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Tue 06/18/13 07:52 AM

In the old testement God sent the phrophets to warn the people of what was to come if you read the book of daniel the Lord gives him a sight through dreams of what was to come during the end times but because the time was not yet he told him to conceal the words and seal up the book.

(Daniel 12:4 "But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase)...

Over time knowledge has increased and God is revealing this great mystery to people so they won't be caught unawear

The government is making it easy for people to accept the mark without question and for people that dont know or think it's a (JOKE) of will take it not knowing that they cannot be saved but by then it's to late because you have already made your allegiance with the #ONE WORLD GOVERNMENTAL SYSTEM# which now controls you

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Sun 06/16/13 12:21 PM
Receiving the Beast's number, name or mark has to do with giving allegiance to the government this dictator will establish and to the false religion that will be an integral part of that system. The Bible uses the symbols of the forehead and the right hand to represent one's loyalty by thought and work—mental and physical allegiance
One this allegiance has been you will be PROGRAMED to worship the beast only there are two masters you will love one and hate the other!
Read your Bible if you disagree with someone go to the Scriptures ask God to open up
your understanding when you stand before God you will not receive Brownie points for be ignorant
Believe it or not this thing is real what are you going to do when the day comes that you have to choose between feeding your children or taking the mark because without it you will not be able to buy or sale
Hosea 4: 6 (KJV) My people perish from a lack of knowledge.

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Sat 06/15/13 04:12 PM
Are there any men on here that love God like I do

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Sat 06/15/13 03:56 PM
I completely agree with you I also believe that the mark of the beast is already here it's just not in full operation also what people don't realize is once they receive the name or the number of the beast they cannot be saved ijs