no photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:19 PM
I THOUGHT COMERADE CLINTON had the record for exectutive priveledge. i stand corrected.

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:22 PM
I DIDNT THREATEN, I did report him. I will let the powers that be decide for themselves. If they consider his comments harmless so be it. im concerned whenever someone threatens someone elses life. if that makes me a brownshirt so be it.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:26 PM

I DIDNT THREATEN, I did report him. I will let the powers that be decide for themselves. If they consider his comments harmless so be it. im concerned whenever someone threatens someone elses life. if that makes me a brownshirt so be it.

laugh laugh laugh
Report me, I dont pay taxes!!laugh laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:28 PM
Id like to pull all the troops back from Iraq and leave Bush there!

Id be nice though. Id give him weapons and ammo!:wink:

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:31 PM

I DIDNT THREATEN, I did report him. I will let the powers that be decide for themselves. If they consider his comments harmless so be it. im concerned whenever someone threatens someone elses life. if that makes me a brownshirt so be it.

laugh laugh laugh
Report me, I dont pay taxes!!laugh laugh laugh

madisonman's photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:36 PM

I DIDNT THREATEN, I did report him. I will let the powers that be decide for themselves. If they consider his comments harmless so be it. im concerned whenever someone threatens someone elses life. if that makes me a brownshirt so be it.
cant wait for the investigation, wow that is desperate and again I am confident you will be laughed at laugh

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:37 PM
back to topic... wasent comerade clinton impeached? and didnt he refuse to leave office? i dont think that lil bush has done anything that warrants a trial, ect. His decisions were made based on information made available to him. theres no conspiracy here, no evil intent in my opinion. there was a long history of no cooperation, using these very weapons on his own people, ect ect.
I wouldent have started this war but to play this blame game accomplishes nothing. i say finish the job we started for the first time since WW2 the big one.... but thats only my opinion.

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:38 PM

I DIDNT THREATEN, I did report him. I will let the powers that be decide for themselves. If they consider his comments harmless so be it. im concerned whenever someone threatens someone elses life. if that makes me a brownshirt so be it.
cant wait for the investigation, wow that is desperate and again I am confident you will be laughed at laugh

you better hope they laugh at me.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:42 PM
I just thought of a way to pay off the debt!

We could start a new reality show!

One on One with Bush!
We could sale the oppurtunity for average Americans to step in a boxing ring with George Bush! Sale the ad space too and we could pay off the debt and lower taxes!drinker

warmachine's photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:42 PM

War of aggression or Busted for lying about a blow job.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:47 PM
I just thought of a better name!

Dance with Dubya,

We could pay off the debt in the first season easily!

If we get some good cutmen we might even get a second season!

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:49 PM
Edited by rambill79 on Sun 04/13/08 06:00 PM
which war would that be? the one where we ran off a murdering tyrant who had a history of gassing his own people? the one with torture chambers? the one who would torture people with thier families watching? the one who had gold plated AKS and 90 plus palaces while his people lived in poverty? the one who was convicted of war crimes by his own people?
fyi Im privy to more info than some and we did find "stuff", but it said made in USA on it so it was never made public according to my source. I dont KNOW this to be true but the info from him is historically rock solid and he WOULD know such things.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:58 PM
Is that an original idea, or has someone already thought about it!
Cause I have morebigsmile

madisonman's photo
Sun 04/13/08 06:04 PM

which war would that be? the one where we ran off a murdering tyrant who had a history of gassing his own people? the one with torture chambers? the one who would torture people with thier families watching? the one who had gold plated AKS and 90 plus palaces while his people lived in poverty? the one who was convicted of war crimes by his own people?
fyi Im privy to more info than some and we did find "stuff", but it said made in USA on it so it was never made public according to my source. I dont KNOW this to be true but the info from him is historically rock solid and he WOULD know such things.
your the man with the secrets rambill laugh

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 06:05 PM
you would be suprised.

warmachine's photo
Sun 04/13/08 06:09 PM

which war would that be? the one where we ran off a murdering tyrant who had a history of gassing his own people? the one with torture chambers? the one who would torture people with thier families watching? the one who had gold plated AKS and 90 plus palaces while his people lived in poverty? the one who was convicted of war crimes by his own people?
fyi Im privy to more info than some and we did find "stuff", but it said made in USA on it so it was never made public according to my source. I dont KNOW this to be true but the info from him is usually rock solid and he WOULD know such things.

Uh Huh, we ran off one tyrant, that we gave weapons and that gas you're talking about, we gave him that too. Wasn't that deal done by some of the very people that decided we had to go topple him? Never mind that Saddam's military was essentially toothless in comparison to others on the world stage, or have you forgotten the soft touch we took with Kim Jong Il, who has committed his own atrocities, but yet we all but ignored him while he continues to play with his nuclear toys.

