Community > Posts By > MikeMontana

MikeMontana's photo
Mon 03/12/07 07:44 PM
Sorry bro, they've all been talking to me. I didnt realize I had
monopolized all the ladies time & interest. Ladies, I gotta be nice here
and share.

MikeMontana's photo
Sun 03/11/07 07:42 PM
Most romantic moment?

When we got married we chose a peice from Tchaikovsy's Nutcracker for
our song (we just SO disliked that traditional 'here comes the bride'
which is a funeral procession by-the-way).

Fast forward a couple years. We went to Venice in June, which we
disliked. It was HOT, CROWDED, and OVERWHELMING. So much that we left
after 3hrs of it. Back to the hotel on the main-land. Later that night
we returned. Most shops were closed, nearly all the tourists had left.
It was nearly empty but still muggy and hot.

We sat along the canals splashing our feet in the water eating sweet
gelatos and soaking up the oppressive summer night. Then we walked
aimlessly through the back streets and came upon a piazza in front of
Saint Marks.

As we stepped into the piazza a "summer concert orchestra" started
playing our wedding song. A sultry summer night that couldnt have been
any sweeter.

MikeMontana's photo
Sun 03/11/07 07:30 PM
Treat your lady like a child. I mean it - and here's what I mean:

1. Treat your lady with the kindness you would share with a child. You
would never speak cruely to a child, you would never command a child,
you would never be suspicous of a child.

2. Excpect to be treated as a child - for the same reasons.

3. Give the tenderness, forgiveness, acceptance as you would to a child.
Expect it in return. We have no problem being tender with a child,
forgiving a child, and accepting of a child - the love and commitment is
never questioned, so all other aspects just work themselves out.

4. Give the freedom as you would to a child. We dont question a child
'where were you', 'what were you doing', 'why didnt you answer me' -
without just cause. We should treat a lady in the same way. And expect
no less in return.

MikeMontana's photo
Sun 03/11/07 07:23 PM
The Itchy & Scratchy Show!

MikeMontana's photo
Sun 03/11/07 07:11 PM
Logical Reason? If you try to adjust the "business hours" to match the
"most hours of sunlight" you would get more optimal useage of energy.

Thats all there is to it. Its lame.

MikeMontana's photo
Sun 03/11/07 07:06 PM
I saw Van Halen on the OU812 tour. They SUCKED the loudest!

MikeMontana's photo
Sun 03/11/07 06:04 PM
Oh Damn! I been found out! I listed my age as "38" and "Unsure" KNEW I
was not giving a full and honest disclosure. She is correct, I am
somewhat older than my profile says.

Ok, ok, I went back and changed it - sorry everyone. On Valentine's Day
I turned 39, and I have been lazy to update my profile. Sorry for all
you ladies who felt I may have been dishonest with my profile.



MikeMontana's photo
Sun 03/11/07 06:00 PM
I beleive that was a long list of beleifs. How about an "Executive

"We, the Gigantic Generic Corporation of America here-by proclaim our
Mission Statement of Core Competency Beleifs:

Friends are profitiable asset that leads to a win-win situation building
shareholder equity and bring a good citizen.

All further questions should be directed to CEO Ms. Red-Tiger29 who will
be happy to enroll you in our training courses for further instruction"

MikeMontana's photo
Sun 03/11/07 05:56 PM
i'm a trans-gender lesbian! does that count?

MikeMontana's photo
Sun 03/11/07 05:55 PM
This Sunday is cleaning-day for me, I ran outta clean clothes.

MikeMontana's photo
Sun 03/11/07 05:53 PM
Cinema Paradisio
La Vita e Bella
Il Postino

Most impressionable movies:
Star Wars, ET, Schindlers List

MikeMontana's photo
Sun 03/11/07 05:49 PM
Why bother lieing about yourself? It just asks for trouble, unless
you're going to be a total azzhole anyway and jerk people around
senselessly. No doubt there's a couple ppl like that.

But, using pictures of someone-else. Ha. I must be slow, I never thought
of that one... brb, gotta find a picture to steal.

