Topic: how to kills bees in your home
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Tue 09/12/06 07:48 AM
We have been taken over by bees my son told me that they are worker bees
but anyway I finally found where they are. OMG we left saturday night
and didn't get home until sunday night they must have been 200 bees
flying everywhere WHAT IN THIS WOULD CAN WE DO?
I have sprayed stuff where I now know where there nest is. Its in the
ceiling they have made a huge hole there. I really don't know what to do
but something has got to be done before they eat us alive....

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Tue 09/12/06 07:54 AM
there isn't too much you can do but spray the nest unless you want to
pay someone to remove it. just make sure that when you spray it, be
careful because it stirs them up. when you are sure that they are all
dead, remove the hive and dispose of it so that it doesn't become a home
for something else. check out the area of ceiling after you have removed
it to make sure that it does not need repair

MynDLash's photo
Tue 09/12/06 07:56 AM
sqwush em! lol

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Tue 09/12/06 08:14 AM
and then spread em on a biscuit lol they might taste like honey

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Tue 09/12/06 08:15 AM
O we have been squeshing them that helps but does not take care of the
These bees are little yellow like bumble bees and we have probably
killed 1000 of them so far its terrible they have ate a hole in the
ceiling a huge one and they have one huge nest up in there I have
sprayed posions in there and killed tons I have poked a hanger in there
and some of the NASTY eggs and nest came out gross this morning i set a
fogger or bomb what ever they are called right there at the huge hole so
that it would all go in there its killed alot if them and I can't hear
them working anymore before it sounded like a army was in there and I am
sure there was. But they are still alot of eggs in there even tho they
have posion all over the nest now do you think that they will keep
hatching out. I hope not this is TERRIBLE.

MynDLash's photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:20 AM
well, then I'd get the hell out of there with my hands wavin' and me
screamin' too!lol

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Tue 09/12/06 08:24 AM
if the eggs manage to hatch they'll be poisoned also but if they are all
dead put the hive in a garbage bag and take it outside and crush it or
burn it

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:32 AM
Well I would love to get that thing out but its up in the ceiling how
can I get that nasy thing down? and I'm not about to stick my hand in
there no way I don't even want to touch it. but its like way up in there
I have knocks pieces of it out by sticking a hanger in there but there
is still lots of it there.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:44 AM
have some one hold a garbage bag open and get what ever is long enough
to knock it into the bag(make sure that they are all dead first). you
can use anything, a broom, a big stick, whatever

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:14 AM
ok i took that hanger that i was using and I think that I have got all
of it and some of the eggs were moving so I guess that its a good thing
that I got it out of there because they probably would have hatched so
thanks so much for telling me to go get it out of there because I would
probably just waited for my husband to have gotten it out and by that
time they would have hatched. so i think that i have taken care of the
bees. I hope so.

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Tue 09/12/06 09:25 AM
what did you do with the bag that the hive was in? you should destroy
the hive so the eggs don't survive and so that more bbes or hornets
don't move into it

sage's photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:26 AM
That's awful. I hate bees. I would get an exterminator or someone to
get rid of them for good. That's a lot of bees to take on by yourself.

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Tue 09/12/06 10:12 AM
Well I tried to burn it with no luck so I stomped it YUK it was gross.
Yes I thought about just burning the house it was terrible. I think that
I got all of them or at least I hope so now theres this huge hole in the
celing that stinks just more to fix i guess.

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Tue 09/12/06 12:47 PM
I went and got the flashlight and there was still more of that hive in
there OMG we was probably close to death there was going to be so many I
don't even know if I have still got all of it out. But this time the
queen bee came out and she was dead. that a good sign my kids told me.

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Tue 09/12/06 03:04 PM

When every you deal with bees you need to get a good identification.
The reason is bumble bee worker when the old queen dies become fertile
in a few days and mate and continue the colony. Honeybees if you kill
the queen and the hive has eggs they will make a new queen in 16 day and
she will have mated and started laying in another week. Hornets and wasp
I have not read up on to tell you how they would react with a dead
queen, but I believe they are more like honeybees and have to be raised
from an egg as a fertile queen.

I am a beekeeper and that is where my screen name comes from. I never
kill honeybees. Now yellow jackets wasp and hornets all get the
treatments that work best for each. It sounded like you had the true
bumble bee. Carpenter bees which are the bumble bees that drill in wood
to nest are larger and do not build large nest. Bumble bees love to nest
in hay and fiber glass insulation. They are a big problem in hay lofts.
Best treatment for bumble bees that I have found is a pitch fork(hay
lofts) and a can of Hot Shot instant knock down wasp and hornet spray.
Spray all you can from a distance. Rake over the insulation/hay to stir
up more and hopefully uncover nest. Spray all you can and wait til dark.
Waiting till dark gets all worker bees home for the night. Now spray and
make sure you uncover the nest and spray all live bees. Now carry the
insulation/hay outside and burn it so any unhatched bees can not hatch
as reinfest the area. Then use a cup of vinegar in a quart spray bottle
filled the rest of the way with water to spray the whole area to remove
the bee smell as it attracts other bees(all kinds) and rats looking for
a meal. Then repair the damaged area and try to find the intrence and
stop up the hole.