Community > Posts By > Melaschasm

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Sat 02/21/09 02:15 PM

Rush just said took less then a month...for O' wreck the US economy...laugh

I heard on the radio this morning about how bad Rush is getting. They said he is full of hate and anger and they hope that people can see it. They said that people gave Bush the benefit of the doubt for years until they started seeing how much he leaned towards Fascism and Rush is doing a knee jerk reaction by saying those things about Obama so soon.

Apparently none of those people have actually listened to Rush's show.

Rush is a conservative, and has consistently opposed socialist spending policies like what Obama is pushing, and Rush also spoke out against Bush's spending policies as well. I am not saying that Rush is always right, or that everyone should listen to him, but those who do take the time to listen to Rush's show will know it is not about hate.

Also the notion that Bush was given a pass for a few years is laughable to anyone who was paying attention back in 2000. The media and the democrats were gunning for Bush before he was sworn in as president, and attacked him every day of his presidency. As the opposition party, that was actually what the democrats are suppose to do, except that they should not have been spreading lies, which politicians seem to prefer to the truth.

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Sat 02/21/09 02:00 PM

I just want to know what makes anyone including Obama (boo, hiss, JEER) thing that giving money to everything and everyone who has been screwing everything up will fix our problems?


The money to rebuild our power grid. Why in the hell does a corporation who has been charging us through the nose get to keep all their windfall rather than THEM who take our money for the utilities pay from their pockets to upgrade??? Why is it a tax payer responsibility?

WTF???????? That is one of the biggest black holes our government suffers from.

What about the BILLIONS of dollars given to hostile nations to further better relations with? Why not spend that money kicking their asses into place instead or spend that money domestically?


All of the experts told him the mistake made in the 30s was that they did not flood the economy with cash and stimilute job growth. He is listening to these experts and there are alot of them saying the same thing. He at least listens to the experts, Bush did not when it came to Iraq or bin laden.

Ummmm, FDR did flood money into the economy. It either didn't work, or the economy was such a mess that we were not able to get out even with the flood of money.

We have tried to flood the economy with money on a number of occasions, with mixed results. However, we have enjoyed strong economic growth following every major marginal tax rate reduction. The American people should have voted for tax cuts, but instead we voted for higher taxes. Now we are going to pay the price with a longer recession.

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Sat 02/21/09 01:07 PM
Technically Obama kept his tax cut pledge, since he never promised to make significant tax cuts.

Unfortunately his economic policies so far have been weak, or even harmful.

Hopefully Obama will not make things to much worse than he has already done.

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Mon 02/09/09 08:47 PM
I have asked a few engineers, and they have all said that it is reasonable to believe the jet fuel burned hot enough to weaken the structure and cause the collapse.

I have also been told that George Bush personally set explosives in the WTC, and that caused the collapse.

While both explanations could be true, it is much less likely that the WTC was destroyed by explosives, without many witnesses telling their stories. Which means that it is much more likely that the planes destroyed the WTC.

Since I was not in the buildings at the time of the collapse, and I am not an engineer, I am left to believe that which is most likely.

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Fri 02/06/09 10:45 PM
Hockey is very similar to Soccer, but has more fights between players.

I am not certain that the fights are the only reason Hockey is more popular. I think being on ice adds an element of uniqueness to the game.

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Fri 02/06/09 10:28 PM
Soccer is still somewhat new to the US, and has to compete with many popular sports. In most the countries where Soccer is huge, they do not have three or four other sports with very high followings.

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Fri 02/06/09 06:45 PM
Confidence and arrogance are sometimes the same thing.

Arrogance is the negative presentation of confidence.

Or arrogance is when you are confident you are right, but it turns out you are wrong.

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Fri 02/06/09 06:40 PM
As long as conservative speech is banned from the radio, I don't care if the Senator is going to personally profit from it.


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Mon 01/26/09 09:00 PM
Why do so many westerners praise terrorists, who specifically and intentionally target civilians, as heroes, then turn around and call Israeli's, who expend great effort to minimize civilian casualties, evil monsters?

