no photo
Wed 09/20/06 02:58 AM
Are we up late or are we up early lol I am up late..couldn't sleep much.

no photo
Thu 09/21/06 07:17 AM

Usadad's photo
Thu 09/21/06 09:30 AM
I'm not sure what a soulmate is, but I would think it would involve
giving up just about anything to be with the person. I can't fault you
for not leaving your children and I'm really impressed that you give
your ex the same credit.
I would veture that the soul is one of many things about us that is
constantly in a state of change, so your soulmate at any given time may
not be at another time. As we get older, it gets a little more
complicated. We weigh the good and the bad and many times make our
decision based on this. We aren't overwhelmed by love or lust but make
our decisions based on the other factors too. It's called maturity.
Perhaps at some point, your situation will change and you can pursue
your dreams but you are to be commended for making a very difficult, but
probably correct decision.

andreww38's photo
Fri 09/22/06 03:18 AM
where there's a Will, there's a way.

Andrew Wee

unsure's photo
Fri 09/22/06 05:27 AM
Thanks are right andrew...where theres a will theres a way.
This all happened 6 years ago, so who knows, he might be married by now?
My life has changed a lot since this all happened. Would I ever go back
to New Zealand after my kids leave home? Probably Not! You know how we
think at that time, this is good for us...well at that time thats what I
thought. Now, I know that somethings happen for a reason.
It was a very nice vacation and I have all those memories, but thats
exactly what it is, memories! I hope he has found happiness and I wish
him well. Maybe some day I will find the man I am suppose to be with for
the rest of my life! :)

chica42ny's photo
Fri 09/22/06 06:07 AM
Unsure, you will meet the men of your dreams so Don't lose faith!

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 09/22/06 08:57 AM
Love will come like a thief in the night. Or like that pesky critter
that keeps making a mess in the kitchen. LOL

chica42ny's photo
Fri 09/22/06 08:59 AM
ooops i have to make sure that my clothing r on.

bliss420's photo
Fri 09/22/06 12:14 PM
hey there will i wanted 2 say hi and tell u that i had a very
good b-day but i never got ur poem did u 4 get about me

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 12:29 PM

no photo
Mon 09/25/06 03:23 PM

Jimi366's photo
Mon 09/25/06 03:30 PM
It takes going thru alot of shit to gain the wisdom
you have. The people who make you see the angels and
move the world for you mostly end up in the end to be
assholes. I hate those damn E-Harmony commercials that
make people aspire to things that just don't exist.
and the fucker that created E-Harmony just seems so
smug. I wish Rick James were still alive to bitchslap
his ass! Seriously tho, is there such a thing as a soulmate
or is it really just a matter of people sticking together
thru it all and bonding? There are no magical answers and
really what I think is that people who seem too good to be
true usually are. Be real, be true to yourself, and seek
out other likeminded people and you can't go wrong.

no photo
Mon 09/25/06 03:36 PM
Tried eharmony..IT sux WILL

no photo
Tue 09/26/06 02:25 AM

no photo
Thu 09/28/06 01:15 PM

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Fri 09/29/06 01:33 PM

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Sat 09/30/06 12:45 PM

Sportychic's photo
Sat 09/30/06 09:24 PM
I believe that there is more then one for all of us, I thought I found
the one for me a couple of times but Im still here searching and
learning more about myself and how guys really think sometimes.

Sportychic's photo
Sat 09/30/06 09:35 PM
I also tried e-harmony didnt like it either.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 11:11 AM
it is unanimous WILL