Topic: Separation of Church and State?
Giocamo's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:21 AM

If only our politicians and citizens really understood the way our constitution was designed..great posting.
Here's my problem I do. How many people think there is a separation of church and state and believe it to be law. I did a poll on here and I would say %80. That's why I argue it. To help people understand there is not. There should be if %80 of people thinks there is and agrees that their should be. I dont bash Christians. I am one my self. I believe in the bible ( dont agree with certain interpretations of it) and believe in god. Because I argue points that might be against what Christianity's means to you doesn't mean I do not believe in god. That's what great about this nation. You have the right to believe in any religion you seen apropreate to you..

a poll on here ?...laugh ...I can can count one one hand the number of conservatives that post on this board...and...when they do...they are run out of town...

They are not run out of town for their beliefs, political or religious, but for the way they behave towards others.
Huge difference.

their a direct reflection the reaction of their point of view and posts...believe me...I've witnessed it first hand...:smile:

Krimsa's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:23 AM

Run off the boards?


I was called names, subjected to vile, violent and obscene insults in both mail and on the forums and repeatedly suspended on this forum all because of my opinions.

So don't tell me about being run off. More than one poster here has attempted to run me off.

Perhaps you are projecting the tactics used by some on these boards onto everyone here.

I won't back down.

I won't bend my knee to hate.

That's not running anyone off.

If a poster doesn't have the courage of their convictions and leaves just because not everyone agrees with them I feel sorry for them.

Here here! drinker :banana: flowers I have had similar experiences on forum. In fact I have been referred to as B!tch, whore, viper, Witch but to name a few. Spread the love. grumble

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:25 AM
their a direct reflection the reaction of their point of view and posts...believe me...I've witnessed it first hand

I have been called rude for simply stating my opinion.
I have been told that as a foreigner I simply have no right to have an opinion.
I have been called names you don't wanna hear for simply having an opinion.
And all that from those people you are defending.
I didn't know that there are different measures for different people.

Giocamo's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:26 AM

If only our politicians and citizens really understood the way our constitution was designed..great posting.
Here's my problem I do. How many people think there is a separation of church and state and believe it to be law. I did a poll on here and I would say %80. That's why I argue it. To help people understand there is not. There should be if %80 of people thinks there is and agrees that their should be. I dont bash Christians. I am one my self. I believe in the bible ( dont agree with certain interpretations of it) and believe in god. Because I argue points that might be against what Christianity's means to you doesn't mean I do not believe in god. That's what great about this nation. You have the right to believe in any religion you seen apropreate to you..

a poll on here ?...laugh ...I can can count one one hand the number of conservatives that post on this board...and...when they do...they are run out of town...
The problem is when they are questioned it turn into you are infringing on their rights. They have no problem using their beleifs to infringe on others!

see here's where we disagree...I couldn't care believe or don't believe...only what I believe matters in MY having said that...whenever a conservative injects their point of view...Liberals say " that we are trying to force our beliefs down their throats "...WRONG !...i'm just stating MY point of view and I said...I don't care what anyone else ain't happening in my world...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh...for the 50's...tears

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:29 AM

From my reading of alot of these postings, and on other threads, there are alot of people that feel that the opposing views are infringing on their rights..when discussing things in a civilized way, you would think that opposing views could be talked about without the assumption that each other is trying to infringe on their rights..
I believe we have had the same problem. We are discussing a issue and you brought you religious beleifs into it. So I question those beleifs. How am I gonna understand your feeling without understanding your beleifs. It took you awhile but you did share yours. There are people on here that think if you question their beleifs you are infringing on them and thats when the crap hits the fan. In all religions people have different interpretation of what those beleifs are. I am not a hateful person. I love all people no matter what they believe or do...

