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Topic: Coping, how do you cope?
inkraven86's photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:14 AM
You hear many stories of people going to counseling and being in groups therapy, but I would like to open this thread to ask people how they cope with boredom, or negative feelings, or anger, or basically how they keep busy and keep their minds focused on what is important and what is positive. Particularly I hope we can mention positive coping skills, things we do that do not harm ourselves or others such as, Taking a walk to release negative feelings, or taking a nice hot shower to releave some tension and so on. :smile:

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:21 AM
i listen to music, sing, hang out with my son..keep keeps a lot of the day to day at bay..i also journal.

Mayhem_J's photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:22 AM
Go to a hardcore concert and rock out with my c*ck out.

Neurofriction's photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:25 AM

inkraven86's photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:26 AM

Go to a hardcore concert and rock out with my c*ck out.

Nothing like a good mosh pit to get some aggression out! Says a Disturbed fanatic like me, smiles

inkraven86's photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:27 AM


Sex is good, unprotected sex, not good, yet even then, a person must be careful who they do this with and where. girlfriend or boyfriend is preferred or married couple.

Mayhem_J's photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:30 AM

Go to a hardcore concert and rock out with my c*ck out.

Nothing like a good mosh pit to get some aggression out! Says a Disturbed fanatic like me, smiles

I prefer Hatebreed myself....but its all the same.

Neurofriction's photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:34 AM


Sex is good, unprotected sex, not good, yet even then, a person must be careful who they do this with and where. girlfriend or boyfriend is preferred or married couple.

Yeah I like it to be meaningful myself.

inkraven86's photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:36 AM
What else do you do to help get rid of some unwanted tension or anger or when your thoughts start racing, or you get nervous?

inkraven86's photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:47 AM
Sometimes painting can be good, if a person has the time and stuff to do so, a person can build their paint equipment slowly over time, and than perhaps learn about it online can help too.
also people can get a big drawing pad and just go wildon it with crayons or washable markers and than when they are done they can throw it away, or even rip a few pages up and throw it away.
Maybe beat up your pillow or some cushions to get rid of some negative tension.
Or you could play with your kids, kids can help bring you down and refocus you on paying attention to their child needs.
Walking the dog can be good too.
Making your favorite snack and watching a movie you like can help to.
also having a movie night with your kids can be great.

inkraven86's photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:50 AM
Reading a book can be good, especially if you learn a new language or perhaps learn how to do magic or you can read to your kids, they love that.
Journaling is excellent as was mentioned above, however, make sure you dispose of your writings if in the case of which you may have people in your life who give you no privacy, tearing your page up into tiny peices and throwing it is good.
Drawing can be good too.
Doing an art project with your kids is great.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:51 AM

What else do you do to help get rid of some unwanted tension or anger or when your thoughts start racing, or you get nervous?

I engage my body in physical activity - cardio - weights - palates.. getting the endorphins pumped into the system on a regular basis relieves stress, clears my mind, and does my mind, body, and soul tremendous good.

If I find myself facing an immediate need for quick stress relief and I've already worked out for the day... I've also been known to go on a cleaning frenzy - washing walls, mopping a kitchen floor with bucket, rag and on hands-n-knees are all great ways I've found to release stress.

I find, if I get my body moving, engage in an otherwise mundane activity it frees my mind to process that which has upset my life balance. I sweat, I process... and I come out on the other side with an ability to let go of what ever it is that has caused the imbalance to begin with.

In finding the answer to the question you pose inkraven, I think you need to try a variety of things until you find the one that suits you best.


scoundrel's photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:52 AM
I set immediate or short-term goals, and do those things that succeed in control of my life.

Easy cheap reminder of "life is good"

And keep a list of options open, in case of dire circumstances, to pigeonhole paranoia out of the way.

darkowl1's photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:53 AM
i'm not in a burn ward, or i'm not a quadriped that can't blow a fly off my nose, and i've got two good eyes, and four good limbs, and a demented brain.....what more could i possibly ask from the powers that be???? i'm a lucky sucker..... but.....however, clinically depressed people can't think that's a chemical imbalance that has to be corrected with hormones, diet, and sometimes meds.

inkraven86's photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:57 AM

i'm not in a burn ward, or i'm not a quadriped that can't blow a fly off my nose, and i've got two good eyes, and four good limbs, and a demented brain.....what more could i possibly ask from the powers that be???? i'm a lucky sucker..... but.....however, clinically depressed people can't think that's a chemical imbalance that has to be corrected with hormones, diet, and sometimes meds.

This is true, chemical imbalances are tricky business. Support groups and counseling and medication can help. Also in these support groups it is good if coping skills are the main feature of this group as well as open discussion on the topic of the day, such as anger, or stress, or worrying and so on

inkraven86's photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:59 AM

What else do you do to help get rid of some unwanted tension or anger or when your thoughts start racing, or you get nervous?

I engage my body in physical activity - cardio - weights - palates.. getting the endorphins pumped into the system on a regular basis relieves stress, clears my mind, and does my mind, body, and soul tremendous good.

If I find myself facing an immediate need for quick stress relief and I've already worked out for the day... I've also been known to go on a cleaning frenzy - washing walls, mopping a kitchen floor with bucket, rag and on hands-n-knees are all great ways I've found to release stress.

I find, if I get my body moving, engage in an otherwise mundane activity it frees my mind to process that which has upset my life balance. I sweat, I process... and I come out on the other side with an ability to let go of what ever it is that has caused the imbalance to begin with.

In finding the answer to the question you pose inkraven, I think you need to try a variety of things until you find the one that suits you best.


These are all great ways to reduce stress and to get rid of some negativity and other emotions that are negative and unwanted.
Counseling and medication can help as well, however there are many who wish to have nothing to do with medication
and therefore a support group or a positivie support system must be had in this situation.

inkraven86's photo
Fri 11/14/08 01:02 AM

I set immediate or short-term goals, and do those things that succeed in control of my life.

Easy cheap reminder of "life is good"

And keep a list of options open, in case of dire circumstances, to pigeonhole paranoia out of the way.

I agree on this, as it helps to have a list of things that have worked for you in the past, things that do not harm you or someone else. Such as prayer for those of us who pray, or perhaps some healthy affirmations can be good. Also reminding yourself of the things you have done that make you happy can help. Remind yourself of those who love you. Also giving someone a hug can be good.
A simple compliment from someone who cares can do alot.

darkowl1's photo
Fri 11/14/08 01:06 AM
yes, these are huge issues that are for the most part, being addressed wrongly, and should be researched more, by lazy doctors that are just making the buck.....asbergers, and mild autism NOS, are constantly mis-diagnosed as well. my ex's son is a victim of this, and it took years, and my research to figure it out.... i was pissed to say the least.

inkraven86's photo
Fri 11/14/08 01:10 AM

yes, these are huge issues that are for the most part, being addressed wrongly, and should be researched more, by lazy doctors that are just making the buck.....asbergers, and mild autism NOS, are constantly mis-diagnosed as well. my ex's son is a victim of this, and it took years, and my research to figure it out.... i was pissed to say the least.

I heard that my friend. To tell a small tale, I was put into a room of four psychologists and told to pick my illness, LOL can you believe that, now 18 years later, I finally got the correct diagnosis, LOL now get this, the counselor who rediagnosed me and okeyed it with the psyche diagnosed me only after two meetings with her, I was like, wow. LOL to say the least.

darkowl1's photo
Fri 11/14/08 01:15 AM
damn!!! that's ludicris!!! where's the mid-evil torchure devices when you need them!!!!! putting these guys in them would be wonderful therapy for patients.!!!!!

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