Community > Posts By > MrJolleyface

MrJolleyface's photo
Sun 12/06/15 03:01 PM
Any 20-something ladies looking for friendship or romance with a 30-something guy in or around London? Not looking for flings etc.

(Why is this so difficult in London?)

MrJolleyface's photo
Thu 07/24/14 12:20 PM
My profile is quite different from what was written back in May. I invite anyone who looked at it before to check it out again.

MrJolleyface's photo
Tue 07/22/14 03:39 PM
Hello again everyone. I've rewritten my profile recently with new photos. Opinions welcome.

I really have had *no* luck on this site - not even one conversation in all these months! With the other site, the main one that I use, I seem to be getting views but very few conversations. In all honesty I don't have a "social life" but have been making an effort with the odd singles event; the crowd does tend to be older than what I'm looking for though - OK I need to make more of an effort this summer!

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

MrJolleyface's photo
Tue 07/22/14 03:29 PM
you can click on the number below your picture

Thanks - how the hell did I miss that???!

MrJolleyface's photo
Mon 07/21/14 03:22 PM
I posted in the review my profile thread a long time ago, how do I find that thread so I can ask for more reviews? Otherwise I'll have to post a new thread.

MrJolleyface's photo
Thu 05/22/14 04:09 PM
Are there even dating venues in SW London LOL???

MrJolleyface's photo
Tue 05/20/14 04:08 PM
Edited by MrJolleyface on Tue 05/20/14 04:10 PM
As far as who I think that your profile might apeal to goes; maybe that posh bird that I went out with a month or so ago but she was in her thirties

Sounds "high maintenance", did she like physics?!

... you come across as being a bit old or old fashioned... I can imagine a girl in her twenties reading your profile and thinking that you're going to bore her

... make someone think that you want someone that's going to fit in with your world and that you won't make compromises in a relationship,

Hmm... in fairness to me I think the single life and not having been in a long term relationship, probably does leave me a bit self centered and unchallenged compared to many my age. On the other hand I also have a very youthful optimism towards romance which would appeal to many younger ladies... if only they got to know me.

Anyway, profile is rewritten again - what do you think now?

MrJolleyface's photo
Mon 05/19/14 09:56 AM
Not sure about the bit about not wanting someone with "gender issues"

OK if that's not clear to a guy then I'll give it the chop as it will likely be confusing ladies!

If you are looking for a younger woman you could just say that though

Doesn't that piss a lot of women off though? I really don't want to come across as a 1-dimensional guy.

They might think that it's a bit of a front and that you are a bit pretentious though. Also, you tend to give the impression that you want a girl that you can be like a teacher to

Could you please elaborate on what in the profile makes you think those things? I actually really like a woman who's confident and in control!

So in summary what kind of lady do you think would like my profile?

MrJolleyface's photo
Mon 05/19/14 09:30 AM
I wonder who's going to be offering traveling insurance for that one?!

MrJolleyface's photo
Sun 05/18/14 05:03 PM
"i give up, who?"


MrJolleyface's photo
Sun 05/18/14 05:03 PM
Interesting stuff. I did my uni thesis on wormholes, in summary: Mother Nature does not seem to like time travel! In fact Prof Stephen Hawking isn't a fan either! He proposed his chronology protection conjecture that doesn't permit time travel beyond the quantum domain, i.e. the world of subatomic particles.

It's worth pointing out that in classical relativity (i.e. when you don't take into account quantum mechanical phenomena) faster than light, or superluminal, velocities are not prohibited, but only for massless particles. We call these hypothetical objects tachyons.

However for time machines we do not need a mechanism of traveling "faster than light" to begin with. Here's a hypothetical method: In general relativity energy (aka mass since E=mc^2) produces warping of space-time and all physical objects travel along the straightest possible paths in this warped space-time. The field equations of general relativity (with reasonable energy conditions) permit "exotic" space-time distortions that could connect distant regions of space-time, we call these hypothetical objects wormholes. Some physicists believe that wormholes are necessarily time machines. However what we require is a source of negative energy density to keep the wormhole "open" against gravitational forces on the order of 10^40 Nm^-2 that's a number with 40 zeroes behind it! Like I said Mother Nature does not like these things! Some people "dream" of using anti-matter to produce such an exotic space-time distortion.

MrJolleyface's photo
Sun 05/18/14 04:14 PM
Hi everyone I'm based in SW London. I was looking for some venues to hang out, mainly bars, coffee shops, or art venues where I might meet sophisticated (not a snob promise!) 20-something ladies; and yes, maybe I'm shooting myself in the foot, but I can't stand clubs in case you wondered. I've been going to singles events in central London which tend to be an older or sometimes more sleazy (!) crowd than I'd like to meet.

