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Topic: stress
Classyjeff's photo
Fri 03/30/07 07:11 AM
ive noticed recently ive had a harder time coping with stress.. i was
wondering if anyone had any tips

no photo
Fri 03/30/07 07:19 AM
have a cup of coffee,a cigg, n maybe a beer, no just relax let it in one
ear and out the other!

Classyjeff's photo
Fri 03/30/07 07:29 AM
i dont smoke and i dont drink aynmore really

no photo
Fri 03/30/07 07:40 AM
Start drinking. . . .helps me. .. drinker if you go the bar you make
some new friends. . .

no photo
Fri 03/30/07 07:46 AM

daniel48706's photo
Fri 03/30/07 08:12 AM
Hey on a serious note (out of control =stress and anxiety is somethign I
have had to deal with in the past)...
Do not use alchohol or tobacco to try and relax. yes everyone (myself
included at one point in time) believes it helps, but it really doesnt.
Alchohol os a depressant, and thus depresses your body. not just
emotionally but physically as well. I am too tired right now to
remember what is up with tobacco (besides cancer, emphasema and all
kinds of other lovely stuff) but it actually does not help with stress.
It will INCREASE it in the end.
Now, the reason so many people think that tobacco/alchohol helps is
cause of what they are doing when they imbibe them; they are relaxing.
They are not worrying. They are taking a breather.
There are other ways to train yourself to do these things without the
use of drugs (alchohol is a drug by the way). You can sit down with a
cup of coffee or tea (caffeine free recommended cause cafefine is nto
good for you either *ducks from all the fists and objects flying at him
for this one, lol*). Go fow a walk, play a game, talk to someone, take
a vacation (under correct circumstances of corse lol). Basically find
somethign you enjoy doing and do it. I know this is not always easy,
but it is the best thing to help. Also , if at work and allowed five
minute ciggarette breaks, just sit back, close your eyes for a minute
and imagine yourself elsewhere. it really helps. you can imagine
naything you want, you may just not wanna talk about it afterwrds lol...
Hope this helps. Email me if you wanna chat about it more.

activemode's photo
Fri 03/30/07 08:20 AM
Liquors been around for THOUSANDS of years, and for good reason. So
these people are right.

Drink a little bit hun.

Start off with one shot a day, and try to balance your life so that you
can drink now and then, but not fall down. Then you'll be fine.
Drinking can be fun, as long as your responsible about it. Like in the

Marie55's photo
Fri 03/30/07 06:09 PM
Jeff, I agree with Daniel, go outside for some fresh air, doctors have
recommended exercise forever for stress. I don't recommend alcohol
either, why start an addiction to cure stress or anxiety. One thing
that helps me is talking to a friend, or watching a silly funny movie.
Even going for a ride with the radio cranked with my favorite music
helps clear my head. A walk on a beach. Round up a friend and go to
lunch or just talk, just hang out. Get up and move around is great to
get the blood flowing and gets some fresh oxygen to the brain. Hope
these ideas help.

LAMom's photo
Fri 03/30/07 06:16 PM
I agree Alcohol is not the Answer,,, Get Motivated,,, As Marie
Stated,,,Thier alot of different things you can do, Also I Meditate to
relieve Stress and go for long walks,,,Get out
thier explore your surroundings....

Thndrghost's photo
Fri 03/30/07 06:26 PM
How about getting a pet? Its been proven that pets help people who get
stressed and/or depressed.....God only knows what I'd do without my two
monsters!! I've been having a problem with depression and they can
always get me laughing again...flowerforyou

Classyjeff's photo
Fri 03/30/07 06:31 PM
im trying to just the job stuff is so friggen slow even walmart is slow
to call love a kitten but i cant cause im in a apt

Marie55's photo
Fri 03/30/07 08:59 PM
So you are looking for work and that is the stress. That is a hard one.
I would just do applications to any and all jobs that you qualify for,
flood the area with applications and resumes. Have you done follow-up
telephone calls, shows that you are interested in the job. Other than
that, do some of the other ideas listed above. If you have any
grandparents, take one of them to lunch, I used to love to go to lunch
with my grandpa, he was the greatest person in the world. Always made
my problems go away.

Just a thought.

Greyhound's photo
Sat 03/31/07 04:15 PM
Well, Classyjeff, I guess you just have to take it one day at a day and
don't lose hope. I don't agree with the drinkin'. Beleive me I've tried
that. It's a shame that you can't get yourself a kitten. I would sneak
one in anyways, who would know? They don't make any noise. They're such
good company,and they have so much love to offer. Best of luck to you.
You might also wanna go see your family doctor and explain what's going
on. Stress can cause a lot of health problems. Take care of yourself.

Classyjeff's photo
Sun 04/01/07 06:58 AM
I wish i could go to the doc. i get chest pains and sometimes my stomach
is upset in the morning.. id also love to have a kitten but i dont think
its on my means right now. just need to pray and strive on

Greyhound's photo
Sun 04/01/07 07:06 AM
Why do you say you wish you could go to the doctor? what's stopping you?
I don't understand.

Classyjeff's photo
Sun 04/01/07 07:20 AM
i cant afford to go to a doctor right now

AutumnLee21's photo
Sun 04/01/07 08:25 PM
CAnt afford to go to the docs? Hmm i didnt know you had to, I have been
to the docs for years even bring my lil one in and I have never "payed"
TO see the doctor

Marie55's photo
Sun 04/01/07 08:36 PM
Different governments, different medical systems Autumn. In the U.S. we
pay for medical services, if we have medical insurance we still pay a
portion or co-pay for services and medications.

AutumnLee21's photo
Sun 04/01/07 08:45 PM

Holy that sucks the big one. I didnt know that i just assumed it was
like canada silly me eh. I get all my meds for free dental and what not
will coz i have good benefits. But still when i go to the docs it dont
cost me a thing even when i didnt have benefits.

MoreBass's photo
Sun 04/01/07 09:12 PM
jeff - find some place where you won't bother anybody, and flip ****.
scream, jump up and down, punch something (somthing soft...), throw have a lot of feelings that need to come out or you'll
explode. when i still lived at home, i would wait until everyone was
gone, and then i would turn on some mudvayne or norma jean really loud
and jump around and scream along until i could barely stand. it felt

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