Community > Posts By > Rathil_Thads

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 12/04/08 10:21 AM
Hey guys, looks like I may have come back too late. I stopped coming to this site for awhile due to lack of interest from the locals but it looks like it is picking up a bit. I'm not actually out of Chicago but close enough. I am in Naperville. Hopefully I didn't miss most of the thread and people are coming back.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:08 PM

Since most religions believe in a god of some sorts.....
Wouldn't make sense if satanism was a religion?
Think about it?

Who says that a religion means you have to believe in a God. and who is to say that Satan is not as powerful as God to oppose him. You don't have to worship a god to be religious. Just certain religions require that. Satanism is as much a religion as Christianity is.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 07/02/08 10:31 AM

someone already post that. whats the point of doing it again?

They posted their score, I was posting my score. I just did a copy and paste of the score I got.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 07/02/08 10:19 AM
You answered 100% of questions correctly. Here's your rating:

0-20%: Maybe you're still thinking too much about the Old Country.

25-40%: Mmmm. Do you really want to be a citizen? This kind of performance isn't going to impress those nice immigration folks.

45-60%: Not too bad, but you really need to break out the civics books again -- word is, the INS is looking for an 80 percent score.

65-80%: Hey, you may make a good citizen yet! Look at your wrong answers and a little revision should do the trick.

85-100%: Welcome to the United States! (And, truth be told, you know more about this great land than most Americans.)

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 07/02/08 10:00 AM
Edited by Rathil_Thads on Wed 07/02/08 10:01 AM
"What are you doing waving your hand around like some kind of Jedi!? I'm a toydarion, Mindtricks don't work on me... only money!"

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:57 AM
Well this is a tricky question as yes it is a religion that people follow but it is not considered to be a religion under the first amendment. Or rather not a government accepted religion which is why you don't see churches of satan in your towns. Although to be honest I don't think that satanists are too concerned about that. They really don't care what other people think in regards to their religion or belief systems. I know a few satanists and they are all very fun and interesting people if you actually get to know them. A lot of them don't fit into your sterotypical view of someone who is a satanist though. They are just as misunderstood as a lot of other religions are. I would never use satanist or satan worshipper as a demeaning term because some of these people are the nicest people I have met.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/30/08 05:00 PM

This thread is party time of Agnostics, Heathans, Heritics, Pagans, Witches and Christian sinners ~ party time

I have the PERFECT song for this thread in my mind!

Unfortuantely it would take a lot of effort to sing it, recorded it, post it and host it.

It would also sound better if it was done with a full group with bass drums and several guitars or other instruments.

It's such a shame to have a wonderful production in one's mind and not be able to share it. :cry:

I'm not feeling very well today either so energy is at an all time low. frown

Other than that, party on! drinker laugh flowerforyou

Feel better ABRA!!!

Party on indeed!!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/30/08 03:14 PM

I just think its funny that people categorize us in one group but the only thing we have in common is that we all believe something different.

Rock on!drinker

Very true. But "Us Vs. Them" is a thematic necessity for many people's sense of self-worth. The "enemy" is much more readily identifiable when a blanket nomenclature can be used -- regardless of accuracy and applicability (or the lack thereof).

The only ones I see playing that them vs us are the unbelievers in Christ. For the most part, we Christians are just sharing our faith & trying to answer questions others have asked.

I know I can get a bit testy when I know people are just being argumentative... occasionally I might take a swipe but other than that, I & other Christians don't get personal.

I think the problem some have is we do quote God's word as it is what we believe. Calling us robots et al is childish cop out excuses that distracts from what is being said. Those things I will challenge. If that makes me a bad person so be it, but that would be like killing the messenger because you don't like the message.

The problem is you guys quote scripture, which no one else, except christians, believe is the word of god. 90% of the debates here (jb excluded) are basicly this is fact, because scripture said it is? How is that not childish? How childish is it? well..

"jesus loves me so, because the bible told me so" thats a childish rhym, and is the defense that most use.

