Community > Posts By > SignoreMadrid

SignoreMadrid's photo
Wed 09/16/09 06:28 PM
materialism and shallowness

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 09/08/09 10:32 AM
apparently because were the extremists?

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 09/08/09 10:25 AM

did cnn tell you that?

Nope I do my own research.

ok to clarify, plagiarism is stealing facts and ideas from one person. research is to steal facts and ideas from many.

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 09/08/09 10:20 AM
did cnn tell you that?

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 09/08/09 10:19 AM
single and happy :) just me and my kiddo!

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 09/08/09 10:13 AM
either way you stand where you stand as do I. I respect your views because right without left would be insane and visa versa. at the same time, their is just some things you can't overlook.

if a man killed someone and is not convicted of the crime because he can afford the proper legal team is he innocent? same thing goes for obama's "homies" and everything else the man in the oval office has done in his lifetime.

it is not faux to state what happened despite outcomes.

and bush stood up to a tyrant and won. a stong nation stands up for themselves, a stronger nation stands up for the people outside the nation who cannot. despite the left wing views on the war on terror, a change was made and for the better.

I just don't think obama is playing his cards right. He, in my opinion and now the opinion of 72% of the nation, does not run this based on good moral values of an american... oh crap, he's not even american! he runs them on his own personal belifes. change? he sure is trying, he'll be impeached before too long so i'm not too worried about what he tries next... except for banning firearms, taking control of the internet, health care, and state. all of which is under construction by his goons.

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 09/08/09 09:52 AM

Obama is what you would call a "closet terrorist"

who apologizes for their countries actions!? apparently only US now.
a racist, a muslim, lol one of his good friends ended up getting caught attempting to blow up a federal building. but whatever, go follow your leader.

I feel better knowing that the liberals, not on here, have began to realize what a piece of crap and what kind of fool obama really is. at the very least i will let him use the crutch of being too naive, tho it's not the case.

That is funny. Not factual but funny none the less.

It was factual, but far too narrow. By the US's own definition of "terror", the federal government is one of the biggest terror organizations in the world. (viz. the Overthrow of the Shaw in Iran, the unconstitutional invasion of Iraq, etc., etc., etc.)

Not factual. Funny yes but not factual.

As for your post. I do agree that Bush was dictatorlike and that his war in Iraq was illegal.

see thats the thing i just don't understand... america was attacked on 9/11... oh wait ya'll think bush did that huh? lol, anyways we were attacked what the hell was he honestly supposed to do?

that woulda been awesome to see a president sit back and say "oh no we can't go to war i'll make a liberal mad!" leave that for obama.

what happens when you harbor a fugitive? your *** get's thrown in jail or prison. same applies to harboring terrorists, being that we can't exactly go in and arrest the president of a nation who was a tyrant as it was, guess war is a good option eh?

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 09/08/09 09:46 AM

Obama is what you would call a "closet terrorist"

who apologizes for their countries actions!? apparently only US now.
a racist, a muslim, lol one of his good friends ended up getting caught attempting to blow up a federal building. but whatever, go follow your leader.

I feel better knowing that the liberals, not on here, have began to realize what a piece of crap and what kind of fool obama really is. at the very least i will let him use the crutch of being too naive, tho it's not the case.

That is funny. Not factual but funny none the less.

Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. They helped plot and carry out a bomb blast in san fransico injuring 9 and killing one officer. The bombers targeted the san fransico police department, they were obama's friends. Ayers wrote books called "bringing down america" way before the bombing before they were caught. hmmmm....

is that factual enough? or should I just start putting facts on the table for you?

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 09/08/09 09:30 AM
his nickname should be wonderboy!

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 09/08/09 09:27 AM
Obama is what you would call a "closet terrorist"

who apologizes for their countries actions!? apparently only US now.
a racist, a muslim, lol one of his good friends ended up getting caught attempting to blow up a federal building. but whatever, go follow your leader.

I feel better knowing that the liberals, not on here, have began to realize what a piece of crap and what kind of fool obama really is. at the very least i will let him use the crutch of being too naive, tho it's not the case.

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 09/08/09 12:08 AM
this is what I believe.

OK, every dude wants to feel like he's "the man" when he's with a woman. he want's recognition, to be able to feel like he's doing a good job in every aspect of the relationship. If he doesn't achieve that goal he'll look for satisfaction elsewhere in any way shape or form.

A dude needs to have some communication that is on HIS level, Not yours women. if he is passive and your agressive just back the phuck off him. if he's aggressive and your passive then be a little bitchy, odds are he's craving it and unless he gets a dose of it, ur about to be walked on.

don't kiss his ***, keep it in check always.

"equal rights = equal responsibilities" no one should be the overall bread winner. if a guy says he's gonna take care of you, he got a complex and mommy issues. if he's lazy, then stop smokin weed already and tell him to grow his *** up or your leavin.

Guys are really simple, they tend to follow their emotions instead of brains in relationships and visa versa in the streets or buisness world.

i'm sure if your askin yourself what a guy wants... your goin for the wrong guys :)

SignoreMadrid's photo
Mon 09/07/09 11:50 PM

SignoreMadrid's photo
Mon 09/07/09 11:33 PM
yeah I'm really bad with words lol, sometimes i'll think something positive and it comes out negative, visa-versa.

one thing tho is that there honestly is NO place like california in the world! we got it all here!

California... the State of mind

SignoreMadrid's photo
Mon 09/07/09 11:27 PM
lol ok let me re-phrase my statement. Where I have lived, Los Angeles, Orange County and currently San Diego, that's all I see. Life is just lived to fast by the people my age... seems that everyone is chasing fools gold here.

I been all over the country, and world, and the small towns in the mid west and... most other places just seem to have a better value of life and are more peaceful people as a whole. I really miss new mexico, I'm prolly gonna end up movin there... or spain :)

SignoreMadrid's photo
Mon 09/07/09 09:36 PM
bush's worst day is better than barack's best.. and man oh man jackov smirnov sure has set the bar a little high for barack to ever see what blind liberals would call a "good day"

besides bush was too busy, you know, running a country effectively for parents to worry about bush in the classroom. you do remember "no child left behind" don't you? :)

all the liberal media talkin their chesme about the bush admin to satisfy the left side of our nation all cause they were on the opposing team. AND NOW the liberals cry that barack's being bashed by the same liberal media!... oh wait a minute, he is a liberal, isn't he? socialist? totalitarian? either way, whats his excuse for the negative media? hmmmm... he must, truthfully, be fuc*in up if even the left is begining to denounce him.

would you let a clan member talk to your child in class?
would you let an anarchist or american hater talk to them?
would you let a man who is unsure of his every move attempt to guide your kid?

YEAH GO OBAMANATION!!! You were right, You can finally be "Proud" of this nation! Go russia!!!

SignoreMadrid's photo
Mon 09/07/09 09:07 PM
haha prolly did get "heads up" huh.

SignoreMadrid's photo
Sun 09/06/09 02:36 PM
I'd have to say in an underwater aquarium like here at sea world :) why? because it would be a kick *** place to be living for the next who ever knows how long, and we would be eating only the best food. sea food :)

SignoreMadrid's photo
Sun 09/06/09 12:30 PM
yo california sucks, i've lived here too damn long. you should cypervacae hawaii or somethin. nothn but a bunch of metrosexual punks and arrogant pricks here ;)

SignoreMadrid's photo
Sun 09/06/09 12:27 PM
slippery serena is what you would call a "craigslist whore". she'll hook up with ya...for a pretty penny.

SignoreMadrid's photo
Sun 09/06/09 12:25 PM
wow, ur really tryin to get laid huh?

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