creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 12:21 AM
Freedom Andragogy

Pulled towards Democracy
One foot in the grave
Long winded debates
Weathering war reigns.

Royal lies hypothesis
Weaponized theories
Manipulating the masses
Engaged in truth teasing.

Indoctrinate each man
To the Church of Work
Worshiping money
With all of its perks.

Uprooting your heart
Family values run dry
Combating taxation
On people expired.

No matter the attacks
Citizens stay blind
Seek entertaining grace
Instead of their spine.

Their beloved Democracy
A pillar of strength
Exchanging rude rulers
For a prettier face.

The clues are in the Jews
Cruise control everything
Emotionally invested
With Arabia's bling.

The end will depend
On a matter of opinion
Fancy your chains in the mirror -
Do you really feel free?

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 12:20 AM
Fall Away Sadness

Fly far black swans
away from the fears
away from your tears
and Armageddon.

Lost love came back
for one more chance.
A backwards glance
before emptiness attacks.

War's sex appeal
caught me off guard
left onslaught scars
missing the real deal.

Listen to the sound
of the kind hearted.
Your soul's departed
as the bombs beat down.

Kneeling before pain
not whom i sought.
Take your best shot
none of you remains.

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 12:18 AM
No Looking Back

We the seeing blind
think we know what's best-
mom's mob mentality
with dad's drinking kind

Do we build up a wall
or keep making war
to prevent a disaster
by protecting them all?

We can't all win
yet unable to let go
our armored way of life
with no safety pins

This is World War Z
sleep walking straight thru
by abandoning values
for the freedom industry

Fighting the wrong rights
our side takes heavy losses
the Elite will always rule us
in the dark, out of sight

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 12:16 AM
Staged Competition

Hill the Shill, Liberal,
stands for non violence.
Against defiance
just answer her with silence.

Wiki takes a peak,
she call for their heads!
Handling all Leaks
with Foundation bread.

When Trump drops bombs
the Media laughs.
All Insiders quieter
about her gaffs.

Why talk about a debt
that nobody pays
when Martial Law conducts
Sharia parades?

Is Hitlary dying?
She coughs all the time.
Swallow as Bill's hoes do,
she'll be just fine.

Clinton Cash juices,
but gets no air play.
She should be jail mates
right beside O.J.

With Democracy dying,
its face turns pale.
Choking on Q.E.
unable to exhale.

Founding many of
our enemy spies.
Training we gave
yet the F.B.I. lies?

Connect the dots and think -
it makes no sense...
In some spots we fight with them.
Others, against.

Back home a new school
gets lit up for fun.
Fake fear so Sheeple
hand over their guns.

Tyranny is a word
that scare the Elite.
Public brainwashing
is almost complete.

Soon pensions vanish
once patience is spent.
China walks in demanding
pay off their debt.

A setup for sure
of epic events.
A new game in town -
debt slave payment.

Off you go to FEMA
working for life.
Your kids taken,
someone else on your wife.

A corporation corrupt -
it has hit a wall.
Was it that bad
you couldn't vote Ron Paul?

It's a game, a fraud,
a sham, Tom Foolery
Huma goes down
to pick up more jewelry.

But not before selling out
Liberty's health.
Passing sick laws
for some blow and some wealth.

There is no government,
our choices blown.
Can't harvest a crop
from dark seeds sown.

Everything now tangled,
a Masonic mess.
Silence is golden
with masses oppressed.

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 12:15 AM
Pay To Play

Reality rules
Manipulated masses
Fools used as tools
Builds on a concept
Dense with no sense
Constant nonsense
A world without meaning
Live streaming
Events in wait to take place
Capture that moment
Wait for a million views
Madness ensues
Superstar quality
Bread instead of pulling their own

Turned on the news
A license for violence
In silence
Aware no one cares
Cold shoulder charity
On purpose with no purpose
Lost in a so called life
Homemade strife
Bitter filled bites
With an intent to kill
Buried with pills
Prescribed by doctor dealers
Greedy off the needy
Keep standing in line

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 12:13 AM
Edited by creativestoryteller on Fri 09/09/16 12:37 AM
Hitlary's Fuhrer-y

All rise...
and goose step forward
as all scared people
will soon be rewarded.
A silent salute
to aggression and sin,
now please take your seats
we're about to begin.

You're in the house
that the Clinton's built
who turned friend to foe
without any guilt.
Their claim to fame
-if it's all the same-
paid brick by brick
off somebody's name.

The Benghazi Nazi
she slaughters and kills
after serving speeches
and stacking her Mills.
If you have any questions
please wait til the end
then the S.S. will assist
you and your friend.

Now if you are new,
I welcome you here,
go have your arm chipped,
turn queer like your peers.
Illegals and gays
we're loving them all,
but don't say a word
about Mexico's wall.

We like a public
who dwell in the dark
that catch Pokemon
inside Central Park.
Do thank C.N.N.
so this could happen -
you feed them bullsh!t,
they keep on clappin.

Hil and Huma
foreign affairs at old age
some high school antics
on the world stage.
They lied, they cheated,
they lost their emails
yet never denied
their sexting details

There's so much screwing
Hil needs cigarettes.
Speak of elections -
have we won that yet?
With drones in the sky
above your home town
don't vote her way
she'll mow y'all down.

There's no I.D. needed
to get enslaved
thanks to Obama
that road's been paved.
Google bots groove
as Apple improves
while Facebook tracks
every one of your moves.

She should be in jail
the Queen of Crazy
suddenly the Feds
turn tail and lazy.
Even Ms Waller
ran from this phony,
coughing fear scared Congress
and James Comey.

You should vote Hillary
she'll be great
ruling you all day
with such lovable hate.
Royalty of old
brazen and bold
with blood money cops
who's pension went cold.

Our new President
will cook them up sheep
with a hypnotized mic
they fall asleep.
Counting each one
as a predator's prey,
Hitler would be proud
of this very day.

They flew us to the moon
the party never died
with sick values
twisting American pride.
As Democracy died
the brave fell silent,
freedom hid
from a Nation gone violent

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