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 07:10 PM

If Obama is christian or muslim, he is betraying his faith by supporting abortion.

Personally, I don't really care what his personal religious beliefs are, because Obama's stated political positions are bad for the USA.

My best guess is that Obama does not have strongly held beliefs. He may have a belief in God, he might be a christian, but I do not think faith is a central part of his life. Then again, I could be wrong, and he might be much more devout than he appears.
:smile: No he is not betraying anything.:smile:Obama has never had an abortion or participated in any of that:smile:

By that logic, Bush as never water boarded anyone, or participated in any of that.

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Sat 01/24/09 07:05 PM
The problem with prosecuting the Bush administration is that congress approved of his actions, including democrats in congress.

The Constitution requires that congress declare war, and that the president executes the war. The reasons for war are not important from a constitutional perspective.

Since we know that congress had access to the same intelligence that Bush had when making the decision to declare war, we know that the war was lawful.

If you want to argue that democrats in congress intentionally voted for a war that was immoral, then go complain to the democrats in congress that did so, and oppose them when they are running for office.

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Sat 01/24/09 06:21 PM

This is what is important to me. This is what is being look into:

"Traces of depleted uranium in Gaza victims, suggesting that Israel used the illegal weapons in its war on the densely-populated territory.

The UN nuclear watchdog said on Wednesday that it would open an investigation into Israel's alleged use of depleted uranium weapons, which are listed as 'illegal weapons of mass destruction' in the Geneva Convention.

The case for Israeli war crimes became stronger on Thursday when the Israeli military admitted that it pounded the Palestinian coast with at least twenty phosphorus bombs during the offensive.

White phosphorus, classified as a 'chemical weapon' by the US intelligence, is a highly-incendiary substance that bursts into all-consuming flames that cannot be extinguished with water, burning flesh to the bone and often leading to death.

Under the Geneva Treaty of 1980, the use of white phosphorous as a weapon is prohibited."

It's one thing to fight a war or protect one's self. It's quite another thing to use illegal weapons.

I find it interesting that by this definition of WMD, we actually found qualifying weapons in Iraq. If we use this definition, then Bush was right.

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 05:41 PM
If Obama is christian or muslim, he is betraying his faith by supporting abortion.

Personally, I don't really care what his personal religious beliefs are, because Obama's stated political positions are bad for the USA.

My best guess is that Obama does not have strongly held beliefs. He may have a belief in God, he might be a christian, but I do not think faith is a central part of his life. Then again, I could be wrong, and he might be much more devout than he appears.

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 05:31 PM
Generally speaking fat people know that they are fat.

If you are dating someone, and you want them to loose weight, then try to make your relationship activities more healthy.

If you choose to eat healthier, and stop snacking on junk food, they will likely cut back on that type stuff as well.

Even going bowling instead of sitting around watching TV can have healthy benefits.

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Sat 01/24/09 05:14 PM
I guess I don't get why you think any of those statements means that adultery is a good thing. So far as I can tell you have not given any examples of God saying that adultery is good.

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 05:02 PM

No the religious are not being arrogant. It is those who take offense that are actively looking for an excuse to hate those with differing religious beliefs and/or cultures.

"Melaschasm" .it's not about hate it's about someone pushing their religious beliefs upon someone not of their faith which is why it's arrogant just to assume that others wish to receive those blessings ...

So when I told a friend at work about being promoted and he said "Allah be praised" he was actually trying to force his muslim beliefs upon me?

And here I was naively thinking that he was just expressing his happiness about my good news. This guy isn't one of my closest friends, but I still think I would have noticed if he was really using that phrase to threaten me with condemnation to hell if I do not convert to Islam.

I guess I just think people should be more tolerant of others, and if someone says "bless you" after you sneeze, I would rather take it as the (misguided) attempt at wishing someone well, that it was intended to be.

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 07:32 PM

Bush Senior won a bigger majority on the coatails of Reagan. The country isn't any more united now than it was 2, 4, or 8 years ago.

