Topic: The would be leader who choses to follow
madisonman's photo
Sat 07/12/08 04:47 AM

I have never cared for the school system in any way and take less care in my typing and spelling on a forum. Who realy does except those who are anal? I suppose if you need to one up me that would be the way to do it. despite your vast skills you continue to blinbd yourself to the disaster that is america so Ican only assume your either a verry stupid person who can type and carries around a dictionary or an avid user of spell check. I realy am starting to suspect many of you are just paid shrills for the republican spin machine because no one can be so daft as to ignore the disaster that has been the bush presidency from Bagdad to new orleans nothing but failure. How can you be proud to call yourself a republican and just a small FYI despite all the bluster a women can still choose an abortion so even that effort has failed, about the only thing the republicans did do is rape our treasury and pass it out to the oil and war industries.

Madman..... It is obvious that you are the fifth grade drop out I suspected you are, because if you weren't you would realize being educated is not about "typing and spelling on a forum", as you so ineptly describe it.

So America is a "disaster" according to you? Most definitely, you need to go back to school and take a course in America Studies to teach you what our country is about.

In connection with the insane rhetoric you have posted above, let me help you out. I and any other person who purports him/herself to be a Republican is/are not "daft," as you state. It is you who are "daft" with this paranoid talk of us being the so-called "paid shrills for the republican spin machine" and your "bluster[about].....abortion .... [and] rape."
Madman .... read what you have posted. Good grief. You are really going off the deep end. You said you were leaving the site. Please do so and check yourself into a mental health facility immediately before you lose it completely.
Its not paranoid at all as its allready being done Icould post the link but I would get dissed for cutting and pasteing, the quistion is just exactly who they are and were do they post? Loseing it hardly as we speak my hot water tank is bleeding into the yard and I wll run to Lowes for a new one,It would seem I am a pinacle of stability and responsability. unlike some I refuse to live in denial and as far as takeing a history class I think your the one who needs it to see what america is supposed to be about according to our history books at least at the high school level we are the good guys or aspire to be the good guys. We are not supposed to be a country that wages unjustified wars and slaughters civilians, nor do we torture our enemies. We used to pay lip service to human rights. what we have now is an outlaw regime bankrupting our once great nation and crippling the middle class. Shame on your for being an enabler. I so pitty you. So once again I am off Ineed to get that water heater changed out so Ican get cleaned up intime to cook dinner for my lovely sexy new GFlove and off to Cooks Forrest tomorrow. stay tuned for surly, eventualy I will cross the line with one of these repukes and get the banning I deservelaugh

no photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:46 AM



Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/12/08 06:08 AM

I have never cared for the school system in any way and take less care in my typing and spelling on a forum. Who realy does except those who are anal? I suppose if you need to one up me that would be the way to do it. despite your vast skills you continue to blinbd yourself to the disaster that is america so Ican only assume your either a verry stupid person who can type and carries around a dictionary or an avid user of spell check. I realy am starting to suspect many of you are just paid shrills for the republican spin machine because no one can be so daft as to ignore the disaster that has been the bush presidency from Bagdad to new orleans nothing but failure. How can you be proud to call yourself a republican and just a small FYI despite all the bluster a women can still choose an abortion so even that effort has failed, about the only thing the republicans did do is rape our treasury and pass it out to the oil and war industries.

Madman..... It is obvious that you are the fifth grade drop out I suspected you are, because if you weren't you would realize being educated is not about "typing and spelling on a forum", as you so ineptly describe it.

So America is a "disaster" according to you? Most definitely, you need to go back to school and take a course in America Studies to teach you what our country is about.

In connection with the insane rhetoric you have posted above, let me help you out. I and any other person who purports him/herself to be a Republican is/are not "daft," as you state. It is you who are "daft" with this paranoid talk of us being the so-called "paid shrills for the republican spin machine" and your "bluster[about].....abortion .... [and] rape."
Madman .... read what you have posted. Good grief. You are really going off the deep end. You said you were leaving the site. Please do so and check yourself into a mental health facility immediately before you lose it completely.
Its not paranoid at all as its allready being done Icould post the link but I would get dissed for cutting and pasteing, the quistion is just exactly who they are and were do they post? Loseing it hardly as we speak my hot water tank is bleeding into the yard and I wll run to Lowes for a new one,It would seem I am a pinacle of stability and responsability. unlike some I refuse to live in denial and as far as takeing a history class I think your the one who needs it to see what america is supposed to be about according to our history books at least at the high school level we are the good guys or aspire to be the good guys. We are not supposed to be a country that wages unjustified wars and slaughters civilians, nor do we torture our enemies. We used to pay lip service to human rights. what we have now is an outlaw regime bankrupting our once great nation and crippling the middle class. Shame on your for being an enabler. I so pitty you. So once again I am off Ineed to get that water heater changed out so Ican get cleaned up intime to cook dinner for my lovely sexy new GFlove and off to Cooks Forrest tomorrow. stay tuned for surly, eventualy I will cross the line with one of these repukes and get the banning I deservelaugh