The other is, i love you, you skanky bumb! You call people names such as heathens, unbelievers, sinners, satan worshipers, and say they have been lead astray, when ever refering to anyone who doesnt share your beliefs. thats simply not right. Yet its found its way into scripture.

With a world that is in trouble & hurting & dying because of their lack of knowledge about their Creator & you all want me to believe something that only exists in your mind but you can't live out? Now there's a silly notion.

BTW, those aren't my words but what God has to say about people who don't believe His word is true. Take that up with Him not me. Since I experience life in the spirit & you don't, & I know what I believe is truth & you don't, there is no reason for me to agree with you when you do not line up with God & His word.

You resort to namecalling because you don't know better...that's the bottom line here. Instead of being ignorant try understanding what the will of God is.

Prove that the Earth is in trouble because people don't believe in your God.
Last time I heard it was pollution.

And see, that there is where the difference of perspective comes in. To some people all the things that have been going on lately, The tornadoes killing thousands, the floods destroying cities, The disaster areas being called all over because of natural disasters. To some people that is the wrath of God coming down to smite the evil doers again and signs that God is unhappy.

Whereas I believe that Mother Nature (For lack of a better name) is pissed. She is tired of us taking the earth for granted and polluting and destroying her forests and destroying her earth. So she in turn is destroying back. It's all just a perspective thing anyway. No one will be able to convince me that God is doing this and we won't be able to convince them that God is sitting this one out.

It's this type of "pharoah" thinking that ALWAYS get humanity in trouble.

Pharoah didn't believe God until the last curse being death...fell on his house.

Here's something you didn't think about...

I think God is waiting for His dear beloved prodical children to turn back to Him. Maybe He's slowly trying to get humanity's attention. Yu think?

No, I don't think that is the case. and I will explain why. I do apologize because I don't think I made my full point clear in my first post. I am in no way saying that I don't think that there is a God. I can't know for sure. I just believe that if their is God and Mother Nature are two seperate entities.

The reason why I don't believe God is the one sending natural disasters to tear about the world is he is supposed to be a kind and loving God. He is supposed to love everyone. After the great flood with Noah he said that he would never let his anger get to a point again where he would destroy life. So assuming that he is a God of his word I don't believe that he is causing all this distruction.

Mother Nature on the other hand is a neutral force. She could care less if you are good, evil, or other. All she cares about is her nature and the balance of things, and right now I think she is pissed with what we have done to her world so now she is fighting back. Which is resulting in the deaths and injuries of many. I am sure both good and bad, just whoever gets in her way. I don't believe it is God doing this because if it was he would be breaking his infallible word that he would not do something like this again. I apologize again for the miscommunication. I was in a hurry earlier.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/30/08 08:32 AM

I just think its funny that people categorize us in one group but the only thing we have in common is that we all believe something different.

Rock on!drinker

Very true. But "Us Vs. Them" is a thematic necessity for many people's sense of self-worth. The "enemy" is much more readily identifiable when a blanket nomenclature can be used -- regardless of accuracy and applicability (or the lack thereof).

The only ones I see playing that them vs us are the unbelievers in Christ. For the most part, we Christians are just sharing our faith & trying to answer questions others have asked.

I know I can get a bit testy when I know people are just being argumentative... occasionally I might take a swipe but other than that, I & other Christians don't get personal.

I think the problem some have is we do quote God's word as it is what we believe. Calling us robots et al is childish cop out excuses that distracts from what is being said. Those things I will challenge. If that makes me a bad person so be it, but that would be like killing the messenger because you don't like the message.

The problem is you guys quote scripture, which no one else, except christians, believe is the word of god. 90% of the debates here (jb excluded) are basicly this is fact, because scripture said it is? How is that not childish? How childish is it? well..

"jesus loves me so, because the bible told me so" thats a childish rhym, and is the defense that most use.

The other is, i love you, you skanky bumb! You call people names such as heathens, unbelievers, sinners, satan worshipers, and say they have been lead astray, when ever refering to anyone who doesnt share your beliefs. thats simply not right. Yet its found its way into scripture.

