creativestoryteller's photo
Mon 11/07/16 06:27 AM
Hitlary is a depraved individual. do some homework. thanks

- Clinton Cash
- Haiti Clinton Foundation fraud
- Benghazi sex trafficking
- Jeffery Epstein Bill Clinton
- Clinton death list
- Al Qaeda training centre in America
- Huma Muslim Brotherhood
- Osama bin Laden Afghanistan USA Russia
- Clinton Whitewater
- Chelsea Clinton's real father
- spirit cooking Clinton

creativestoryteller's photo
Sun 11/06/16 01:40 AM
Edited by creativestoryteller on Sun 11/06/16 01:47 AM
Austyn Crites has been proven to be a Hillary supporter & possible pedophile in Michigan city, IN. Also has connections with Stratfor Global Intelligence (same place controlled opposition Alex Jones has had connections with before).

Another planted Democrat crony sent in to disrupt a Trump rally just like Veritas has exposed last month. what a surprise -__-

--Russia Threatens Retaliation If Washington Engages In "State Cyberterrorism" -- ZeroHedge reporting

creativestoryteller's photo
Sat 11/05/16 09:31 AM
Edited by creativestoryteller on Sat 11/05/16 09:32 AM
is Piecznik playing us for fools to give a false sense of security so Hillary can go thru unhindered?

he's mostly known now for appearing on InfoWars with Alex Jones - Mr All Talk & CIA talking head. after watching Obama getting mad for people booing him yesterday & hearing Assange say "they" (the Elite globalists) won't let Trump win, something's up. ABC had a poll out stating Hillary won the election by 2% (44-42). oops?

once Hitlary is in office, she's immune to investigations on her past while in office. on top of that she can pardon herself since the FBI won't allow Obama to do it for her. the CIA & FBI HATE each other. i'd rather they push back the election to Dec 19 with new candidates. they have until January to swear the new Chief in so do it right, but that's a fairy tale. it won't happen...

expect some fireworks come next week

creativestoryteller's photo
Sat 11/05/16 09:12 AM
Edited by creativestoryteller on Sat 11/05/16 09:18 AM
Americana Wilted
Getting riled up over a political game
as a red dawn brews over a sea of blue
splitting the vote in two, a country divided.

Cunning lies meet an epic trumping
installing slaves with the freedom to choose
death by a crushing debt or nuclear plume.

Constantly craving truth yet can't stand the pain.
Removing the rot is vital, but comes at a cost -
Liberty looms like an axe to our tree of life.

creativestoryteller's photo
Thu 11/03/16 09:34 AM
still cheering for Hitlary to win the election? Here's Steve Pieczenik to tell you about the silent coup & cover up involving the Clinton Foundation & the White House

ps. if Jeffery Epstein gets brought up in sex trafficking, Trump should be brought down as he has connections with him as well.

--Clintons are attempting a takeover of the United States

-- Clinton's connection to Anthony Weiner, Jeff Epstein's "Lolita Express,"

creativestoryteller's photo
Tue 10/18/16 05:41 PM
Big debate tomorrow. 4 milliion dead people voting for Hillary, Obama tells Trump to stop whining in between golf games, more email dumps from WikiLeaks while Assange's internet goes dark, CNN declaring it's illegal for you to read the emails but ok for media to & tell you how to think..... where there's smoke there's fire

How to rig a election - featuring members of Hillary's staff, live mic hidden cam

creativestoryteller's photo
Sun 09/25/16 06:10 PM
Monday Sept 26 - US PRES debate 9pm EST

-no stool for Hitlary
-no filter on Trump
-Gennifer Flowers & Bill Clinton expected to be in attendance.

Should be an entertaining night :D

creativestoryteller's photo
Sun 09/18/16 12:07 AM
What Difference Does It Make, You Deplorables?

