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Topic: Satanic Art is catholic church exposed
ShadowEagle's photo
Sat 03/17/07 09:10 PM
'Satanic' art in Catholic Church exposed
Documentary links clergy sex abuse with occult imagery

Posted: March 25, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2006

Could the Roman Catholic Church's sex abuse crisis be tied to embedded
Satanic and occultic imagery in its artwork – some of it hundreds of
years old?

That is the seemingly incredible thesis of a new documentary, "Rape of
the Soul," made not by anti-Catholic bigots, but by devout followers of
the Church.

"Rape of the Soul" is in theatrical release in major cities, including
New York and Los Angeles.

The documentary explores the prevalent use of satanic, sexual, occult
and anti-Catholic images in historical and contemporary religious
artwork. The film also discusses the mysterious acceptance of the
artwork at the highest and most trusted levels of the Catholic Church.

"Rape of the Soul" is rated R because of the disturbing content
involving demonic, violent and sexual imagery.

The film, which is being released by Silver Sword International,
contends a major cause of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church could be
due to prolonged exposure to sexual and satanic images being
incorporated into the religious art.

Experts are featured in the film to offer detailed accounts of the
subconscious programming effects of the sex and occult images on the
human brain and how it promotes sex, Satanism and the occult. Religious
education materials, songbooks, children's story books, devotionals and
the Sunday Missals all have been found to contain embedded imagery.

The 140-minute film shows a compilation of the events, investigations,
discovery and exposure of implanted imagery in religious art. Then it
shows the devastating affects of the artwork that is primarily aimed at
children and the clergy.

Five experts speak on the different aspects of the artwork, including
Michael A. Calace, an Italian director, actor, writer and producer who
is also a devout Roman Catholic.

Calace embarked on a mission of "Merging Media with Morality" to create
family-oriented films of true life drama for Silver Sword International,
his production company. While doing so, he uncovered a series of
religious scandals. Calace puts to use his experiences of more than 20
years of expertise to discover a huge amount of offensive images of
carefully embedded sexual and occult horror. He explains the techniques
used to embed the images, and he presents discoveries from his

"The deeper I dug, the more I discovered, not just in regard to
contemporary art, but works dating back more than 500 years, from some
well-known and respected artists. Sex and horror is the fuel that
promotes the scandalous behavior in the Church. This is the answer why,
and Church leaders don't have to look very far, because the problem is
coming from within the Church itself," said Calace of his research.

Other experts include Wilson Bryan Key, an American recognized
internationally for over 30 years of embedded-imagery expertise. He also
was a professor at the University of Western Ontario.

Stanley Monteith, another expert in the film, is an author and radio
talk show host who has spent more than 30 years researching the causes
of America's moral decline. Monteith also has extensively studied the
Vatican's history and politics and has interviewed Malachi Martin, the
former Jesuit priest on many different occasions.

Marc Oster contributes his expertise in psychology and hypnosis. Judith
Reisman, the final expert featured in "Rape of the Soul," is a
world-renowned author, who specializes in child psychology and the
harmful effects of pornography. She is also president of The Institute
for Media Education and author of a U.S. Department of Justice study on

"These images, unrecognized by the untrained eye, can be a ticking
time-bomb to an individual who is unaware of their presence, especially
someone who is already predisposed to deviant sexual behavior," said

"Artists from DaVinci to Botticelli have embedded subliminal images into
their art for centuries," said Calace. "In this case we found penises on
crucifixes, anarchy symbols, swastikas, demonic faces and in modern
works even the word 'sex' encrypted into the images. The works in
question include modern artists' work currently on the covers of
missalettes and hymnals that at this very moment sit in the pews of
churches throughout the U.S. and on children's religious teaching aids."

Calace said, "'Rape of the Soul' was created to heal the many that have
suffered from these uninvited violations."

moga_96's photo
Fri 05/11/07 11:28 AM
Well the santanic services used to be held in a catholic church.. they
had black mass there .. from what I have heard about it.

izzyva's photo
Fri 05/11/07 11:39 AM
Catholic Church, they are really evil.


no photo
Fri 05/11/07 11:42 AM
You all have to bear in mind that catholic priests are human,
like everybody else. You can't project on the catholic church what a few
human beings (I have to admit, they have to be sick) are doing.

trae_23's photo
Fri 05/11/07 11:47 AM
Then why are they the only ones who get to touch the offering?

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 11:49 AM
I'm sorry trae, but I don't understand your question.

