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Wed 06/25/08 09:52 AM
Hello to everyone! I hope you are having a great time. This creative writing attempt is for those who enjoy using their imagination. It is a great way to meet people and use imagination and creativity that perhaps you never knew you had.



Welcome fellow traveler to the busiest town in the Bavidirian Lands. Where folklore- fantasy and more than a few dragon stories thrive in the historic waterfront town of Sinatorium- a charming neighborhood full of ancient shops- exquisite markets- and gullible taverns. And in the middle of it all is the Green Dragon’s Inn- a quaint- two story inn that boasts stately rooms- an intimate pub- and new innovative food experiences.

The Green Dragon’s Inn is better than ever- thanks to recent renovations financed personally by Lord Elkinsinan. Enjoy fine dwarven craftsmanship furnishings- crackling fireplaces- new hardwood floors and foreign exotic rugs- plush beds- pedestal tubs and all the glorious details that make the Green Dragon’s Inn such a cozy and inviting place to stay.

So come join us and enjoy a pint of Hobgoblin's Brew or a taste of our famous sweet and smooth grapan from the hills of the hobbits. Let me bring a bard and give a riddle or a story that could enhance your interest in becoming the next famous adventurer!


Are you creative and imaginative and want to fantasize a character here in the Green Dragon’s Inn? Then choose one race and one profession and you are set to go. Email me for more information.

Here is the list.

Races to choose from - Wood Elf, High Elf, Dwarf, Human, Gnome, Hobbit

Profession to choose from - Tavern Owner, Potion shop owner, Weaponsmith, Cook, Armorsmith, Entertainer, Bard, Hunter, Farmer, Sheep Herder, Candlestick maker, Baker, Butcher, Noble, Common Goods Owner, Rope Maker. You can also choose one that is not on the list, but it has to be a profession from Medieval Times!

Once you have your race and character start writing about him in this forum. Act like you are in a tavern!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/25/08 10:20 AM
*Tihalan bounces into the inn with a gruff look on his face. He stops and scans the area quickly but doesn't notice anyone around. He quietly sneaks up to the bar, well as quietly as a dwarf can anyway, which consists of lots of squeaks and groans coming from his rusty and barely used armor. He struggles a bit as he climbs up onto one of the stools at the bar, grumbling to himself all the way about how they need to make stools more suitable to someone of his size. When he finally makes it up he orders a dwarven meade and sits to enjoy his drink in silence. After all with his line of work it is very rare for him to sit in a room without fires blazing and metal echoing against metal.*

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Wed 06/25/08 10:34 AM
A tall blonde young man storms out of the kitchen. He screams as he is on fire!

redhead44613's photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:11 AM
*Azareak walks in from the back, cloak wrapped around her body, hood covering her face, hiding the pain in her eyes. she sits at the darkest corner*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:12 AM
*Tihalan raises an eyebrow at the man but then kicks back off his stool. He goes behind the bar and finds a big bucket and fills it with water as the boy is still screaming*

Bah, Quiet down a bit, I be tryin ta help ye. Listen ta ye bellowin' like a baby over a little fire.

*As the bucket gets to the top he takes it over and drenches the boy with the water putting out the fire. Before he leaves the back of the bar he grabs himself another meade and goes back to his seat.*

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:15 AM
"Thank you kindly sir, the blonde man replies drenched wet.

"I just don't get it. I was twirling a swine and all of the sudden a explosion of fire hit me!

If it wouldn't be for you, I would be as roasted as the pig I was trying to finish today.

He sticks his hand out. "My name is Boromir and it is a pleasure to meet you.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:18 AM

"Thank you kindly sir, the blonde man replies drenched wet.

"I just don't get it. I was twirling a swine and all of the sudden a explosion of fire hit me!

If it wouldn't be for you, I would be as roasted as the pig I was trying to finish today.

He sticks his hand out. "My name is Boromir and it is a pleasure to meet you.

*The dwarf looks at Boromirs outstretched hand and raises an eyebrow a bit. He extends his hand out with an empty beer mug and hands the mug to Boromir.*

Names Tihalan

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:23 AM
Well nice to meet you Tihalan.

He pours another mug of the potent dwarven meade and hands it back to him.

"I think I have seen you before. Do you own a armorsmith or something," Boromir asks.

"How is that business going by the way?" he continues as he changes his tunic quickly trying to get the wetness off of him.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:25 AM

Well nice to meet you Tihalan.

He pours another mug of the potent dwarven meade and hands it back to him.

"I think I have seen you before. Do you own a armorsmith or something," Boromir asks.

"How is that business going by the way?" he continues as he changes his tunic quickly trying to get the wetness off of him.

Aye, but it be in da back part o da town so not many people make it back that way. It was all I could afford when I first got started. What I be needin' is ta get me metals into da royal district! Dat be where the good money is!