The country still has roughly equal numbers of conservatives and liberals, along with a bunch of centrists, and even a bunch of people without political awareness/interest.

Right now there is a great deal of hope for improvements, and there might even be a few.

However, Obama has radical leftist tendencies, and those will result in a harmful shift towards the left by the US government. Overall this presidency is going to be worse than it would have been with a better choice. Then again, John "the centrist" McCain wasn't much better than Obama, and now that Obama has endorsed the Bush policy in Iraq, there isn't much difference between the two candidates.

This is part of what Obama said today:

"The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works -- whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified. Where the answer is yes, we intend to move forward. Where the answer is no, programs will end. And those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account -- to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day -- because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government."

That doesn't sound very "radical left" to me. It sounds more fiscally conservative.

Have you seen the list of new spending programs that Obama has proposed over the past year? If congress actually passed his entire agenda right now, we would more than double the size of the Federal government. That is a radical position, not moderate.

Obama voted in favor of post birth abortion three times. On three separate occasions Obama voted to kill living babies outside the mothers womb if the mother "intended" to have an abortion. That is a radical position, not moderate.

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 06:25 PM
Bush Senior won a bigger majority on the coatails of Reagan. The country isn't any more united now than it was 2, 4, or 8 years ago.

The country still has roughly equal numbers of conservatives and liberals, along with a bunch of centrists, and even a bunch of people without political awareness/interest.

Right now there is a great deal of hope for improvements, and there might even be a few.

However, Obama has radical leftist tendencies, and those will result in a harmful shift towards the left by the US government. Overall this presidency is going to be worse than it would have been with a better choice. Then again, John "the centrist" McCain wasn't much better than Obama, and now that Obama has endorsed the Bush policy in Iraq, there isn't much difference between the two candidates.

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 06:00 PM

The scriptures talk about that Blessings and cursings come out of the same mouth. This should not be it tells us.

You are to Bless not curse all those who will listen and not run you away. Debate is good it sharpens our swords. We all learn something in a debate if we will allow ourselves to.

I take the Blessings very seriously because Yahweh does not wish for even 1 hair of anyone to perish but the oppisite for everyone to come to the saving knowledge of love for him and when you have love for him all guile leaves and the commandment of Love for your brother becomes a natural part of what love for Yahweh is.

So we have not a clue what our destiny is. For it changes by how we love.

To Bless our Brother and hope him the best is a great love from then believer. For he leaves a part of himself with whoever which Yahweh see's and respects. So If you have ever wondered why most of the time I say Blessings when i am done writing. It is for this very fact. We are not to curse but to Bless.

Blessings of Shalom....Miles

"Milesoftusa" if Yahweh as you said didn't wish one hair on anyone's head to perish then it couldn't happen if it wasn't Yahweh's will for it to occur

Yahwah's is the one that set all the events into motion's all part of his divine plan..and since a blessing can not change Yahweh's divine plan then there is no need to give a blessing unless you are trying to relate to that person that they are cursed unless they follow Yahweh

Technically some religions believe that prayer and blessings can have an impact upon a persons soul. One of the more famous examples is the belief of Catholics that prayers for the departed can speed a soul through purgatory, and to heaven.

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 05:41 PM

When someone gives their blessings is it used as a way to push their religious views into others' face

Do the religious use blessings as a way to be a walking talking human billboard to advertise their religion and force it upon others?

Do those that say may God bless you and may the angels watch over you just assume that blessing should be acceptable to anyone they wish to express it to but would they feel comfortable if a Satanist blessed them by wishing that Satan and his legions of demons watch over them or would they enjoy it if someone bless them by sticking pins in a voodoo doll

So are the religious just being arrogant by assuming that someone not of their faith wish to receive their blessings and not even comprehend or even care that others not of their faith may view their blessing the same as having a curse place on them

No the religious are not being arrogant. It is those who take offense that are actively looking for an excuse to hate those with differing religious beliefs and/or cultures.

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