Everyone's blinded by blue and red shows
Select your elect to lead the ignorant masses
Trump tips yet towers over competition
while Hillary the liar scandals pile higher

It's been America First for way too long
Worldwide push back has only begun.
No fun with chameleons in charge
backed by banks who caused us to tank.

A crushing debt about to fall
border patrol is cheaper than a wall.
Shrink the military, bring our boys home,
to be great again start with your own.

creativestoryteller's photo
Sun 09/11/16 10:26 AM
Twin Tower Trauma

As the sun rose the morning lay still
along the Hudson the day unfolded.
Staring at the Bay a set of twins sat
patiently awaiting the ants to pass.
Entranced by the music the city produced
content with the pavement warming souls.

While the season changed opportunity struck
from clear blue skies rang a thunderous shot.
Ignoring their chores, ants stopped to gaze
amazed at the sight and sound that was made.
Searching frantically for answers shrouded,
the sin reflected upon the water.

One twin fainted as the other stood stabbed
weeping ash pass a staggering victim.
The sound of silence chilled the air clouded
hearts darkened with ants vision obstructed.
Breaking psyches of those gathered near
as the second one toppled joining its twin.

The hive went silent surrounded by guilt,
not all were prepared as Seven then fell.
Overcome with sadness, lost in madness,
events too heavy that the world just paused.
Contemplating hate, withstanding it all,
beating with strong grief the ants just moved on...

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 02:53 AM
Sounds Like Trump

Finally, it's going my way!
So many fans that I don't pay
to cheer my name, to cheer me on.
Ignore the polls, you know I've won.

Crooked Hillary is about to choke,
she's all washed up, she needs a smoke.
No, wait she can't, she's got a cold,
her coughing act is getting old.

On to news, I don't back these wars,
concise is ISIS back for more.
I love Mexicans, but it's hard
to pay for their stay with green cards.

Fast and Furious we had blow
traded for cash and some ammo.
I'd like a wall, I'd like it now.
It's half built, facts ignored somehow

Yes, my hair's real. my smile - classy,
for compliments please just ask me.
I can go for hours all in rhyme
about myself until bedtime

Why did you mention Rosie's name?
For weeks, downstairs, I had no aim.
It took 3 pills and a garbage bag
to block out images of that hag

Now you're creeped out and distraught
because I've said my girls are hot?
Both daughters have great sex appeal,
my wife has jugs you know are real.

I like Putin, he's a leader,
a smart guy but no mind reader.
We shot at his plane, blew up his ride.
Barry wants war, I'm on Vlad's side.

Yes I stress the army's a mess.
Again, truth suppressed by the press.
Generals dismissed chose their flag
over no morals at Fort Bragg.

So here we are ready to fight
against someone I would indict.
Patience people, she's on her knees
paying to play like Lewinsky

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 01:25 AM

Getting to chose from the Elite's selections
makes me hurl at these fake elections.

Clinton with the win guarantees us death
more war on the poor with lying breath.

If Trump triumphs with all that he's got
the markets crash and he gets shot.

Still, Barry lies in wait to ruin the States
calls martial law without a debate.

Things won't change because we're the problem
Apathetically singing - Everything's Awesome!!!!!

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 12:35 AM
Dreamland Demise (note -WW3 After Math)

Love, the sky is falling,
We knew it had to end.
The sirens told us so,
As did the weatherman.

A face I can't replace,
I'll save you if I can.
At least we're together,
Dodging rocks, holding hands.

Our souls - little torches,
I see it in your eyes
Want to kiss you softly,
While jets fight in the sky.

We watch a full moon rise,
Blood dripping everywhere.
You're holding on to me,
Children screams fill the air.

My dear, we show no fear,
Our courage leads the way.
Bodies lay like roses,
A massacre bouquet.

We pause for a moment,
To see a shooting star.
I whisper in your ear,
Love for who you are.

Now our time is over,
Fate tightens up its grip.
Consumed by death's shadow,
As I taste your sweet lips.