Thanks in advance for your ideas.

MrJolleyface's photo
Sun 05/18/14 04:05 PM
Hi there everyone, I've had my profile up for a couple of weeks but dwindling views and no messages or replies from anyone :(! Feel free to post comments about my profile. I would be interested in knowing what sort of ladies it's appealing to?

I'd almost certainly really like to meet someone younger than myself; I'm not sure if that comes across in my profile (???). Anyway I'm a pretty unusual kind of guy - so not trying to make my profile artificially compatible with a target cohort of women, just being myself.

Also feminine attractiveness is very aesthetic with me, it takes a lot more than "sexyness" for me to fancy someone. I really don't know how to express that in my profile though.

Thanks in advance for your time and thoughts.

MrJolleyface's photo
Sun 05/18/14 03:52 PM
Hi there! I'm sort of new. I actually registered a while ago but am only now using the site for real, so to speak. Initially, to be honest I'm a bit concerned about the number of "matches" but look forward to chatting to lovely ladies and perhaps meeting up with people. So hear I am :D.

MrJolleyface's photo
Sat 06/01/13 02:44 PM
Thanks everyone for taking the time to read my profile.

But why younger women?

... you made yourself sound too ''perfect''... i doubt there are THAT many young women on here who live within 50 miles of you

... it sounds more like you are looking for an activity partner than a girlfriend. "Sensible" is kind of boring and you sound like you have very little confidence with women.

I'm not sure that I fully understand what people mean by "perfect", all I've tried to do is say something about what I do with my life and make it sound positive. Can anyone suggest an example in my profile of something that sounds too good to be true? As for distance, traveling more than about 30 miles form home is already likely to be a limit for me.

I am less experienced with relationships compared to many my age, e.g. never been in a long term relationship. When I was younger I found women my age 1-dimensional personalities - in fairness I had no idea how to approach them! Ironically when I finally had the confidence to meet ladies in my latter 20's, I tended to fancy younger ladies and feel more able to discern "sensible" personalities from the rest. I've always worked in female dominated work environments which has made me rather cynical about ladies my age - the jealously, "looking younger", sexual anxieties, gender anxieties.

As for confidence with women, I'm rather shy socially and not entirely sure what I want (or need) from a relationship. Nevertheless I "feel" at ease relating to women. Amongst other things I've coached women in an artistic sport, which entailed spending all day working with young female athletes and thinking about feminine aesthetics. So crude sexuality doesn't motivate me as much in the real world compared to many guys.

How could I make the profile more interpersonal without making it drag on too much? And what specifically makes it sound as if I have "very little confidence with women"?

MrJolleyface's photo
Fri 05/31/13 08:12 PM

Maybe the problem is that you're waiting for people to message you, rather than you messaging others?

I don't think so, I do send loads of sensible messages either from matches or the result my own searches. This site probably has the lowest number of matches of any site I've used - namely none! So I haven't been sending as many messages as other sites. Otherwise I might send 100 messages and get 1 reply :(((. This is such a mystery for me!

MrJolleyface's photo
Fri 05/31/13 01:01 PM
OK so I've changed the profile a little, but still (as is the case on other sites) virtually no one messages me??? Would anyone like tell me who my profile appeals to?

MrJolleyface's photo
Wed 05/29/13 05:23 PM
... you sound almost too good to be true. You cycle 150+ miles a week, you work with youth and you volunteer, it sounds like you do it all and it might be hard to keep up with you.

It's a very impressive profile. Yes you may sound too good to be true

Interesting that ladies might feel like that! I've refined this profile over a long time and while using several different dating sites, the intention being to advertise myself as best I could. So it's ironic that it might come across as a difficult to keep up with person! In fact I like active ladies and tend to feel more comfortable with younger ladies, so sometimes I worry about being able to keep up with those sorts of women!

Anyway it's worth saying that I *always* get very few messages or replies to messages whatever site I use which is *really* disheartening! OK I may dumb down some of the detail in the profile.

MrJolleyface's photo
Wed 05/29/13 11:23 AM
I fear that with just one reply to this thread that says it all! What's missing from my profile?

MrJolleyface's photo
Tue 05/28/13 07:22 PM
Edited by MrJolleyface on Tue 05/28/13 07:22 PM
Hi everyone, I've had this profile up for a while but because of few matches I've not messaged many people. Anyway, I've neither dated that much or been in a long term relationship. I don't really look forward to meeting ladies in bars or at parties, I feel too self-conscious and awkward in those situations.

I'd really like to meet a sensible lady younger than myself, really not looking for hookup or "short term" meaningless escapades! What do you think of my profile and what kind of lady does it appeal to?

Thanks in advance for your replies.