I guess he told you Leahsheeple!!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

madisonman's photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:52 AM

I have never cared for the school system in any way and take less care in my typing and spelling on a forum. Who realy does except those who are anal? I suppose if you need to one up me that would be the way to do it. despite your vast skills you continue to blinbd yourself to the disaster that is america so Ican only assume your either a verry stupid person who can type and carries around a dictionary or an avid user of spell check. I realy am starting to suspect many of you are just paid shrills for the republican spin machine because no one can be so daft as to ignore the disaster that has been the bush presidency from Bagdad to new orleans nothing but failure. How can you be proud to call yourself a republican and just a small FYI despite all the bluster a women can still choose an abortion so even that effort has failed, about the only thing the republicans did do is rape our treasury and pass it out to the oil and war industries.

Madman..... It is obvious that you are the fifth grade drop out I suspected you are, because if you weren't you would realize being educated is not about "typing and spelling on a forum", as you so ineptly describe it.

So America is a "disaster" according to you? Most definitely, you need to go back to school and take a course in America Studies to teach you what our country is about.

In connection with the insane rhetoric you have posted above, let me help you out. I and any other person who purports him/herself to be a Republican is/are not "daft," as you state. It is you who are "daft" with this paranoid talk of us being the so-called "paid shrills for the republican spin machine" and your "bluster[about].....abortion .... [and] rape."
Madman .... read what you have posted. Good grief. You are really going off the deep end. You said you were leaving the site. Please do so and check yourself into a mental health facility immediately before you lose it completely.
Its not paranoid at all as its allready being done Icould post the link but I would get dissed for cutting and pasteing, the quistion is just exactly who they are and were do they post? Loseing it hardly as we speak my hot water tank is bleeding into the yard and I wll run to Lowes for a new one,It would seem I am a pinacle of stability and responsability. unlike some I refuse to live in denial and as far as takeing a history class I think your the one who needs it to see what america is supposed to be about according to our history books at least at the high school level we are the good guys or aspire to be the good guys. We are not supposed to be a country that wages unjustified wars and slaughters civilians, nor do we torture our enemies. We used to pay lip service to human rights. what we have now is an outlaw regime bankrupting our once great nation and crippling the middle class. Shame on your for being an enabler. I so pitty you. So once again I am off Ineed to get that water heater changed out so Ican get cleaned up intime to cook dinner for my lovely sexy new GFlove and off to Cooks Forrest tomorrow. stay tuned for surly, eventualy I will cross the line with one of these repukes and get the banning I deservelaugh

I guess he told you Leahsheeple!!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
The women is off her rocker a complete and total wack job.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/12/08 02:58 PM
She's only a private in the Sheeple Patrol.
The driver of the Jeep perhaps!laugh laugh laugh

madisonman's photo
Sat 07/12/08 03:04 PM

She's only a private in the Sheeple Patrol.
The driver of the Jeep perhaps!laugh laugh laugh
If you see our darlin tell her I have a date at 630 and Iam makeing a shrimp scampi dish, ya know garlic white wine butter over pasta and she is makeing a desert and salad. If I no longer have an account here when I return keep up the good fightdrinker

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/12/08 03:31 PM
My Pleasure.bigsmile

Dont do anything I wouldnt do!drinker

no photo
Sat 07/12/08 10:42 PM
Edited by leahmarie on Sat 07/12/08 11:03 PM
Fanta.... What did Madman tell me? He only confirmed that he is losing it with his crazy post.

Madman/Fanta ..... I'll tell you what a whack job is. That is a person who makes up a girlfriend. Madman, why in the world would you make up a prostitute for a girlfriend? Why wouldn't you just make up someone ordinary?

Were you watching "Sweet Charity" on AMC and that gave you the idea to fabricate a girlfriend. The woman you described, in your words as being, a "hot sweet nurse with a heart of gold" and a 20 year old-body is the 20 year old nursing student in "Sweet Charity" who works as a prostitute at night to pay her tuition. And, of course, she is referred to as the "hot sweet nurse with a heart of gold."

