Community > Posts By > Unknow

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Tue 12/05/23 01:20 AM
There is absolutely zero proof that "Earth" is a spinning ball flying through a vacuum.. lmao
Why do those who refuse to question the "official" agenda and narrative which is shoved down our throats since birth, even care that some people want to discuss actual demonstrable facts about the shape of the plane which we all reside on.
I don't have all the answers and therefore will not debate the subject, since it is impossible to convince another person that what they "believe" is completely wrong. One has to learn certain things on their own and once you finally "get it", there is no going back to what you thought you knew all these years. I've learned to not let my mind deceive what my eyes are telling me, thus once you realize it's flat and always has been there is absolutely no going back.
It is soooo obvious to anyone who really engages the subject and has the ability to wipe the slate clean and begin looking at the sky, maps, the way the sun curves over us, and most important of all- learn "perspective"... If the earth were indeed round, then the horizon would not keep rising to eye level as you go up; it would lower. Again, it is all PERSPECTIVE.. and once you learn that then its time to start researching Plasma for more hidden truths. EVERYTHING is hidden in plain sight, and all will make sense once people learn certain truths of this reality.

It is not infinite, and their is no single "army" at the ice wall. If you actually research it you'll find that there are over 50 countries who are signed on to a treaty regarding "Antarctica". There is only (1) pole and it's the magnetic North Pole (the center), which a compass will point toward no matter where on this flat earth you are.
What's grossly ironic to me is that the 90% of people who cannot let go of the brainwashing make fun of the remaining 10% "dumb flat earthers".. who actually know part of the real truths in this world.
There is more dis-information created in today's day and age than I've ever seen.. and it's done purposely to discredit the truth so that people make fun of it.

yep it's flat.

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Tue 12/05/23 01:19 AM
It's flat. you can find military documents telling about the flat none moving plane. research it and you will find the truth! don't just go with what you were trained to believe.