With a world that is in trouble & hurting & dying because of their lack of knowledge about their Creator & you all want me to believe something that only exists in your mind but you can't live out? Now there's a silly notion.

BTW, those aren't my words but what God has to say about people who don't believe His word is true. Take that up with Him not me. Since I experience life in the spirit & you don't, & I know what I believe is truth & you don't, there is no reason for me to agree with you when you do not line up with God & His word.

You resort to namecalling because you don't know better...that's the bottom line here. Instead of being ignorant try understanding what the will of God is.

Prove that the Earth is in trouble because people don't believe in your God.
Last time I heard it was pollution.

And see, that there is where the difference of perspective comes in. To some people all the things that have been going on lately, The tornadoes killing thousands, the floods destroying cities, The disaster areas being called all over because of natural disasters. To some people that is the wrath of God coming down to smite the evil doers again and signs that God is unhappy.

Whereas I believe that Mother Nature (For lack of a better name) is pissed. She is tired of us taking the earth for granted and polluting and destroying her forests and destroying her earth. So she in turn is destroying back. It's all just a perspective thing anyway. No one will be able to convince me that God is doing this and we won't be able to convince them that God is sitting this one out.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/30/08 07:50 AM

:smile: Is being gay a sin ?:smile:

According to all religions :YES .

That is not true at all Sam, There are several religions that don't give a damn what your sexual orientation is.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/30/08 07:39 AM

ok here is your answer.....

I know that God is the Living God....Because he told me so....he showed me so....and he still shows me on a daily basis.....

there is your answer.....

So for you to say what if you found out that your God was not.........Just is not a possibility for me....

If I need to be more clear please let me know....

Heart ya rathil

Heya Feral, Yeah, I see what you are saying and that's what you said the other day. It is perfectly clear to me what your meaning is. I guess it still just seems kind of circular to me. And that is fine. I don't think that I am going to get the kind of answer that was intended from the original question. Although I do understand your stance so I guess I am just going to have to call this one a draw. flowers

Rathil.......I just can't for myself answer it any other way....but that by no means.....means that you can't...If you do then that is not a draw just two people looking at things different....and yanno I heart ya...

Oh I know. You and I have two totally different perspectives and I am not upset about that or anything. Actually now that I think about it yours and Quicksteppers answers do answer the question. It's just that because of the way I was looking at the question it didn't seem like an answer. Although I understand what you are saying now and while I don't agree with it necessarily I understand it. I just needed to look at the question a different way to understand what you were saying. flowers

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 06/28/08 06:54 PM

Personally, both instances are foolish because if this person has understood that God does not exist why even care. Let the crazy people be crazy

That would be like saying the people who don't have cancer shouldn't care about it, or become doctors to fight against it.

Religion breeds hatred, bigotry, and political unrest on global scale.

If you're in a boat and everyone in the boat believes in rocking it, should you care?

Well, if people who are rocking it appear to be so blind and careless that they might capsize the boat, that you just happen to be in, you might want to see if you can knock some sense into them and get them to stop rocking the boat.

Just because non-believers don't believe spreading bigotry and hate doesn't meant they are going to stand by and watch other proselytize the whole world to behave in such a way.

Surely you realize that if they whole world were convered to Christianity that would only be just the beginning of the real religious wars? Christians would turn on each other instantly trying to create a single super-sect. They won't stop until there's just one lonely person left on the planet walking around talking to himself, "I won! I won! I won!" ohwell

Why is it that that post just made me think of that old TV show Highlander? "There can be only one!"

I miss that show. tears

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 06/28/08 06:01 PM

ok here is your answer.....

I know that God is the Living God....Because he told me so....he showed me so....and he still shows me on a daily basis.....

there is your answer.....

So for you to say what if you found out that your God was not.........Just is not a possibility for me....

If I need to be more clear please let me know....

