.

My advice is just don't settle when you are looking for extraordinary. Otherwise you're just wasting your time and theirs.


filmcrazy77's photo
Tue 11/16/10 01:35 AM
I have a lot of gay friends, two of which are about to adopt and they will make the most amazing parents. I find it interesting that we should be separating church and state and politics does anything but.

Religion is dangerous (note that I didn't say God) when wading in the pool of morality. The kind of hate that has been perpetuated by people claiming that it comes from God is obscene.

Republicans say that they want less government, but not if it means they have to stay out of people's bedrooms and tell a woman what she can and can't do with her body.

I love politics and I nearly can't help myself. I also wish I could do away with the party systems so that people can vote specifically on issues. Yet the amount of hipocracy that takes place on both sides (and bipartisanship is a pipe dream at this point) is mind numbing.

My gay friends love each other as much as any man/woman, they are faithful, they are intelligent, they VOTE, and there is no difference between there love and the love of any other. It's not anyone's choice to be straight just like it's not a choice to be gay. And imagine if everyone around you was gay and you were straight. Then imagine you fall in love and everyone is sitting up on a pedastal they built themselves in order to point a finger at you and say "you have no right" to love the person you love. You'd be outraged. This issue is outrageous. People need to wake up, educate themselves and stop hiding behind ignorance.

The divorce rate among straight couples is insanely high...maybe we should give someone else a shot at longevity.

filmcrazy77's photo
Tue 11/16/10 01:22 AM
Anything by Elliott Smith, or "Pictures of You" by the Cure

filmcrazy77's photo
Tue 11/16/10 01:16 AM
Hi Everyone,
I never knew about this forum as I haven't spent much time on this site. It's great to see that so many people have found someone amazing. One of the best things in life is that you never know what's around the corner. I dare everyone who has yet to find someone to message a new person tonight. You just never know;)

Much love and luck to all!