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Topic: Fact or Fiction
SiThumper's photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:13 AM
Its a simple Fact, Nice guys always finish last as to my experience. No
matter how much you bend over backwards to help the one you are with
they are never satisfied. Or they just want more.

From my experience; I have cooked cleaned watched kids work 10 -12 hour
shifts. And all I wanted was for that person with me to cook on her days
off to give me a break. Was that so much to ask? I didn't think so, but
apparently it was. So here is the contiplation; Is it fact or fiction
that "Nice Guys" always finish last (or ever finish at all)

oldsage's photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:18 AM
Can't agree with you. Sounds like you folks have some issues.
Would you consider cking on some help. Sometimes life gets in the way
of good communication, no matter how great the relationship is. We did
that, found a good counselor & went from close to splitting, back to
being the most important thing in life to eachother. Counseling works
if the people are open to learning. OPINION

no photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:20 AM
so true so true been told these my salf as I am a nice guy and been
told I will always come in last and guss what thay are right want a
woman to like you for you guss thay want treted like **** after all
if you are a nice guy look out thay dont want you so much have to be
a ass hole tret them like **** sad ant it

tammy2166's photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:23 AM
Same for women too. Seem the more I did for my ex the more he
expected...With no thank u I am a giver he was a taker I have found out
they don't mix....

OnALark's photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:26 AM
I was in the same situation as you; doing all the housework, cooking,
shopping, helping my son with homework, shuttling him back and forth,
and working 8 hours a day. Simply because my ex made more money than I
did, he felt he had the right to do nothing else but work his 8 hours.

I tried for years to get him to counseling. It wasn't until we
separated and he wanted to move back that he agreed to it, but for me .
. . it was too late.

BUT . . . Nice guys do not always finish last. I have recently found
myself a VERY nice guy, and I'm keeping him.

no photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:26 AM
well in real life both must give both must care for one another

and if its based on looks as thats what you go after then you get what
you got and dont feel sorry for you

are any one who gets in to a bad thang when thay go bye looks

go bye whats in side a person see what happions you would find out a
much better life

but to men and woman wake there assess up it wont happion

and both must give and take nothang ever one sided

msmiko's photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:27 AM
yes i believe that nice guys finish last. i always went all out helping
someone then when i needed it back i couldnt get back what i had gave
out. so i dont allow anyone to make withdraws from me if they cant
deposit it back. ya know.

oldsage's photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:27 AM
Definition of insanity - "Doing the same thing over & over, while
EXPECTING different results."

Want change, YOU have to do something to make that change happen.

no photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:29 AM
oone in a million if you rely have a nice guy you are only one in a
millon as nice guys to come in last and its sad and when you here
woman say thay want a nice guy then when one comes along the frest thang
thay do is **** on him

so you are one in a million to do these thanks

SiThumper's photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:32 AM
Oldsage, you have a point, But from my ex, it seems kind of difficult if
the other party isnt' willing to try. And expects you to do everything
for them. I have begged and pleaded with her to communicate. And I am
one for communication. But her idea of listening was to sit on the couch
and watch tv on all her spare time. I don't agree with it! I think if
you were to try to work things out you would listen and communicate with
one and another to work out a problem.

Tammy; I don't doubt that it is the same on the other end either hon,
but I can't speak from there.. lol

no photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:32 AM
say so why is it nice guys come in last ????? what you woman want a
guy to bet you up are a guy who trets you all like **** is that what
woman want????? so see why is that????

no photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:40 AM
Nice guys do finish last.

Look where NICE got me... 14 years straight and mostly my looks and I'm
sterotyped left and right.

I guess in order to have a good woman... I must have the qualified looks
or no action will be available to me.

Mostly now since I've been treated this way all my life and most ladies
SAYYYYY they want to find a NICE guy. What most ladies MEANINGS are in a
nice guy is somebody they can treat like complete crap and Sh#%t on...
sad but true.

But hey! I have a heart of gold and if I can't be treated like a human
being by ladies. Then there will not be a Nice guy that will be dropping
by anymore or anytime soon.

Now I can figure why BAD BOYS are at times mostly adored by ladies. So
does this mean... mostly a guy would have to treat a lady like complete
crap just for her to like him?? which is it ladies?? Do you want a nice
guy or an obediant male slave you can boss around until you decide
whether or not he should have you anymore or not??? or just use him up
and throw him away and go and find a new suitable piece of meat???

no photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:44 AM
It's a fact, if you allow it to be. There is ALWAYS going to be someone
who will take advantage of your caring and generosity if you let them.
The thing is, how much are you willing to put up with? And being nice,
well, I think that's generally a good thing, but there's a difference
between "nice" and "doormat." Some people see "nice" for what it is,
and reciprocate. Others just use, use, use. There's a point where you
have to put your foot down.

no photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:47 AM
yes thats right some like to us a nice guy just us how well I know as
I have been used over and over my salf but it dont change my hart any
and the ones whom us nice guys are garbage thay are trsh them

for doing so

MikeMontana's photo
Sun 02/25/07 08:16 PM
Nice guys do finish last. We're the only ones with any manners. I dont
mind being the nice guy until someone goes too far. I point it out to
them - "'re over the line". If they dont get the message, I move
on. I prefer it this way - I'll allow you the room to do something that
will piss me off. I'll give you the benefit of doubt the first, and
only, time.

Why be like that? Because I do idiot things, and sometimes fully unaware
that I've just pissed someone off. I've traveled around the world and
did things, completely innocently that really pissed ppl off (like carry
my shoes IN my backpack through a temple in india. OH MAN THAT ALMOST
GOT ME A BEATING - SERIOUSLY). I want to be given the benefit of doubt,
even when I should have "known better". So, I give it.

And so, I agree, us Nice Guys do finish last. Sucks sometimes.

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 02/25/07 08:18 PM
well finishing last isnt always bad if its in bed.but as far as in life
i do my best to live as a good person and i met a wonderful woman who i
would like to spend the rest of life i wouldnt say im finishing

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 02/25/07 08:21 PM
and life in general is a series of ups and downs trials and tribulations
half the time its our outlook on life that needs a tweak to see what is
really going on.everybody has bad relationships thats why it should be
chalked up as practice to you meet the right one.laugh laugh

krowraven7's photo
Sun 02/25/07 08:25 PM
throw her out
you get someone better

unsure's photo
Sun 02/25/07 08:25 PM
I do believe that it works both ways! Nice girls also finish last!!
Don't you think that maybe you are just with the wrong one? I hate to
say that all men don't want a nice girl~~I just want to say the man that
I had didn't respect what I did for him! I think thats better then
comparing him to all men?

So I think not only "nice guys" finish last but "nice girls" also finish
last flowerforyou

Sanna's photo
Sun 02/25/07 08:30 PM
Yes, I have to agree. Nice Guys as well as nice Girls finish last. But
It doesn't have to be that way. Look at yourself as a thoughtful, kind
and giving person! I have been there myself many of times! Don't give
up, your nice girl is out there!

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