Heart ya rathil

Heya Feral, Yeah, I see what you are saying and that's what you said the other day. It is perfectly clear to me what your meaning is. I guess it still just seems kind of circular to me. And that is fine. I don't think that I am going to get the kind of answer that was intended from the original question. Although I do understand your stance so I guess I am just going to have to call this one a draw. flowers

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 06/28/08 05:46 PM

Religion = Brainwash = wars and disagreements.

Look at the example from this post alone.

What ashame no one can answer the question I posted.

Have a great day for those who can think beyond religious dogmatic belief systems.

awww the caster of the first stone.....

I did answer your question....because the answer doesn't fit your idea....oh well get over it.

Who said it doesn't fit my idea?? Did I say that? For all I care you can believe what the Bible says.

and second I am not upset at all with this post. You can throw all the stones you want and I wouldn't even care!

What I have seen in here is alot of talk that doesn't go with the question intended.

The question is if you believe the god that you worship isn't the god you thought it would be, what would you do about it. That is the only question. I am not asking for a lesson in christianity, I am looking for a actual answer.

It is so simple, but thus far I get from christians that they are "true christians" and are not required to answer this.

What a bunch of bull crap!!!laugh laugh

I did say what I thought that it was poppycock what you wrote.....First of all the God that I worship and praise is very for you to say what you did just made melaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

why the heck would anyone worship a God they didn't believe in........geezzzzzz

So now I have answered it twice....and it might behoove you to take a few Bible Study classes.

Again you avoid the question and no it is not poppycrock. These are valid questions.

Sometimes people follow a group believing it is a good thing they are doing and find out later it wasn't! Some call it peer pressure and claim later they didn't know!

The question is "what if" your god that you faithfully follow is proven as a fact is actually the god that wanted to end human life even if you were faithful to him and the god that did preserve life isn't getting the actual recognition he should.

Stop avoiding the question! It is not hard to answer!

If again you say why would I think my god is the wrong god and blah blah blah then you are avoiding the question yet again and I will just let it go for it isn't worth the back and forth discussion.

I already did & got no replies. It seems that people just like to argue instead of hearing about the Christian experience so I'll post it again.

LOL... a silly notion. This is why I say that... all of life's temptations are nothing more than a's like walking around life with a carrot in your face & never really getting the prize. That's the curse put on us because of the devil's lies. walk with God fills me with joy & life, & satisfies even my very soul. God's glory could of love & power & presence has everything I need. BTW...there is also kingdom heaven living here on earth. It's VERY true.

Now why would I want to dwell on an idea that I KNOW is not true? Think about that....

Okay, you are once again avoiding the very simple question posed. You keep saying that you have answered it but all you are doing is saying I have answered it by the fact that I am not answering it. Using the excuse that it can't be true so the question is moot is not answering the question. It is a legitimate hypothetical question. And it's fine if your answer is I don't know. But you can't say you have answered it when all you are doing is running circles around it pretending you have answered it.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 06/28/08 03:16 PM

created us to be part of the world he created and thus letting nature which he control take its course to let it all happen and see how mankind would react in which he already knows

I'm sorry but what you just said makes absolutely no sense. You are saying that he created mankind for the soul purpose of answering a question he already knew the answer too? Was he really that bored one day? Sitting around thinking to himself. "Well I already know what will happen if I decide to create a world, but what the hell? I could use a few thousand years of entertainment?"

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:56 AM

Religion = Brainwash = wars and disagreements.

Look at the example from this post alone.

What ashame no one can answer the question I posted.

Have a great day for those who can think beyond religious dogmatic belief systems.

awww the caster of the first stone.....

I did answer your question....because the answer doesn't fit your idea....oh well get over it.

Who said it doesn't fit my idea?? Did I say that? For all I care you can believe what the Bible says.

and second I am not upset at all with this post. You can throw all the stones you want and I wouldn't even care!

What I have seen in here is alot of talk that doesn't go with the question intended.

The question is if you believe the god that you worship isn't the god you thought it would be, what would you do about it. That is the only question. I am not asking for a lesson in christianity, I am looking for a actual answer.