We've, for far too long, had a policy of Subsidize or Destroy. We're holding hands with one set of dictators while we wave our bloody fist at another.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/13/08 06:12 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sun 04/13/08 06:16 PM
Nobody wants to dance with Dubya aye......

laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 06:23 PM

which war would that be? the one where we ran off a murdering tyrant who had a history of gassing his own people? the one with torture chambers? the one who would torture people with thier families watching? the one who had gold plated AKS and 90 plus palaces while his people lived in poverty? the one who was convicted of war crimes by his own people?
fyi Im privy to more info than some and we did find "stuff", but it said made in USA on it so it was never made public according to my source. I dont KNOW this to be true but the info from him is usually rock solid and he WOULD know such things.

toothless war machine? wasent it the fourth largest in the world? how quickly we forget.
yah this business of WMDs with made in the usa tags on them, if true, is disturbing of itself. My point, which i aparrantly made badly, is that this is one small example of the type of info that you and i are not privy to.... of which there are lots more. we really dont have enough information to make an informed decision on such things in my opinion. we only hear the press, which is hoplessly liberal, and the press releases which usually contain little of value.
as for the nort koreans. we are doing a lot more than nothing. besides why would someone pick a nuke fight with us? we have thousands of the things. the danger is to his neighbors, not us. (not unlike the situation in iraq was back in the day.)

Uh Huh, we ran off one tyrant, that we gave weapons and that gas you're talking about, we gave him that too. Wasn't that deal done by some of the very people that decided we had to go topple him? Never mind that Saddam's military was essentially toothless in comparison to others on the world stage, or have you forgotten the soft touch we took with Kim Jong Il, who has committed his own atrocities, but yet we all but ignored him while he continues to play with his nuclear toys.

We've, for far too long, had a policy of Subsidize or Destroy. We're holding hands with one set of dictators while we wave our bloody fist at another.

Lindyy's photo
Sun 04/13/08 06:38 PM
Edited by Lindyy on Sun 04/13/08 06:48 PM

Hmmmmmm. Very interesting.Could it be because I generally think opposite of your positions and you perhaps find that too abrasive to be able to comprehend?

That is fine. But these constant, constant, constant threads that go over and over and over the same topic, yet you still participate in them and think your views are justifiable.

I, on the other hand, am soooooo tired of the same that it leaves little, if any, opportunity to enhance one's intelligence.

I sit to the Right, madman sits to the left. Does that mean only the centrist is correct?



Nope.. you missed my point entirely.

That's OK.. You generally do.

Both of you tend to hold dear, things that have little to do with the real world. Him.. Any left wing conspiracy theory.. You? Anything the PTL Moral Majority preaches.. Which is mostly.. 'Do as I say..not as I do.'

Both of you instantly sign on to anything here that is written, true or not.. If it agrees with your point of view. Equally, vehemently try to discredit what does not agree with your point of view. Which causes a guy like me to think niether of you could care less what the truth really is.

Both of you speak in absolutes... The extreme left is perfect.. and the extreme right is equally perfect. Most of us know different.

Both are quick to attack folks on a personal level when they are simply disagreeing with you.. and when they return the favor you both play the victim.

Both of you hold every thing, everyone, other then yourselves accountable for your behavior.

Hopefully that clears it up for you.. I doubt it.. But I tried.:smile:


Excatly what you just said applies to you and everyone else! So, what is the problem here?huh

Because I defend my defend my position and convictions very strongly you take offense because I am not in agreement with the centrist.

Perhaps I have stepped on your toes at some point, oh, well!

You are sooooooooooooo wrong about me. You do not even know me.

I take it you are not a Christian, that is fine.

I do not attack anyone. I simply defend what I belive in, but you are the type that anyone who is in disagreement with you that person is attacking and that person should just shut up. Sorry, will never happen.noway

I do not put on a pretentious facade, or try to talk a 'logical intellectual' conversation of verbage that really ends up making no sense like many others do who try to put on 'airs' that they are oh, so sensible and agree and understand with all points of view. That is NOT living in reality.noway

There is nothing wrong with my behavior, other than I am not a puppet on a string and hide in the corner for fear someone might not like my opinion and position.

So, thank you for your explanation, and hope you become more 'open minded' towards those who are in disagrement with you.:smile:


warmachine's photo
Sun 04/13/08 06:48 PM
Iraq's military was the fourth largest in the world?

No naval capabilities to defend its water facing shore? No Air force? We could have sent the bloods and the crips into Iraq and had the same results we've got now.
As far as the made in the USA label goes, we know that he was given a ton of american weapons in the 80's to go after Iran, so that doesn't even make my eyebrows twitch.

You know, as well as I do, the reason we went the direction we did with N.Korea is because they don't have billions in oil.
How is the media hopelessly liberal? They are owned by people who are benefitting from the constant build and rebuild system known as the Military Industrial Complex. Do you really think GE gives a crap about conservative or liberal?