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 11:49 AM
Thats where I see fault in the Catholic religion. They are human but
they are out on a stage like they are the "holy" ones. I dont think that
you can put your trust in them, they are no better than you

trae_23's photo
Fri 05/11/07 11:50 AM
If they are only human, then why are they the only ones holy enough to
touch the bread during the communion?

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 11:51 AM
I'm not saying they are, but they can only be as good as priests as they
are as human beings. The catholic church is not out to hire only sick
ones, but hey, ****happens.

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 11:59 AM
The Catholic Church practices the doctrine of the Nicolaitans. The
doctrine of the Nicolaitans teaches that some people are closer to God
than others. They call their priests "father" and they take on a
paternal role over their congragation. They have a priestly hierarchy
that stands between the congragation and Jesus.

Jesus taught that we are all brothers and sister, we are equal in the
eyes of God. Paul taught that the head of every man is Jesus, there is
nobody who should stand between.

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 12:02 PM
Now, my dear spider, what has that to do with the subject????

lulu24's photo
Fri 05/11/07 12:06 PM
priests are NOT the only ones that get to touch the offering...there are
also eucharistic ministers, as well. lay people who are involved in the

the priest IS the one that blesses the offering, turning it into the
body and blood of Christ.

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 12:12 PM

It has nothing to do with the original post, but if you read the posts
by step_uknowuwantit and trae_23 you might see what I was getting at.

Particularly when step_uknowuwantit said "they are no better than you",
the point is they think they are. Or when Trae_23 asked "If they are
only human, then why are they the only ones holy enough to touch the
bread during the communion?".

lulu24's photo
Fri 05/11/07 12:17 PM
it's not about a priest being more HOLY, he's more KNOWLEDGEABLE. a
priest devotes his LIFE to his church...many years of seminary, and the
rest of his life to nothing but the church.

no wife, no family...sparse living with almost no income. they
literally live right off of the church...and many don't even have

there are lay people that take courses and are allowed to present
communion to the church, or to those that are ill. they make
house-calls, as well...and travel through the parish, taking some of the
burden off of the priest.

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 12:18 PM
I do know, my dear spider, that they are not better than anybody else,
but it has nothing to do with the original post.
Even if you think so, I'm not THAT stupid.

trae_23's photo
Fri 05/11/07 01:06 PM
The question is how can one human be more "blessed" than anyone else.
Jesus set the standard of in order to be first you must be last, how
then can one man put himself in a position better than the the rest.
Also the Bible says " Holy and revrend is my name" so how can we call a
man something that God said was his only

Trizar's photo
Fri 05/11/07 01:09 PM
I have seen articles such as the host (forgot screenname) posted. Most
come from the watchtower (jehova witnesses) and from the mormon
church..They are very anti catholic. I am A non practicing catholic. But
I am still a Catholic, as all my irish side from my father are. I lived
with southern baptists all my life, from my mothers side. Anyone can
post anti catholic propoganda, and I dont care. Because I know
different. Now, I do have relatives in the mormon church... Thats ok...
no problem with them or their beliefs...The Mormon church has done some
good things for me also. However I just dont believe enough to be a
I was an alter boy, been raised in catholic schools, and even thought of
being a priest when i was a lad.. But opps along came the girls lol. I
want to ask this question to the host... You stae you are native
american... every native american i meet in utah is Morman... were you
ever a mormon? be truthful.... and if you say yes... then i understand
your nasty little post..... thanks Jack

Trizar's photo
Fri 05/11/07 01:14 PM
and trey--Im not a theolocician of the church.... all I can tell you is
this....Jesus too Peter and said upon this rock I will build a holy
catholic church ((((not the right exact qoute))) catholic meant
universal at the time... and he told peter he would be The leader of
this church.... St peter to us was the 1st Pope. Some other cathoilc
could explain this better than me---been around those southern baptists
too long LOL

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 01:14 PM
invisible wrote:

I do know, my dear spider, that they are not better than anybody else,
but it has nothing to do with the original post.
Even if you think so, I'm not THAT stupid.

SpiderCMB replied:

I just can't win with you, huh? You ask me to explain my post and
attack me for explaining.

I was answering posts made by two people, step_uknowuwantit and trae_23.
I already said "It has nothing to do with the original post", so why are
you repeating that? The only reason I can think of is that you didn't
read my post before you started to reply. And then you have to
insinuate that I'm stupid to finish off your post. I know your friends
will never call you on it, because they hate me too. But the fact is
that I made two polite posts stating my opinion (and no scriptures! You
said you only attack me because I quote scripture) and you still feel
the need to attack me.

Trizar's photo
Fri 05/11/07 01:15 PM
oh ok I see I cant spell hehehe

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