Community > Posts By > don2610

don2610's photo
Fri 10/09/09 10:33 AM
Edited by don2610 on Fri 10/09/09 10:35 AM

I don't have anything against the players personally, or the fans, but baseball needs a salary cap, so teams can stop trying to buy championships.

Although, I have to admit, making themselves easy to hate, for guys like me, has created a reason to continue watching the playoffs once my team is out of it.

I automatically have a reason to follow and cheer for whatever team is playing the Yank-offs.

Are you sure they are buying the World series? Being a yankee fan I have to admit they haven't been doing to well in post season play as of late. So you must take a look at my previous post. When did the yankees win most of their world series, before or after free agency. Players want to play for a proven winner. The yankees haven't won a series in 9 years, don't you think they have lost more than any other team. Talent produces results not payroll. I'm pissed that they spent all this money on players and they never came through. Besides most of these large contracts in professionals have so many incentives in them they never reach that number. A-Rod is not making 33 million a year to hit .286 avg. 30 hr 100 r.b.i. he is expected to lead the leauge in all those catagories with an MVP in the All-star game,MVP for the season, and MVP for the world series( Which by the way they haven't won since picking him up)This year just might be the year We will wait and see, still a lot of baseball to play.

don2610's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:39 AM

There is NOT a team I hate more than the Yankee's! I hate them more than the Phallus Chowboysdrinker

Why hate the yankees no one has ever given me a good reason. Here are good reasons to like a proven winner........

World series (26)

2000 • 1999 • 1998 • 1996
1978 • 1977 • 1962 • 1961
1958 • 1956 • 1953 • 1952
1951 • 1950 • 1949 • 1947
1943 • 1941 • 1939 • 1938
1937 • 1936 • 1932 • 1928
1927 • 1923
AL Pennants (39) [1] 2003 • 2001 • 2000 • 1999
1998 • 1996 • 1981 • 1978
1977 • 1976 • 1964 • 1963
1962 • 1961 • 1960 • 1958
1957 • 1956 • 1955 • 1953
1952 • 1951 • 1950 • 1949
1947 • 1943 • 1942 • 1941
1939 • 1938 • 1937 • 1936
1932 • 1928 • 1927 • 1926
1923 • 1922 • 1921

East Division titles (16) [2] 2009 • 2006 • 2005 • 2004

2003 • 2002 • 2001 • 2000
1999 • 1998 • 1996 • 1981
1980 • 1978 • 1977 • 1976

Wild card berths (3) 2007

don2610's photo
Wed 10/07/09 01:15 PM

I lived in Denver for 33 yrs, don't set yourself up for heartbreak.

Rule of Thumb:Watch the last 10 mins of any Denver Bronco's game.
It is usually all over by then, or it will be the most excitement of your day.

Dude!!! You live in Nebraska!?????
Bet'cha don't like the CU Buffaloes

I lived here all my life and College teams in Co. suck always have and always will. Co. is a professional sports state if you ain't gettin' paid to play you ain't sh%# The cu buffs are the Chicago Cubs of college football it will be 100 years before the win the BCS again( got lucky once.)

don2610's photo
Wed 10/07/09 01:03 PM

I wouldn't be to worried about baggage. He would probably drop that too.............smokin

No one in the NFL has ever dropped their baggage everyone that has moved on to another team it has taken several year and several other teams to settle in and live down the reputation. Braylon Edwards is no different. We'll see how much he grows up....

James Lofton
Pac man jones
Jay Cutler
Terrell Owens
Randy Moss
Ricky Williams

don2610's photo
Mon 10/05/09 10:22 AM
1. Two mules for sister Sara
2. Dirty Harry
3. Thurnder and Lightfoot
4. Paint your wagon
5. Heartbreak Ridge

don2610's photo
Mon 10/05/09 09:24 AM
drinker smokin carmel mocha frappuccino

don2610's photo
Mon 10/05/09 09:19 AM
Here guys have a slim jim

don2610's photo
Mon 10/05/09 09:15 AM

Poor Kimbo.... If he gets some training, I think he could be unstoppable....

Kimbo doesn't have the heart to be a MMA fighter If he had heart he would have been training hard and came into the ring in shape. He's just milking it for all it's worth. By this time next year he will be gone.

don2610's photo
Mon 10/05/09 09:11 AM

What is WRONG with the Dallas Cowboys!?