And you, Fanta, are not a very good friend to Madman. If you were, you would talk to him about what he is doing and not let him go off the deep end. Additionally,what is Madman's obsession with his hot water heater? That seems quite strange.

no photo
Sat 07/12/08 10:44 PM
Edited by leahmarie on Sat 07/12/08 10:56 PM

She's only a private in the Sheeple Patrol.
The driver of the Jeep perhaps!laugh laugh laugh
If you see our darlin tell her I have a date at 630 and Iam makeing a shrimp scampi dish, ya know garlic white wine butter over pasta and she is makeing a desert and salad. If I no longer have an account here when I return keep up the good fightdrinker


Sheeple patrol .... How come you two know so much about it? You must be members in good standing, because I never heard of it until the two of you started talking about it. Or is the Sheeple patrol something you both made up, like Madman and his imaginary girlfriend.

Chazster's photo
Sat 07/12/08 10:45 PM
Edited by Chazster on Sat 07/12/08 10:45 PM
yay tax cuts.. no new taxes!drinker

Tanzkity's photo
Sat 07/12/08 10:59 PM

Truly if the government wished a high approval rateing all they would have to do is put Bush and his controllers on trial for treasone and war crimes. You would hear a round of cheers from the atlantic to the pacific and then accross Europ and Asia, markets would rebound, gas prices would drop and people would be spending money on party hats and HD TV to view the trials and sentencing

Far-fetched mistruth. Seriously, such a thing would cause turmoil and uncertainties that would send the markets into a huge down slide. Markets would tumble. Your assumption has no precedence with history. The trial of one of the President of one of the biggest trade partners throughout the world, threaten trade deals and so forth, would cause great uncertainties. Uncertainty always sends the markets in a downward spiral.

It didn't when Lewinsky got caught sucking a Billy-pop and he was threatened with impeachment.

Bush IS a war criminal and a very stupid one at that

When a moron criminal heads a nation what can you say about this nation ?.grumble grumble .

Only the morons who actually voted for the Ignoramus Moron can answer that question.........:wink:

Tanzkity's photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:03 PM

I have never cared for the school system in any way and take less care in my typing and spelling on a forum. Who realy does except those who are anal? I suppose if you need to one up me that would be the way to do it. despite your vast skills you continue to blinbd yourself to the disaster that is america so Ican only assume your either a verry stupid person who can type and carries around a dictionary or an avid user of spell check. I realy am starting to suspect many of you are just paid shrills for the republican spin machine because no one can be so daft as to ignore the disaster that has been the bush presidency from Bagdad to new orleans nothing but failure. How can you be proud to call yourself a republican and just a small FYI despite all the bluster a women can still choose an abortion so even that effort has failed, about the only thing the republicans did do is rape our treasury and pass it out to the oil and war industries.

Kudos to you..................drinker drinker

Madman..... It is obvious that you are the fifth grade drop out I suspected you are, because if you weren't you would realize being educated is not about "typing and spelling on a forum", as you so ineptly describe it.

So America is a "disaster" according to you? Most definitely, you need to go back to school and take a course in America Studies to teach you what our country is about.

In connection with the insane rhetoric you have posted above, let me help you out. I and any other person who purports him/herself to be a Republican is/are not "daft," as you state. It is you who are "daft" with this paranoid talk of us being the so-called "paid shrills for the republican spin machine" and your "bluster[about].....abortion .... [and] rape."
Madman .... read what you have posted. Good grief. You are really going off the deep end. You said you were leaving the site. Please do so and check yourself into a mental health facility immediately before you lose it completely.
Its not paranoid at all as its allready being done Icould post the link but I would get dissed for cutting and pasteing, the quistion is just exactly who they are and were do they post? Loseing it hardly as we speak my hot water tank is bleeding into the yard and I wll run to Lowes for a new one,It would seem I am a pinacle of stability and responsability. unlike some I refuse to live in denial and as far as takeing a history class I think your the one who needs it to see what america is supposed to be about according to our history books at least at the high school level we are the good guys or aspire to be the good guys. We are not supposed to be a country that wages unjustified wars and slaughters civilians, nor do we torture our enemies. We used to pay lip service to human rights. what we have now is an outlaw regime bankrupting our once great nation and crippling the middle class. Shame on your for being an enabler. I so pitty you. So once again I am off Ineed to get that water heater changed out so Ican get cleaned up intime to cook dinner for my lovely sexy new GFlove and off to Cooks Forrest tomorrow. stay tuned for surly, eventualy I will cross the line with one of these repukes and get the banning I deservelaugh

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 12:36 AM
Madman..... Now that you have substituted George Bush's picture for your own, you look much much better. If you actually look like Bush, maybe it is possible you might find a girlfriend and won't have to make up an imaginary one.

madisonman's photo
Mon 07/14/08 07:24 AM
Edited by madisonman on Mon 07/14/08 08:11 AM