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 12:34 AM
Banishing a Fool's Paradise

Lost forever
In the maze of the unwilling.
We search for hope
Only the desperate
Cling to find.

For those of us
who have survived,
Old and wise,
Figured out long ago
That it's best to stay home
And look inside.

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 12:32 AM
Greece the Wheel ('Cuz Your Country is Next)

Money--- it's the root of all evil,
Leading to crisis and social upheaval.
A cloak and dagger trick to mess with your mind,
Keeping you distracted with methods unkind.

Royal Banksters rule us with a sword,
Stealing from the sheeple knowing they scored.
Using derivatives to slay the masses,
Breathing fire on laws until it passes.

Now frying pan Greece is feeling the heat.
BRICS concrete so just move your feet.
Asian bank gongs ring out for sound money.
Fine folks, new name, but still smells funny.

The markets behave like your average thugs,
Getting high all the time on their bail out drugs.
Don't fret, I'm sure your broker will be fine.
When you go bust, he'll be head of the line.

A bank holiday - the first sign of trouble.
You're no longer safe. Your savings - rubble.
No worries, no cares, no sweat, chive on,
Then no cash, no gas, break-ins live on.

It's only a matter of time when we're all next.
Banks confiscate every one of our checks.
There's too much debt, too many unemployed,
Financial Katrina is getting harder to avoid.

Deploying decaying diabolical debt,
A financial time bomb with a few ticks left.
With no ethics, no morals or laws abound
They do as they wish pushing us around.

Grandma lost her savings. Meh, so what?
Walmart's hiring, help her out of that rut.
When her debt's too high they'll just take her home,
Leaving her disposed staring at memory foam.

Seems quite harsh, but it happens each day,
To those who dare get in the Bankster's way.
How we're all treated takes a back seat,
To corporate profits and union defeats.

Leaders take orders from those much higher,
A ruling class of pathological liars.
Those in charge want you unable to fight.
Stomping a hole in every one of your rights.

When King Dollar commands, the subjects obey,
Singing "Everything is awesome!!" all damn day.
No, it's not awesome. We're getting screwed over,
With a possible Shemitah this October.

Do some homework on The Great Depression.
Notice the boom right before the regression?
I get the impression that government men,
Are as useless now as they were back then.

So get prepared for Fiat's final hour.
Learn how to harness your purchasing power.
Storing food is important as hoarding gold.
Twenty years is a long time out in the cold.

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 12:31 AM
Hierarchy Headache

Politicians with their lies leading us on,
Bending us over saying nothing's wrong.
Deflecting blame is the only game they know,
When position precedes people they need to go.

What about our debt? Who's watching our borders?
Why's the U.N here? Who's giving the orders?
Blindly bombing nations taking resources,
Remorseless like New York Police forces.

Children falling faster than autumn leaves,
Make you take mercury as much as you please.
Rake them in a pile, we need to make room,
For refugee terrorists will be here soon.

Lobbyists are mad, we have so much to give.
These poor people need somewhere to live.
Yes, there's victims caught in this upheaval,
But we trained ISIS fueling their evil.

They're beheading Christians left and right,
As the news stays silent with all its might.
Focusing on things that will dull your mind,
Like pro tranny sports or Kim's bare behind.

I just shake my head at all the nonsense,
An immoral world that lost its conscious.
Pulling the covers over as i climb into bed,
As the truth bombs rain on all of our heads.

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 12:30 AM
WW3 Misery

Countdown three, two, one and your world implodes.
Now that you're listening, let's make some in-roads
to open your mind to who started the attack.
It's more complex than Russia and Iraq.

They're all guilty, but some Masons stand out
New World leaders with their hands held out.
I'm not talking about W, more like his daddy,
who's Carlyle Group lay in bed with Saudis.

Though bin Laden saddened the nation that day
piercing people swayed to have Arabs pay.
So to start a war halting a market crash
three towers toppled into a cloud of ash.