It is so simple, but thus far I get from christians that they are "true christians" and are not required to answer this.

What a bunch of bull crap!!!laugh laugh

I did say what I thought that it was poppycock what you wrote.....First of all the God that I worship and praise is very for you to say what you did just made melaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

why the heck would anyone worship a God they didn't believe in........geezzzzzz

So now I have answered it twice....and it might behoove you to take a few Bible Study classes.

I don't think he is asking why would you worship a God you don't believe in. I agree that would be a silly question indeed. I believe what he is asking is after you spend your life worshipping this God, what if when you die and go to heaven, The God that you have been worshipping all these years isn't like the God of the bible at all and the heaven you are in is not as you imagined it. At least that is how I interpreted the question.

I still say the same thing......not because I am trying to be a pain....but because I just don't by it....But ok say for the sake of argument.....that this is true......heck I can't.....nope It's like I ask people if God came to you and in your ear said, "I am the living God".....would you believe it then. For me I am who I am because of experiences...not because of just a blind faith........So for me this is not an option.....

And I understand that, but see for me it would be the complete opposite. I could have someone walk up to me on the street and tell me that they are the living God and I would still ask for proof. To be fair though i think you would too. If a man who looks like he is homeless, or even for arguments sake a well dressed buisness man walked up to you one day and told you that they are the living God. What would you do?

I am not trying to be argumentative here. I really am curious. After all Jesus came in human form claiming he was the son of God and people believed him. So say someone walked up to you and told you he was the living God and he wanted you to follow him and travel with him and spread his word. Would you drop everything right there and go with him or would you be skeptical?

First off if the living God came to you and said I am who I me you would know it. He did and I listened....I have told my story countless times...but would do it again if it would help you to see where I am coming from

1st encounter with the living God......

About 16 years ago I went to my neigbors to borrow something. I asked them what it meant to be born again. In means basically to die to your sin and give your life to God. I talked to them for about 2 hours....I felt something within me.....I had no clue then.....I gave my life to God that day....I then went on a mission to read the Bible...For the next year I read it over and over and over. The more I did the more God spoke to my heart in a very quiet voice. I also learned anything and everything about all religions of the world.

2nd encounter with the living God.

My mother was very very sick dying of cancer.....I was a baby Christian at the time...but nonetheless I believed strongly in the power of prayer. I did pray for the Lord to help me financially so that I could take care of my mother.....About 2 weeks later.....the house next door to me was up for sale by the bank...They were in the process of cleaning it up and said we could check it out, and take anything we wanted. So we did....It was a mess...and amongst the mess I found a black trash bag...inside was more then 10,000.00 of bills marked from 1954 to 1967. I thought first off how the house was foreclosed. I never saw anyone again from the bank and the house was sold. I tried to get ahold of the previous owners...but to no avail.....(prayer answered)

3rd encounter with the Living God.

I was now able to take care of my mother and provide for my family. I came home to get more clothes and was in the middle of my driveway. I asked the Lord God...."If you are real, show me a sign." Just then thousands of lil lavendar butterflies were all around me.....and not a few but thousands I was touching them and then bam they were gone. Now I have seen these lil butterflies in a pale yellow but never in lavendar...mine and my mother's fav color. (prayer answered)

4th Encounter with the Living God.

I then went back to my moms...and she was very very sick....I then went out into her backyard...She lived in the Mojave Desert and if you are familiar with it....Very very clear crystal days. This day there was not one cloud in the sky.....Again I asked, "Lord if you are real, show me a sign." Just as I spoke the last word a funnel cloud of pinks, blues greens came right to me.....(Prayer answered)

5th Encounter with the Living God.

I went back in the house and was just in awe of what has been happening to me. When I went to kiss my mom and I sat down. She said, "No mom and dad I can't. Who is going to take care of Debbie and Bill (dad) I knew what was happening and told my mom to go.....go to your mom and dad.....15 minutes later she was gone.....

