Community > Posts By > driverbob42

driverbob42's photo
Thu 03/27/14 08:29 PM
Howdy everyone my state is known for a few things mt rushmore the black hills lewis and clark sites including the lake in my county that carries their name sake

driverbob42's photo
Mon 03/03/14 09:02 PM
Hello dano not sure on that other than knowing about vienna and its musical history and a little about the austo/hungarian empire that started ww1 with the assinatioion of arch duke francis ferdinand i know very little about austrian culture but would be fascinated to learn more about it and its people

driverbob42's photo
Sat 03/01/14 02:00 AM
Hi again everyone I sicerely hope that u find what you are looking for look with your heart not your eyes your eyes will decieve you but your heart won't

driverbob42's photo
Sat 03/01/14 01:50 AM
Emmigrant hill or cabbage as it is known at least to the locals and truckers alike is a very dnagerous and treachorous pass between la grande and pendleton oregon on good roads in inclement weather it can be very deadly I pray that the injured recover quickly and r restored to full health

driverbob42's photo
Sat 03/01/14 01:41 AM
On a different note does anyone know where I can go to find out if there were any fatalities in the 10 miles of accidents that happened monday night on i84 in oregon I was involved I got hit 3 times while stopped because of stopped traffic the reason I want to find out is because I would like to send my condolences to the family or families because it was a horrible mess up there on that mountain that night but I hope n pray that everyone was ok

driverbob42's photo
Thu 02/27/14 12:20 AM
I am only married on paper she cheated on me 9 times the first was a week after we got married and also what makes you think that a lot of them are not married and lying about it I didn't have to say a word about it but I marked seperated on my profile I have no reason to hide that I have not spoken to my estranged since we split she did this at a bad time I had just had surgery n needed the emotional support after I confirmed she cheated she wanted me to leave n I didn't want to stay n that was the last time we spoke

driverbob42's photo
Thu 02/27/14 12:11 AM
Give up on the subtle attempts to silence me they won't work if u don't like what I have to say don't post on my topic and as far as me being away did u ever consider that if I had someone to take more time off for I would and there other factors to consider as well I am human just like any of you I have feelings and a heart too trucks are vital to everyone if you have it regaurdless of what it is food clothing etc...a truck helped get it there without trucks america comes to its knees it is the only way I can contribute and make a positive difference also 1 other thing did anyone factor in that they could come with me and see the country or become a driver and run team there are a lot of factors people don't think about drivers are people too so why should they be denied happiness and love because they drive a truck? If you truly stop and think about it you would see what I am saying most of us are out here sacraficing for your sake we have a right to have a little bit of happiness too most of us are americans too n the constitution aplies to us also

driverbob42's photo
Wed 02/26/14 08:43 AM
I don't paint unrealistic pictures of things its not about not loving myself its about being real even with myself and accepting reality for what it is I am fine with who I am in order to find the solution you have to go the distance I am not tryin to win a popularity contest but as I maintain if others can say what ever they want so can I I won't allow someone to tell me what to do that doesn't know the situation or the context of why something is being said

driverbob42's photo
Wed 02/26/14 02:21 AM
Thank you too many people look for love with their eyes when they need to be looking with their hearts they don't realize their eyes will decieve them their heart won't

driverbob42's photo
Wed 02/26/14 02:18 AM
You read my mind very well put and very true also I like the philisophical approach to it thank you for weighing in on it sometimes you have to go against the grain and stand up for what you believe in even if it isn't popular with the crowd I have the heart of a warrior and a warrior must fight for what they feel is right no matter the cost or sacrafice

driverbob42's photo
Tue 02/25/14 06:53 AM
Let me tell you something pacific star I have pulled complete strangers out of the line of fire in gang battle grounds and rescued innocent people caught in hurricanes tornadoes and floods I was on the ground at the murrah building in okc ok 2 days after the bombing I found 16 people I knew personally when doing all this I never took a dime from anyone but I am a mooch really? I have a job n I am quite good at it

driverbob42's photo
Tue 02/25/14 06:34 AM
So true but I don't let anyone bully me I got it a lot as a kid but more than one found out this lil fat boy could fight lol I have stood toe to toe n nose to nose with cops I don't run or back down from noone I have had guns pulled on me and they ate them for their stupidity I am not violent unless I am pushed

driverbob42's photo
Mon 02/24/14 10:32 PM
It has been told to me over the years and miles that if you want to chanhe something you have to get out there n do it so thayts why I am here to change things I don't have the time or the access for most conventional methods so I use the option I have the internet and you stop with the attacks on me all u r doin is makin me mad and fightin back harder been fightin battles all my life of one type or another so its no big deal I don't quit and I don't run and I don't back down and there are a lot not all but a lot that need to get a grip not me wake up to reality afain sorry u can't handle the truth but it is what it is

driverbob42's photo
Mon 02/24/14 10:13 PM
First of all I don't feel sorry for myself reality has been cold cruel but I have withstood everything it has thrown at me including the loss of a child because of a drunk driver I don't mooch off anyone I don't make a ton of money but I get by I don't ask anyone for anything in that regaurd so u can stuff that bs where the sun don't shine I work ev erything I get I do it on my own I don't need someone s money and its funny I have never asked anyone on a dating site for a dime but I get asked all the time for it and I am a mooch? Yeah ok smoke another 1 I don't get nor do I want any financial help from anyone how many of you get food stamps n welfare? When yoiu are able bodied to work? So don't sit there n start callin names I can't help you don't like my opinions your problem

driverbob42's photo
Mon 02/24/14 08:36 PM
Many people try to bully mr but don't succeed I have almost gone to jail because I won't even let cops bully me and on the negativity note it is reality if u can't handle that I am sorry but life isn't always sunny and rosy if I let everything I have been thru in the past 3 yrs alone beat me I would have been dead 6 months ago but I am still standin

driverbob42's photo
Mon 02/24/14 05:16 PM
How is it judgemental when it is the truth in most cases and there is a major difference between an opinion and judgement I am only stating an opinion n if I touched a nerve sorry like I said that's my opinion I won't run just because someone doesn't like what I say that can go both ways that's the beauty of a democracy with a constitution

driverbob42's photo
Mon 02/24/14 05:05 PM
Ok did you stop to think first that not every onr would expect u to relocate if it worked they would come to you I make no secret I am seperated n have been for 2 yrs she cheated on me 9 times in the 2 months we were actuallyin the same house I am tired of being alone it isn't right that I should have to be alone

driverbob42's photo
Sun 02/23/14 12:49 PM
I am starting to think that maybe why no response is because there are very few real people here like yahoo chat was

driverbob42's photo
Sat 02/22/14 11:47 PM
Too many people are narrow minded when they say otherwise if you really want true love you have to keep in mind that whether its GOD fate or destiny that it can come from anywhere n if it is meant to be it will happen

driverbob42's photo
Sat 02/22/14 11:43 PM
I am very serious people say they want various stuff n when someone has what they want they get wrote off as no good with one glance without a word ever being spoken to them

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