Madman..... Now that you have substituted George Bush's picture for your own, you look much much better. If you actually look like Bush, maybe it is possible you might find a girlfriend and won't have to make up an imaginary one.
I suppose if you cannot defend your positions in a logical or reasonable way a personal attack is a good option. I see you never put up a picture of your 50 plus face for us all to gaze apon. You cant imagine how comical I find you to cling to your idea of an imaginary girlfriend. I still have a week of vacation so I am sure I will drop in from time to time but you have to admit considering all the down time I have I rarely post anything, today my imaginary girlfriend is doing one of her 3 twelve hour days so I have a little time :banana:

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 10:02 AM
Edited by leahmarie on Mon 07/14/08 10:41 AM

Madman..... Now that you have substituted George Bush's picture for your own, you look much much better. If you actually look like Bush, maybe it is possible you might find a girlfriend and won't have to make up an imaginary one.
I suppose if you cannot defend your positions in a logical or reasonable way a personal attack is a good option. I see you never put up a picture of your 50 plus face for us all to gaze apon. You cant imagine how comical I find you to cling to your idea of an imaginary girlfriend. I still have a week of vacation so I am sure I will drop in from time to time but you have to admit considering all the down time I have I rarely post anything, today my imaginary girlfriend is doing one of her 3 twelve hour days so I have a little time :banana:


I do not defend my position to you since you have never stated an original thought of your own. Every one of your posts, except for your insults, are cut and paste. Why should I acknowledge plagerized work. (rhetoric)

I don't show my picture for the exact opposite reason that you choose not to show yours. I was in an accident in January of this year. I had double surgery. Consequently, the surgery and healing have caused a lot of pain. Pain causes one to lose his/her appetite. As a result, I have lost a tremendous amount of weight and I am painfully thin. Therefore, I am not posting my picture since an extremely thin me is not a realistic picture. The pain is gradually going away and my appetite is coming back. Right now I am only 20 pounds underweight. I expect to gain that weight back within a few months. At that time I will post my picture.

It is my understanding that you are grossly overweight, some 50 pounds, and that you are trying to lose the weight. And this is why you do not post your picture. Therefore, you should be able to emphasize with me even though we are at opposite ends of the totem pole.

Comical?... Madman... I can't help making remarks about your so-called girlfriend. It strikes me,as you put it, too comical that you would model her after a prostitute in "Sweet Charity."

So you "retired" from this site yesterday to be with your girlfriend? Now you are back on the site today! Whew! Short retirement! Maybe it is possible that you really did have a girlfriend and she "retired" you after one day/date! rofl

Hey, don't let it get to you. Now that you have put on a George Bush persona, you will definitely get the ladies .... pitchfork

Fanta46's photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:18 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Mon 07/14/08 11:22 AM
Forget it!noway noway

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:25 PM

Forget it!noway noway


The above is a good idea Little Lady. Enough Bush bashing.

Tanzkity's photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:37 PM

Forget it!noway noway


The above is a good idea Little Lady. Enough Bush bashing.

Listen Leah your bullying is going to stop 2nite and i wont let you talk to anymore of my friends the way you consider this an invasion baby.................or a coup........whtever

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:45 PM
Edited by leahmarie on Mon 07/14/08 11:49 PM

Forget it!noway noway


The above is a good idea Little Lady. Enough Bush bashing.

Listen Leah your bullying is going to stop 2nite and i wont let you talk to anymore of my friends the way you consider this an invasion baby.................or a coup........whtever


Invasion .... coup .... bullying .... what are you watching on tv? I thought your were busy emailing and interacting with all of those imaginary men friends of yours.

I think you need to turn off the tv and get yourself some nice warm milk and go take a warm shower. It will take all of those scary thoughts out of your head. And I am sure you will be fine in the morning.:banana:

Tanzkity's photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:53 PM

Forget it!noway noway


The above is a good idea Little Lady. Enough Bush bashing.

Listen Leah your bullying is going to stop 2nite and i wont let you talk to anymore of my friends the way you consider this an invasion baby.................or a coup........whtever


Invasion .... coup .... bullying .... what are you watching on tv? I thought your were busy emailing and interacting with all of those imaginary men friends of yours.

I think you need to turn off the tv and get yourself some nice warm milk and go take a warm shower. It will take all of those scary thoughts out of your head. And I am sure you will be fine in the morning.:banana:

Lets make a deal since i get pleasured everyday why dont you go either play with yourself or get one of these JSH men and get laid...............and wht i will do since it will mos def take away your tension then we all could be happy and then you dont have to make you loco assumptions and everyone lives happily ever after..........oh by the way you sound like my exhusband he used to sound just like you when i left what im asking is who left you baby girl.............