MikeMontana's photo
Fri 03/09/07 09:24 PM
My daughter will soon turn 13. In school they learn more about the
mechanics of sex than I could explain. So, I take things from a
different angle: I have been talking to her about the real dangers of
sex - a broken heart.

I want her to understand that sex is probably the strongest force of a
persons life - as it is a core component to love, family, obligations
and responsibility. And that most ppl will struggle all their lives to
keep it all together. I try to explain to her that having sex in the
teen years usually leads to broken hearts, broken lives and broken

MikeMontana's photo
Fri 03/09/07 09:05 PM
Had an interesting week - hope you get a giggle out of it.

Trying to overcome my paralyzing shyness I struck up an interesting
conversation with a lady at a lecture we had both just attended -
discussing theology of all things. Go figure, but, it was all good fun.
Later, I thought to myself, "I shoulda asked for her number". Doh.

A few days later I'm on the train, and a lady sits down next to me. 99%
of the time, nobody says nothin to each other on the train. Like there's
some "unspoken rule of silence" (but ppl can carry on detailed personal
arguments loudly on their cell phone...) Anyway, somehow we just started
talking and were hitting it off really well. Too well I think - as we
were chatting she realized she nearly missed her stop, almost missed the
closing door. Doh.

So, as fate would have it, I ran into the 1st lady again. Immediately
struck up a conversation, and she explained she was headed back to
California in an hour or so. A crowd of ppl washed out of the lecture
room interrupting us as we stood at opposite sides of the doorway,
meanwhile my buddy called me over to help him move something - turned
around and she was gone. Doh.

Fate has a great sense of humor.

MikeMontana's photo
Fri 03/09/07 08:53 PM
Background - I run a website dedicated to the crew of a WW2 PT boat.
I've heard from several ppl who were on that little boat 65 years ago.
They're all in their 80s now. I got the following email (sitting in my
inbox since Tuesday):

"My grandfather passed away on Monday and I was searching around (too
late as it seems) for information on him. As it turns out, he was on PT
Boat 171. Under your indexes of people, places, and events... under
people, the first name on the list @ Oct. 5 is Hargadon L.W. (R.M. 3/c).
Lawrence Wallace Hagadon is my grandfather. I don't know how to
completely navigate your site and I know the link that his name points
to is clickable but I don't know what it all means. I just wanted to
say hi, thanks for making the site, and any info you have on this man,
my grandfather, would be wonderful to know. Thank you again.


So, if you have grandparents who are getting older, do a google search
on their names. You never know who/what/where something might come up.
Sadly, this guy did a google search a day too late. It would have been
an amazing thing to put that man in touch with his buddies from six
decades ago, as I have spoken with two other men who are still with us
from that little ship - all through the power of Google.

MikeMontana's photo
Fri 03/09/07 08:45 PM
I posted a reply -

MikeMontana's photo
Fri 03/09/07 08:43 PM
Interesting post! I'm one of those whack-o's that beleive that Satan,
the hebrew name for "Obstacle" like you point out, is really a plain old
servant in the court of God.

I mean, how could "God" have any "rivals"? How could there be a "power
struggle" in heaven? That would, by definition, say that God wasnt "all

Secondly, God created Satan to serve a purpose. Satan's "job" is the
Prosecutor. As the book of Job explains, his task is to record all the
mis-deeds of ppl and present them on Judgement Day. As the book of Job
clearly points out, Satan is powerless, and must ask for every
permission explicitly from God. They get along pretty well. God's enemy?
Not in the bible I read.

So, if Satan serves a purpose then where does it put the theology that
most christians claim? In the trash. Satan holds no power over man - Man
is responsible, and man alone, is accountable for his actions. Man is
God's greatest creation, and the most powerful of creation. Man can
create life, and destroy life. Satan cant even touch Job without
explicit permission from God.


MikeMontana's photo
Fri 03/09/07 08:36 PM
Progressive Rock (I guess thats "Fossil Rock" now)

MikeMontana's photo
Fri 03/09/07 08:32 PM
If I could change one thing? Hard to choose which of these three:

Learn to be content,
Learn to be in the moment,
Regain self-confidence

MikeMontana's photo
Fri 03/09/07 08:26 PM
Kill the dog, or kill anyone who complains about the dog hairs. Its all
about choices.