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Topic: why do good guys finish last
jhood31's photo
Tue 03/27/07 08:25 AM
for the past four years quite a few girls left me to either go back to
abusive realationships or found themselves a total scumbag or came rigt
out n said im just to nice ladies y do u like bein treate like **** and
fellas tell me im not the only guy this has ever happened to

romee's photo
Tue 03/27/07 08:27 AM
yea tell me about it jhood' you try to be good to some women and they
treat you like garbage no respect. explode mad

no photo
Tue 03/27/07 08:31 AM
obviously.. you are NOT meeting the RIGHT people happy

if ya stick around HERE long enough.. ya just MIGHT though :wink:

turn that frown UPsidedown and SMILE like yer gettin a blow job
bigsmile weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

laugh laugh laugh

sportsnut69's photo
Tue 03/27/07 08:34 AM
i know exactly hat u mean. i had an ex whose boyfriend before me treated
her licke crap. i cam along and treated her like a queen,. then she
cheated on me and when back to an abusive relationship

augie25's photo
Tue 03/27/07 08:38 AM
hey it is wat it is ive been threw that but its all good ma brother

lezah's photo
Tue 03/27/07 08:41 AM
romee you just haven't met the right
Good girls do still exist...:wink: :tongue:

IceCain's photo
Tue 03/27/07 09:34 AM
Brothers, I'm going to promise you something, just bear with me. We
don't/won't always finish last. Even though it will seem like that for
the longest time because you'll lay so much on the line, all for another
heartbreak. It won't always be like that. Think about it, just because
you might be finishing last right now...does that mean you should
change? Should you become the thing that we all hate so much? Of
course not, most of us couldn't change even if we wanted to. If we can
all keep it up and be 100% true to ourselves and all the women out
there...eventually things will work for us. Trust me on this, I
wouldn't lie to my fellow good guys.

tales13's photo
Tue 03/27/07 09:37 AM
BETTER!smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin drinker
drinker drinker drinker drinker CRONIQ N BEEEEEER =CRUNKsmokin
smokin smokin smokin drinker drinker drinker drinker
drinker drinker bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile smokin
smokin smokin drinker drinker drinker bigsmile bigsmile

tales13's photo
Tue 03/27/07 09:38 AM
smokin smokin drinker drinker drinker bigsmile drinker
smokin smokin smokin laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 03/27/07 09:39 AM
I have to agree with Ice here -- we really couldn't change even if we
wanted to. It's true that nice guys are easier to dump on, because they
allow it to happen. But not every girl is looking for someone to dump
on. At least, I hope not.

devin112's photo
Tue 03/27/07 09:39 AM

no photo
Tue 03/27/07 09:40 AM
Its the same way with most guys! they are the same and do the same once
they know they got you they break your heart and jet!

no photo
Tue 03/27/07 10:36 AM
Because a nice guy is "easy to get". Bad boys make themselves harder to

Think about it: If you go shopping for a car, do you want the $5,000
used car that will still get you from point A to point B just as
reliably, or the $40,000 red sports car that you know you really can't
get but want badly anyway? Most people WANT the sports car that they
think they can't have, even though the used car still does the job - and
may even do it better by using less gasoline!

Same principle applies to relationships. Not that you need to stop
being nice, just stop being available to anything and everything for a
person. You make it too easy when you'll do anything for someone. Make
sure you do some things for yourself too. Don't be a jerk about it to
the girl, just say, "I'd love to do XYZ with you (or whatever), but I
just can't this time. How does next weekend sound?" or "How about
tomorrow instead?"

Of course, don't do it every time and with everything, but if you make
yourself so available that you 1) forget yourself and 2) don't make
yourself at all like the red sports car to her, then she'll see you as
the $5,000 used car. Does the job, but she's just not interested.

Make sense?

no photo
Tue 03/27/07 10:42 AM
i luv a bad boy don't no why all types but a bad ass!mmmmmmmmmmm

CBOY's photo
Tue 03/27/07 10:49 AM
Every women wants a guy that treats her like a lady, but went she,s
trippin, she wants a man that can handle her.

no photo
Tue 03/27/07 11:28 AM
No "sports car" for me. Not then and not in the future either.
Reliability, faithfulness and availability I always got and greatly
valued and I gave the same plus respect in return. Give me a good guy
any time.

Who wants to suffer anyway? brokenheart Not me.

I'm no masochist, thank U very much. LOL


no photo
Tue 03/27/07 02:48 PM
slendercat, I think you misunderstood my post - or perhaps I didn't
explain fully (more likely the case!). I'm not saying that we shouldn't
want reliability, faithfulness and availability, but if someone was
constantly all over you, "I'm here for you anytime - ALL THE TIME" and
was calling every 5 minutes, doing everything for you, never letting you
do anything for yourself - wouldn't that get suffocating?

I think the "nice guy" syndrome is just that - it's doing TOO much for
the other person, and never "loving themselves" first. Not that they
should ONLY love themselves (we all know that type - male AND female),
but if they go the opposite way and put every last bit of their energy
into you - doesn't that become too much at some point? There's no
mystery, no, "I wonder how much he really likes me?" butterflies and
such, because the "nice guy" makes it plain from Day 1 he'll do anything
and everything for you.

That's not confidence. That's not loving oneself. That's desperation.
I can't think of too many people that like desperation in their

Hope I've clarified that somewhat.

romee's photo
Tue 03/27/07 11:00 PM
oh thank you lezah your right.happy

Tameka's photo
Tue 03/27/07 11:03 PM
good guys dont always finish last... yes, the little girls do like the
bad boys... but grown women want real men!

Ms_Scorpio71's photo
Tue 03/27/07 11:05 PM
Hey u guy's r not innocent either we all get burn that way men and women
just learn from the experince and push on :smile: :wink:

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