Topic: Hmm any ladies into BDSM or M/s
AtrueOne's photo
Sat 04/26/08 04:04 PM
Just thought I would set this as a secondary topic. For those who are or have been involved with M/s I will put it in terms you will understand. I am seeking a sister slave to my present property. Now you can read my profile and see more details.

For any females who have desires in this area I would consider training you.

AtrueOne's photo
Sun 05/04/08 01:06 AM
So I have only found one girl I might consider....Many have shown potential....However, to seek me means getting past what you think and going after what you truly desire. You can't really be afraid of what others may or may not think. Fact is what do the opinions of others offer to benefit your life?

Well just a brief note now girl write meglasses

AtrueOne's photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:35 AM
To try and answer a question that cvame up recently I will ost this. "Do I feel that having multiple partners in the same household is right?"

Yes...however, I do not feel that multiple casual relationships are any good for anybody. Within my household I believe in absolute equality and never play favorites. As a Christian I can see countless examples of multiples amoung the partiarchs of the Old Testament and Levitical law which approves multiples. At no point is this practice disqualified in the Old or New Testiments. As I said before in my profile there are a multitude of benefits to a female to join into such a household. In our present economy multiple members of a household means multiple paychecks which increases the viability of the household. Where this is the least important of the benefits it is a reality.

The problem most have are ideaologies which we have been taught our entire life. We pride ourselves on veing a monogamist society...yet in a true monogamist society "cheating" would never even be an issue. Yet in our present culture we have a divorce rate that is unreal. Why? Simply put it is because we have lost the meaning of fidelity and tend to treat relationships like a Bic lighter that we just throw away when the spark is gone. I on other the other hand take my relationships very seriously and give all of my time, effort and energy to maintaining them...well have a good day one and all I do hope that to some degree this answers some of your questions and reservations

AtrueOne's photo
Wed 05/14/08 04:31 AM
Well we are into our last 3 weeks before we begin an extended Motor Home vacation. So if you have any interest in what I offer be patient in my responses.

AtrueOne's photo
Fri 05/23/08 02:32 AM
The Motor Home is ready 2 weeks early but alas too much to do before I go so June 6th is still the date for departure on this years advenure. I find it ironic that so many read this and yet not one person seems to have an interest in what I offer. Some are afraid of what others may or may not think....yet in all reality what difference does their opinion make? Does their opinion pay the bills? Does their opinion dry your tears when you are sad? Does their opinion in the end do anything beyond keeping you in bondage to their opinion? What I offer is a whole life with all it's aspects. Some seem to think that the sexual dynamic is all that matters, whenin fact it is a small part of a whole life. Any relationship based on one aspect (such as sex) will never last. Remember looks fade but true character is a lasting treasure. You conplain because you don't have enough time to be a good mom and have a real life; yet you reject an offer that would give you an extra set of hands to share the work, kids, and everything else with. Why? Because you've been taught the "One and only rule." Yet all that it has gotten you is a lonely life and profiles on dating sites....hmmm Maybe it's time to explore beyond what you know...maybe you find answer you didn't realize was there.glasses

AtrueOne's photo
Sun 06/15/08 08:59 PM
Well the trip is going well. Presently I'm fishing the mighty Mississippi and loving it. The weather has been great but am giving serious consideration on going to Iowa to try and see if I can be of any help in gettig people back into their homes. Hope ya'll are doing groovy.happy

AtrueOne's photo
Thu 07/03/08 07:26 PM
Well it's almost the 4th of July and things are groovy. I am loving this trip.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/11/08 11:12 PM
glasses Very interesting thread glasses