2 words

Wade Phillips

don2610's photo
Tue 09/29/09 12:40 PM

Any team can upgrade from a 400 to and 800 if they chose to do so, most don't and spend the fall watching the fall classic. Lately the yankees had been doing the same. Owners want world series rings but most will not pay for it, these days it is a must.

Arizona world champions - Fire sale of free agents in the middle of thier victory parade.
Florida world champions - Only very few player left on roster the following year.

And as far as leveling the playing field the owners must do that not the leauge,by putting a salary cap on baseball will not change things, signing bonuses will be in the 100 million range just to secure a 7 time all-star gold glove winner. What will change and how will the playing field level who knows? Just keep baseball the way it is and owners who don't spend money they will have the best seat in the house in the fall.......

All good points but does not change the fact that the Yankees suck.....smokin

Go Yankees!! Go Yankees!! Go Yankees!! Playoff bound just hope they don't get their ticket punched in the 1st. round of the playoffs

don2610's photo
Wed 09/23/09 07:38 AM
All that money on that scoreboard to show interceptions... Should have spent it on a better quarterback. Romo sucks!!

don2610's photo
Fri 09/11/09 01:04 PM
Any team can upgrade from a 400 to and 800 if they chose to do so, most don't and spend the fall watching the fall classic. Lately the yankees had been doing the same. Owners want world series rings but most will not pay for it, these days it is a must.

Arizona world champions - Fire sale of free agents in the middle of thier victory parade.
Florida world champions - Only very few player left on roster the following year.

And as far as leveling the playing field the owners must do that not the leauge,by putting a salary cap on baseball will not change things, signing bonuses will be in the 100 million range just to secure a 7 time all-star gold glove winner. What will change and how will the playing field level who knows? Just keep baseball the way it is and owners who don't spend money they will have the best seat in the house in the fall.......

don2610's photo
Wed 09/09/09 07:03 AM
In recent years people have blamed the yankees for trying to buy the world series some people even say that that's the only way to win the world series just get all the best players and make a run at the title. But isn't that what the goal is to get the best player and win with them. Should it matter that they want to play for the Yankees should it matter that the Yankees have deep pockets. When did the yankees win most of their world series before of after free angency? It's about wearing the best uniform in all professional sprots and playing in the best city in the world..........

don2610's photo
Wed 09/09/09 06:48 AM

Cutler just has to be decent, which I think he will be, because their defense will keep them in every game.

The Lions just have too many problems. Peyton Manning would struggle there.

Decent, Decent ....... Decent gets Chicago 8-8 and watching the playoffs on espn thats' what Decent gets you, living in Denver and being a broncos fan I've seen this too many times.....

don2610's photo
Tue 09/08/09 01:07 PM
If they wanted a better season they should have sweetin' the pot for Jay Cutler. Jay Culter would have done well there. In Chicago He is not going to have a good season throwing the football.

don2610's photo
Tue 09/08/09 01:02 PM
If Vick has a good 1st. part of the season will the eagles try to trade Mcnabb again? Or will the wait untill next year? Who would be intrested in giving up draft picks for Mcnabb. Plenty of team still need a quaterback
1. Broncos
2. 49 ers
3. Chiefs
4. Loins
5. Vikings (Farve will not last the whole season this year)

Now I could be wrong

don2610's photo
Fri 08/07/09 10:52 AM
I don't care for the man at all but as an athelete is he very talented. But my question is how can Vick get sentenced for 2 yrs. for dog fighting and donte stalworth get 28 days for killing a human being, also I think the leauge should re-think the code of conduct policy and get ride of some of the trash in the leauge.

But that just me and I don't know nothin'

don2610's photo
Mon 07/06/09 11:34 AM
How about tis one

pitchfork Friends help friends move.

Real friends help friends move dead bodies
pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork

don2610's photo
Wed 05/13/09 01:30 PM


don2610's photo
Wed 05/13/09 01:24 PM
Who said this

"I think in all fairness I should explain what I do,
for instant I'll get up nice and early and take a walk
down to the bank. If you don't have my money for me I'll
crack your freakin' head wide open in front of everybody , and just about the time I'm coming out of jail hopefully you'll be coming out of your coma,and guess what I'll split your freakin' head open again. Because I'm stupid like that."

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