Community > Posts By > icicle71

icicle71's photo
Tue 03/24/09 11:54 PM
I'm sorry for the things I've said and the things I haven't.

I'm sorry for the things I have done and haven't done to cause you pain.

I'm sorry for not loving you the way you wanted or needed.

I'm sorry for letting US come to this point and not showing you how much you really mean to me.

I'm sorry for loving you so much that it kills me inside to know I almost lost you.

I'm sorry for not sharing myself completely with you and for my self destructive behavior which driven us apart.

I'm sorry for neglecting you and not showing that you come first in my life.

I truly do LOVE you with all my heart and I will do anything to show this to you and keep us.together. I know it will be tough at times but I am wanting and willing to work as hard as I can. You mean the world to me and I can't imagine a day or life without you.

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:59 PM
we both know what we've done wrong and how we could have fixed it 2 years ago, waited til its too we know better for next time...just looking for friendship now

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:44 PM
hey Winx...we also both realized we don't want a companion ut a partner in life

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:43 PM
it's to late..we let to many things go..amazing companions but we didnt fulfill each other..other things have happened but its definately over

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:35 PM
Thanks...not worried about the details as we have discussed most and have decided on most...lawyers kept out til the end b/c we are reasonable people...more concerned with the emotional state rather than useless possesions and a house...i can be happy with little as long as it's the right person

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:25 PM
no...but thanks for the offer...furthest thing from my mind...either looking for developing some friendships or people who have gone thru what i am now

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:10 PM
doesnt work...sorry

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:09 PM
she didnt want to...we have done individual counceling..would have helped a year or 2 now its too late

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:01 PM
not going to be out on the prowl...rather develop friendships and talk to people who have gone thru this right now

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:00 PM
cool...because we've talked so much...we've realized what we've done wrong, we each take 50/50 responsibility....but we waited to late to try to fix my friends say, "thats life" or "everything happens for a reason"///standard friend talk for I'm sorry it didn't work out

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:54 PM
still heard possibly a year...but who knows? may be quicker..haven't looked into it as much as her

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:51 PM
how long does a divorce take? Neither one of us would contest it (we are in toronto, Canada) so i only have one fried who got divorced and it took 6 years...can't wait that long...don't want anything soon, but is 6 months too soon?

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:48 PM
the separation will go fine, we've talked more in the last month than in the last 2 years...u can still be friends and reasonable if u loved each other enough

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:46 PM
DATE...are u serious...its been a month...looking for friendship and advice

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:45 PM
thanks Winx...u made me laugh
divorce is the next step, friends have been helping me heal, so no set time frame?

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:42 PM
thanks mike...couldnt even think of doing that right now

icicle71's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:37 PM
married 7 1/2 years, became amazing companions instead of keeping up the love and long should u wait(don't want to be a rebound) and how long til it gets easier???