I have many many more that I could tell you....but I think you get the jest.....You are also free to look up my prayer threads where time and time again miracles are happening right here on jsh.

So when someone spews to me what you have....does it upset bet it does. I am walking the path set forth by the Living God....The God that has shown me time and time again that He is very real. It is a narrow path that I walk....but one I walk gladly......For the Lord my God has reveiled himself over and over again to me.

And even now if I stumble which I do.....or I sin which I do.....he speaks to my heart and set me on the right path again. The Lord has even hit me upside my head and asked what are you doing....The biggest difference between me and you or people that think like you do....Is they don't listen.....I do.....

Actually in all the times I have been on this bored I have never heard any of those stories from you. So thank you for sharing them again. I am not sure if you only share them a majority of the time in your prayer threads or the Coffee House Chat for Christians. If you do then that is why I never saw them as I stay out of those threads out of respect to you and your beliefs.

My question was not posed with the intention of upsetting you and I am sorry for the hardships you have had to face and am glad you found something to help get you through them. However with all do respect I don't believe in miracles. I believe in Karma, I believe in just having good and bad luck. but I don't believe that God is playing favorites with who he helps.

I have known very good and devout christian people that have gone through just as many hard times as what you have described here. They prayed and prayed for help. In fact they still are and things just keep getting worse for them. So I can't believe that just because you believe in a higher power and pray for help that it comes to you. Why is it that God decides to send you all the help you ask for but ignores the pleas of the people that are just as devout and going through just as many hard times?

Also, I am not saying this as a personal attack against you or anything like that and I am not trying to be rude. Merely trying to understand. I know it is not your fault that this living God decided to help you but for some reason won't help others. Although I just don't understand why. I have even tried asking him myself and I am still listening for my answer. So yes, my ears are open and all he has to do is explain to me why. However I only continue to hear silence so I guess I am just another one that he has decided is not going to be heard. There is only so many times that you can go through hardship and pray only to be left in the dust before you just stop believing that miracles really do happen.

Perhaps you are just luckier than the rest of us are or perhaps you are just such a good person that Karma smiled upon you to help you in your time of need. Although I just can't believe that everything that happened was handed to you by God.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 06/27/08 08:27 AM

As i've stated before Erasmus was correct in saying ""the war of word's will only end in blow's"" I have no wish to continue raising or objecting to issue's here, we are all of the mind's we are at this time, nothing will change that. guy's continue to be what and who you are - i wish you all well, no humor, just sincerity. If i knew you all personally, we would then much understand each other better and may even be good friend's in life, but this is just a forum, not the be all or end all, of or for any of us. i'll be around but not here any more. even dropping in is not possible without being tempted to respond to something, so carry on as you wish. i apologize to anyone i've offended and or angered or hurt in any way - may your lifes be filled with joy, the joy of your choice.

sincerely tribo

tears tears tears

You will be missed Tribo!!!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 06/27/08 07:52 AM

Religion = Brainwash = wars and disagreements.

Look at the example from this post alone.

What ashame no one can answer the question I posted.

Have a great day for those who can think beyond religious dogmatic belief systems.

awww the caster of the first stone.....

I did answer your question....because the answer doesn't fit your idea....oh well get over it.

Who said it doesn't fit my idea?? Did I say that? For all I care you can believe what the Bible says.

and second I am not upset at all with this post. You can throw all the stones you want and I wouldn't even care!

What I have seen in here is alot of talk that doesn't go with the question intended.

The question is if you believe the god that you worship isn't the god you thought it would be, what would you do about it. That is the only question. I am not asking for a lesson in christianity, I am looking for a actual answer.

It is so simple, but thus far I get from christians that they are "true christians" and are not required to answer this.

What a bunch of bull crap!!!laugh laugh

I did say what I thought that it was poppycock what you wrote.....First of all the God that I worship and praise is very for you to say what you did just made melaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

why the heck would anyone worship a God they didn't believe in........geezzzzzz

So now I have answered it twice....and it might behoove you to take a few Bible Study classes.