Remember, it's not based on how you feel.
Physics preach that a fire can't melt steel
not without an agent helping it out
or a mini nuke planted by rogue scouts.

By chance "Building 7" was under a spell -
no plane, no fire, the structure just fell.
Like Rumsfeld losing Two Trillion that week
smoking gun hide and seek without critique.

When it leaked Al Qaeda was C.I.A,
name change to ISIS and it went away.
Just YouTube "7 nations in 5 years"
a run away army fueling our fears.

Now Halliburton the curtain calls for your sons,
the end for someone, a new shipment of big guns.
Funding both sides, they're throwing a staged fight
in exchange for oil rights signed in the night.

Is our way of life safe is anyone's guess...
the Fed passes blame for its marketing mess.
We bad mouth China then import their goods
as they use that money to buy up our 'hoods.

Now Korea has nukes as does Iran.
Russia took Crimea, a line in the sand.
We befriend communists, starve out allies,
compromise disguised to prop up some lies.

The refugee crisis is not what's been told
as never ending blood shed just gets old.
The table's been flipped, we've all been had,
Tea Party patriots are now all bad.

Already flooded by an open border
then amnesty by executive order.
A two fold attack, the States it won't stand,
deployed defenders will lose the homeland.

This whole time Barry's still out on the greens
rather work on his swing than go intervene.
D.H.S. commands lead by Paetraus
tyrannical smiles heading the chaos.

While Americans are arguing what is true,
they can't see thru the lie of Red and Blue.
For they're on the same side cashing big cheques
from C.E.O's who don't risk their own necks.

The gulag casino, Q.E. paid for it all,
stealing people's money so they can play ball.
When they lost everything, no big deal,
they print more money that's not even real.

The Red Shield is public enemy one
wanting ninety percent gone once they're done.
Those they can control will get a dark stamp
enrolled into re-education camps.

Slave wages for slave labor to pay slave debt
a free thinker to them is a death threat.
Someone who can lead and someone who sees
thru all their lies brought down to one knee.

I've known this for years. Tell folks and they laugh
while mocking me with the rest of the staff.
When entertainment garners all your attention
then please enjoy your indefinite detention.

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 12:28 AM
Fun With Limericks: An Ode to Barry drinker

I once was a desperate young man,
A liar who read the Qur'an,
I found me a wife;
It changed my whole life;
Let's go, Democrats. Yes we can


I once was an aristocrat,
Who fell splat without a hard hat,
I lost all me brains;
My speech turned insane;
So now I lead the Democrats.


You're hating this mistress of crime,
I'm a Clinton covered in slime,
My lies get fatter;
What does it matter;
When I won't see any jail time?


I'm The Donald of TV fame,
Playing this political game,
Fair hair with a tan;
A man with a plan;
To restore America's name.


Mission Accomplished and I smile,
In plane sight the truth is too vile,
I chase too much tail;
I should be in jail;
Good thing my daddy runs Carlyle

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 12:27 AM

Pay close attention,
It's time for a change.
Lock and load your vote.
They'll be watching you,
Cast out the leper.

note- if Hillary decides to change her VP to Obama (yes it's legal) all she has to do is win then step down due to health reasons & Barry is President for a 3rd term. Read all his Executive Orders- he's setting up a dictatorship invoked by Martial Law

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 12:25 AM
Freedom Jihad U.S.A

As Mother Russia tries cooking Turkey in ISIS oil,
Another bullet brigade besieges a gun free zone.
World War 3 in America is a Black Friday event.
Sycophantic subjects just want to kiss King Barry's feet.

creativestoryteller's photo
Fri 09/09/16 12:24 AM
Pulling the Wool Over ISIS

Bah bah Sheeple, have you any brains?
I'd say no due to aspartame. ♫

France gets shot & the game goes dark,
Elites zoom in like Tony Stark,

Bah bah Sheeple with imported cars,
China rules you while I'm on Mars

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