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:31 AM
"Well I am the son of a armorsmith. You may have heard of him. His name is Rinkardor. He has a armory in the market district. Unfortunately, I don't spend much time in the armory and prefer the good drink and food, yet I think he could use a partner. I mean the building is in a great location and gets alot of business. Perhaps you can become partners if you like,"Boromir replies pouring another mug of meade for the stout dwarf.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:42 AM

"Well I am the son of a armorsmith. You may have heard of him. His name is Rinkardor. He has a armory in the market district. Unfortunately, I don't spend much time in the armory and prefer the good drink and food, yet I think he could use a partner. I mean the building is in a great location and gets alot of business. Perhaps you can become partners if you like,"Boromir replies pouring another mug of meade for the stout dwarf.

BAH! Ye be da son of Rinkardor...? Well fer da sake of ye be the one given me me ale I will keep some o' me words to meself. Although I don't tink a partnership between me an that one be workin. A bit o' bad blood there. I'm surprised he ain't never told ye...

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:45 AM

"Well I am the son of a armorsmith. You may have heard of him. His name is Rinkardor. He has a armory in the market district. Unfortunately, I don't spend much time in the armory and prefer the good drink and food, yet I think he could use a partner. I mean the building is in a great location and gets alot of business. Perhaps you can become partners if you like,"Boromir replies pouring another mug of meade for the stout dwarf.

BAH! Ye be da son of Rinkardor...? Well fer da sake of ye be the one given me me ale I will keep some o' me words to meself. Although I don't tink a partnership between me an that one be workin. A bit o' bad blood there. I'm surprised he ain't never told ye...

"Yeah my father can be a stubborn one. Actually he is very dissappointed with me for not working in there," Boromir replies. He puts his finger on his chin for a moment. "Why I haven't talk to him for quiet awhile now come to think of it," Boromir says pouring a goblin's brew for himself.

The Green Dragon's Inn is my home now and I shall be here for a very long time.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:48 AM
Ah, yeah, I be sayin dat probably be the best idea. Dat man has more stones in his head den a mountain giant!


Anyway, me lunch break be over. Time ta get back to da shop!!

*Tihalan jumps off his stool and throws a few gold pieces on the bar before waddling out of the inn*

redhead44613's photo
Wed 06/25/08 12:36 PM
*Elaine walks in, looks around then sits at the bar*

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 12:42 PM

*Elaine walks in, looks around then sits at the bar*

Salutations there. Why I have never seen you in here before. My name is Boromir. May I offer you a drink?" he asks grabbing a mug.

redhead44613's photo
Wed 06/25/08 02:40 PM

*Elaine walks in, looks around then sits at the bar*

Salutations there. Why I have never seen you in here before. My name is Boromir. May I offer you a drink?" he asks grabbing a mug.
yes thank you I would love a drink. My names Elaine. Im a traveler

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 02:51 PM

*Elaine walks in, looks around then sits at the bar*

Salutations there. Why I have never seen you in here before. My name is Boromir. May I offer you a drink?" he asks grabbing a mug.
yes thank you I would love a drink. My names Elaine. Im a traveler

"A traveler you say. Are you seeking work perhaps," Boromir asks as he hands a mug of Goblin's Brew.

redhead44613's photo
Wed 06/25/08 03:59 PM

*Elaine walks in, looks around then sits at the bar*

Salutations there. Why I have never seen you in here before. My name is Boromir. May I offer you a drink?" he asks grabbing a mug.
yes thank you I would love a drink. My names Elaine. Im a traveler

"A traveler you say. Are you seeking work perhaps," Boromir asks as he hands a mug of Goblin's Brew.
yes work would be great. I am a candle maker by trade but I can learn something new.

Max_Darkling's photo
Wed 06/25/08 04:32 PM
Ranar enters the inn he takes a seat at a near by table. takes his lute out of his pack and plays a song

A dragon has come to our village today.
We've asked him to leave, but he won't go away.
Now he's talked to our king and they worked out a deal.
No homes will he burn and no crops will he steal.

Now there is but one catch, we dislike it a bunch.
Twice a year he invites him a virgin to lunch.
Well, we've no other choice, so the deal we'll respect.
But we can't help but wonder and pause to reflect.
Do virgins taste better than those who are not?
Are they salty, or sweeter, more juicy or what?
Do you savor them slowly? Gulp them down on the spot?
Do virgins taste better than those who are not?
Now we'd like to be shed you, and many have tried.
But no one can get through your thick scaly hide.
We hope that some day, some brave knight will come by.
'Cause we can't wait around 'til you're too fat to fly.

Now you have such good taste in your women for sure,
They always are pretty, they always are pure.
But your notion of dining, it makes us all flinch,
For your favorite food is barbecued wench.

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 04:37 PM

*Elaine walks in, looks around then sits at the bar*

Salutations there. Why I have never seen you in here before. My name is Boromir. May I offer you a drink?" he asks grabbing a mug.
yes thank you I would love a drink. My names Elaine. Im a traveler

"A traveler you say. Are you seeking work perhaps," Boromir asks as he hands a mug of Goblin's Brew.
yes work would be great. I am a candle maker by trade but I can learn something new.

"Oh a couple of building down is a nice little hobbit who is looking for a experience candle maker. Perhaps you would like to visit him one day," Boromir replies handing over the second mug of ale.

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