Community > Posts By > Jtree43

Jtree43's photo
Tue 08/04/15 03:31 PM
Ditch the hat with ears and get better photos

Jtree43's photo
Sat 03/26/11 05:08 PM
Dog food

Jtree43's photo
Sat 03/26/11 04:57 PM
Till you go home with the wrong mate at the bar, then you wake up and it's Doggerday... couldn't resist noway

Jtree43's photo
Mon 03/07/11 06:58 PM
Overflow tub

Jtree43's photo
Sun 03/06/11 10:02 PM

Jtree43's photo
Sun 03/06/11 09:57 PM
Edited by Jtree43 on Sun 03/06/11 09:58 PM
Apparently you have a job. I have NO INCOME and aside from a 90 day stint at Home Depot to prove to a court/x-wife in a divorce battle that I have no funds for a greedy X. I have been forced into retirement for three years... but that's okay, little Chinese children are still eating plenty of rice... (right before going to the sweat shop) Happy to see you're not a Dem. too many of those out there wanting the Government to make all their decisions.. even scarier that I have a daughter in pre-med at one of the top schools in the country.

Jtree43's photo
Sun 03/06/11 09:30 PM

Jtree43's photo
Sun 03/06/11 09:20 PM
Razor (the plasma is over the jacuzzi)

Jtree43's photo
Sun 03/06/11 09:07 PM

First you would have to understand the actual cause of 'outsourcing'... A very complicated subject in a 'market' that IS global whether you like that fact or not.

Then you would have to understand the 'stranglhold' we have on the Chinese economy.

Then you would have to decide how much collateral damage would be caused by the rash action of 'restricting' china (which is not the actual problem) while at the same time ignoring the actual problem.

Then you would have to decide if you were willing to cause a recession in both of the major powers in the world...

Then of course if you thought it still necessary to 'punish' china for bolstering her economy and ours... by all means 'restrict' as you see fit.

China is the 'sea bird' we are the 'frog'.

Ahh yes, another Obama fan.. okay, one sentence at a time.. yes we are in a global market that is outsourcing like crazy to both make more profit and deliver a cheaper product in the midst of competition which leads to loss of jobs for Americans.

We do not have a stranglehold on the Chinese economy it is quite the contrary, they own about 30 to 40% of our nations debt, and the fact that their children work cheaper than our adults makes us rely on their inferior goods to keep up in the marketplace, yes if we quit buying their stuff they would see a dip in their economy but when it's sink or swim I say America should do the swimming.

Collateral damage? there are ways of tapering off the mouth of America off the tit of China....

When Americans get their jobs back and unemployment goes down to 3% I get my job back, this is not a recessive trend.

China has only lined the pockets of lowlifes such as Walmart, Target, Kmart etc. and they have helped many loose their manufacturing jobs.

If China is the seabird and we are the frog, that bird is crapping on our heads and going to land in its' new home and take over in the not too distant future...

The cure??? you ask?
A big chain just like Walmart that only carries American made goods and non outsourced products that is on every street corner creating manufacturing jobs by the score due to the quantity of sales...
It's my fantasy, but yeah, you'd shop there too.....
(so far there are only websites with this philosophy)

Jtree43's photo
Sun 03/06/11 08:36 PM
Plasma TV

Jtree43's photo
Sat 02/26/11 05:59 PM

hi rlynne,
long time no see.
I would loosen the stranglehold China has on this country by restricting the outsourcing that has been escalating way too fast and killing jobs in America, their children work a lot cheaper than our adults and before you know it, China will not only own this country but operate it. We need another President with ideals like Ronald Reagan and sadly Ted Nugent has a thousand skeletons in his closet and the worst ones are tabooed in a big way
Enjoy this video if you have 20 minutes to spare:

Jtree43's photo
Sun 02/13/11 08:00 PM
If you havent done very much street riding, start here....

Jtree43's photo
Wed 02/09/11 04:45 PM

Jtree43's photo
Wed 02/09/11 04:24 PM
Glass walls around the shower

Jtree43's photo
Wed 03/11/09 03:46 PM

Jtree43's photo
Wed 03/04/09 09:37 AM
new years 2009

Jtree43's photo
Mon 02/23/09 08:56 PM
Austin TX

Jtree43's photo
Mon 02/23/09 08:47 PM
My father, a guide that walked with a cane and I were fishing along side of an Alaskan stream for Salmon when suddenly we all notice a Grizzly Bear standing on his himd legs just 30 yards on the other side of the stream, we all gathered our gear at lightning speed and took off for the camp, the guide got there before my father and I. I got a hunch what might have happened to his leg to nessessitate a cane.... oh yeah, the fish were all about 10 pounds each

Jtree43's photo
Mon 02/23/09 08:37 PM
colorado can finally sell on sundays and i love it but the blue laws still cover car sales on sunday which makes it hard to go car shopping at car lots since they are not allowed to conduct business on sunday.. for the church going people, they deserve to stop and grab a pint after a bad sermon on sunday....

Jtree43's photo
Mon 02/23/09 08:29 PM
Edited by Jtree43 on Mon 02/23/09 08:29 PM
how a person eats, talks and carries themself on a first date tells just about everything important about them, how they kiss tells you how many times they've done that

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