Community > Posts By > noeleena

noeleena's photo
Mon 09/01/14 03:33 AM

Not so much being born different = intersex female, more in how i look in regard to not looking like a normal female should, facial features, more masculine ,

Being a dyslexic and trying to explain in words what im trying to explain, to others and they dont understand myself, i have it in my mind just getting it over, as i found out yet again to day,

makes it so hard you wont to give up......


noeleena's photo
Thu 08/21/14 06:02 AM

For my self to find someone i have doubts that will happen , if your normal then for many its not an issue , i did not come on the dating forums with the view that i would find some one ,

so im not going to be disapointed , having friends would be nice and to go out in groups would as well though that wont happen because of distance to meet other,s any way ...


noeleena's photo
Thu 08/21/14 05:47 AM

Now im not sure how to word this , as i dont wont to cause offence and dont worry about my spelling i have major dyslexa.

Im a member of many groups here in NZ , and im some what different , yet accepted pretty much by every one in our different communitys, and im in the public domain and seen a lot , because of what our groups do,
to look at myself body wise i look quite normal as a normal woman and thats where it ends , im an intersexed female with masculine facial features, apart from internal organs sexualy there are none no male or female, i weigh in at 11 stone = 154 lb,s. height is 5 ,9.

When you said you looked at your self in the mirror i thought you are a whole person and this guy = man has issues with how you look ,

many of my women friends would be much like you yes natal born females , and they are lovely they accepted my differences as iv accepted them for who they are, how sad for this guy and what he has of cause now missed out on ,

theres allso the other side because he could not accept you the way you are shows how shallow he is and in one way he would have left you later on had you both had a relastionship to gether ,

I understand how discouraging it is , i know what it feels like and i know men would not look at myself because of how i was born i dont hide what and who i am so im very open about my self because i dont ever wont any one to say i lied to them ,

Where is real beauty in a person is it only in how we look or is it hidden , my self its hidden .

Take care .


noeleena's photo
Wed 08/20/14 04:33 AM

Im from Waimate south, though it seems not many Kiwi,s wont to talk or reply to others from here ,
so im wondering if it,s really worth the time staying on the forum ,

i know from what i see and know there are many scammers about thats for sure iv had over the last 2 weeks 3 contacts ,

Allso theres a lot of distrust ,

Any ways if another Kiwi would like to say hi that would be lovely,
from Waimo county,

Sarah ,

must have been around 1978 or so,

we had our own horse,s a few years ago you may remember, Ferry road heading to the heathcote Bridge not that slab of concrete the old Draw bridge well just before there on the right hand side was some land that was used for a training ground its built up now of cause , well the Chap had horse,s there and thats where my first one came from was a west coast trotter , name of Paddy,

Any way , a bit of news


noeleena's photo
Thu 08/14/14 11:28 PM

Im flawed from birth , and different as well and i had no say in the matter. something that is not talked about very much if at all ,

we have about 10,000 of us world wide and we are all different in our own way , is it really a flaw depends on how people see us or wont to accept us, are we normal in many ways yes and in many other ways no,

i was born intersexed just means born both male and female, i live as a normal woman with out a womb and non sexual just means no organs in how you would understand what a normal male or female is ,

any way i like the word weird as it means i dont have to prove my self as to if im male or female , though im very well accepted here in Waimate NZ and when i go over seas to Australia ,

so flawed yes i am , and what changes is can you accept people like us, get to know us and you may be surprised to find some of us are okay people ,


noeleena's photo
Wed 08/13/14 04:26 AM

So tell me go back just before 2,000 years ago there was no church , right yet most of the teaching of to day is infact from the Jews, yet even that is suspect because the jews would kill thier own people and murderded 1000.s of them in ad 60- 70 so what right have they in telling us what to do when they killed murdered to eat there own to stay alive because they could not did not do what they had been asked to do ,

and it was only two tribes of the 12 tribes ,out of israel,
and they had thier own wifes put to death because they had it off with another man yet no men were put to death , and it was the same Jews who had a brothel next to the synigogue, just for the men married or not did they get put to death .... OH NO ...they were men of repute,

Very one sided , i think . so much for the so called church and what it did and its not stopped yet ,

Have a look back further again say 4000 years was it a sin then for two people to come to gether they did not marry they just lived to gether had thier own children was that a sin ,

people to day have a western thinking mind and what a society wonts does not make it right or a select few = rules ,

time people today rethink what was really written back then instead of what has been imposed on us over the many years,

I accept marrage is lovely , you dont need it for two people to live together , and love each other , you dont need a peace of paper ,

Any way a few things to think about ,


noeleena's photo
Wed 08/13/14 03:40 AM
Edited by noeleena on Wed 08/13/14 03:40 AM
Hi there,
The best i can do is say Hi , as im from Waimate and do shoping in Timaru most Mondays and see our Daughter ,

Pack and Save around 4 to 5 pm at least youll know one from here and face to face any ways , may just be able to have a chat,

See what you think . Ill take it you mean Timaru south isl of NZ


noeleena's photo
Wed 08/06/14 04:44 AM

Satan owns nothing and never did he to is a servent and will serve the Most High , and is , as every one will , The Lord owns all and even if you come to Him or not ,None will be lost, .


noeleena's photo
Wed 08/06/14 04:34 AM

Im not sure how many Kiwi,s are here well an other south isl girl here, a Waimo lass,.


noeleena's photo
Wed 08/06/14 04:30 AM

The ? would not happen for myself and theres a very good reason for this I cant change from female to male or male to female as im an intersexed person , both male and female , so would that be different or not ,
Im not sure what those here would say to this no doubt only oh how weird or Oh dear how sad , , well weird maybe ,sad no way ever ,

Any way thought you may be interested = im just an intersexed female ,