I don't think he is asking why would you worship a God you don't believe in. I agree that would be a silly question indeed. I believe what he is asking is after you spend your life worshipping this God, what if when you die and go to heaven, The God that you have been worshipping all these years isn't like the God of the bible at all and the heaven you are in is not as you imagined it. At least that is how I interpreted the question.

I still say the same thing......not because I am trying to be a pain....but because I just don't by it....But ok say for the sake of argument.....that this is true......heck I can't.....nope It's like I ask people if God came to you and in your ear said, "I am the living God".....would you believe it then. For me I am who I am because of experiences...not because of just a blind faith........So for me this is not an option.....

And I understand that, but see for me it would be the complete opposite. I could have someone walk up to me on the street and tell me that they are the living God and I would still ask for proof. To be fair though i think you would too. If a man who looks like he is homeless, or even for arguments sake a well dressed buisness man walked up to you one day and told you that they are the living God. What would you do?

I am not trying to be argumentative here. I really am curious. After all Jesus came in human form claiming he was the son of God and people believed him. So say someone walked up to you and told you he was the living God and he wanted you to follow him and travel with him and spread his word. Would you drop everything right there and go with him or would you be skeptical?

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 06/27/08 07:25 AM

Religion = Brainwash = wars and disagreements.

Look at the example from this post alone.

What ashame no one can answer the question I posted.

Have a great day for those who can think beyond religious dogmatic belief systems.

awww the caster of the first stone.....

I did answer your question....because the answer doesn't fit your idea....oh well get over it.

Who said it doesn't fit my idea?? Did I say that? For all I care you can believe what the Bible says.

and second I am not upset at all with this post. You can throw all the stones you want and I wouldn't even care!

What I have seen in here is alot of talk that doesn't go with the question intended.

The question is if you believe the god that you worship isn't the god you thought it would be, what would you do about it. That is the only question. I am not asking for a lesson in christianity, I am looking for a actual answer.

It is so simple, but thus far I get from christians that they are "true christians" and are not required to answer this.

What a bunch of bull crap!!!laugh laugh

I did say what I thought that it was poppycock what you wrote.....First of all the God that I worship and praise is very for you to say what you did just made melaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

why the heck would anyone worship a God they didn't believe in........geezzzzzz

So now I have answered it twice....and it might behoove you to take a few Bible Study classes.

I don't think he is asking why would you worship a God you don't believe in. I agree that would be a silly question indeed. I believe what he is asking is after you spend your life worshipping this God, what if when you die and go to heaven, The God that you have been worshipping all these years isn't like the God of the bible at all and the heaven you are in is not as you imagined it. At least that is how I interpreted the question.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 06/26/08 01:32 PM

HMMM??? - wouldn't starting a coven be just like setting up a group of believer's who all had the same interest? What would you do? exchange thought's and idea's on your "feeling's" of why each one agree's or disagree's with common or uncommon tenent's of held belief's? Or is your thinking more in line with sorting out those who have the same or similiar belief's or holding's for purposes of "mating up" with one another? if it's the latter then i say go for it, if it's the former I'd say your becoming to religious like for me.

a little of both, i mean also with the purpose of teaching those who are interested but never to force beliefs upon others...

then my blessing's upon it.

Yeah, thats why I said I would be interested in it to at least see where it went and where it was going and stuff like that. As I have said before for all intents and purposes I consider myself Wiccan. It's what I have followed for the longest time. It's just recently I have been having questions that I have been looking for answers for and when I post I try to keep any religious feelings and beliefs out of my posts so I can stay as unbiased as possible for the sake of learning. I have no interest in forcing my beliefs on others but it would be interesting I think to have a group on here that like to talk about the inner workings a bit more indepth of Wicca and paganism than what is discussed on these boards. Also I do love to inform people of things that they are truly interested in learning about.

But don't worry Tribo. like I say in general forum discussion I set my religious beliefs aside for the sake of learning and answering questions I have, but I do still have religious beliefs. I guess I just don't show them very often on the boards.

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