Giocamo's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:29 AM

their a direct reflection the reaction of their point of view and posts...believe me...I've witnessed it first hand

I have been called rude for simply stating my opinion.
I have been told that as a foreigner I simply have no right to have an opinion.
I have been called names you don't wanna hear for simply having an opinion.
And all that from those people you are defending.
I didn't know that there are different measures for different people.

I'm not defending anybody...I'm only defending their point of view...and...their right to express it...without being impugned...laughed at ...and...made fun ...I didn't have an olive branch hope you don't have any allergies...LOL

Lynann's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:29 AM
Anyone else notice how the religion forums are set up?

General Religion Chat
Discuss religious issues with members of all religions

Other Religions
Meet singles from less-common religions

That says alot to me about these boards.

Gio, you and I both know who does the name calling around here and who constantly condemns others.

Come on let's be honest. Those posters who engage in hateful name calling can't really be surprised when they develop a reputation can they? They aren't arguing anything here but the bible tells us so and anyone who doesn't believe as I do is a loonie or morally corrupt. season and stir the pot you better be ready to swallow the broth.

Giocamo's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:32 AM
Edited by Giocamo on Sun 12/21/08 09:33 AM

Anyone else notice how the religion forums are set up?

General Religion Chat
Discuss religious issues with members of all religions

Other Religions
Meet singles from less-common religions

That says alot to me about these boards.

Gio, you and I both know who does the name calling around here and who constantly condemns others.

Come on let's be honest. Those posters who engage in hateful name calling can't really be surprised when they develop a reputation can they? They aren't arguing anything here but the bible tells us so and anyone who doesn't believe as I do is a loonie or morally corrupt. season and stir the pot you better be ready to swallow the broth.

I agree...there are a couple of people from both sides...that need to learn how to properly debate...we know who they are...and...I rarely if ever join in when they are's just too frustrating...frustrated

Giocamo's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:32 AM

Anyone else notice how the religion forums are set up?

General Religion Chat
Discuss religious issues with members of all religions

Other Religions
Meet singles from less-common religions

That says alot to me about these boards.

Gio, you and I both know who does the name calling around here and who constantly condemns others.

Come on let's be honest. Those posters who engage in hateful name calling can't really be surprised when they develop a reputation can they? They aren't arguing anything here but the bible tells us so and anyone who doesn't believe as I do is a loonie or morally corrupt. season and stir the pot you better be ready to swallow the broth.

speaking of swallowing...gulp !!...offtopic

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:32 AM

their a direct reflection the reaction of their point of view and posts...believe me...I've witnessed it first hand

I have been called rude for simply stating my opinion.
I have been told that as a foreigner I simply have no right to have an opinion.
I have been called names you don't wanna hear for simply having an opinion.
And all that from those people you are defending.
I didn't know that there are different measures for different people.

I'm not defending anybody...I'm only defending their point of view...and...their right to express it...without being impugned...laughed at ...and...made fun ...I didn't have an olive branch hope you don't have any allergies...LOL

As long as their right of expression includes name calling, I'm sorry, I won't have it. I never called anyone rude for simply having a different opinion, and I expect the same treatment from them as I give them. You start insulting me, you just have to take what I'm giving back without complaint.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:33 AM
And Gio clearly you are wrong in the initial intent of this thread if you are simply trying to proliferate the myth that this nation was founded on anything even remotely Christian. You've got another thing coming.

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:34 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 12/21/08 09:43 AM

If only our politicians and citizens really understood the way our constitution was designed..great posting.
Here's my problem I do. How many people think there is a separation of church and state and believe it to be law. I did a poll on here and I would say %80. That's why I argue it. To help people understand there is not. There should be if %80 of people thinks there is and agrees that their should be. I dont bash Christians. I am one my self. I believe in the bible ( dont agree with certain interpretations of it) and believe in god. Because I argue points that might be against what Christianity's means to you doesn't mean I do not believe in god. That's what great about this nation. You have the right to believe in any religion you seen apropreate to you..

a poll on here ?...laugh ...I can can count one one hand the number of conservatives that post on this board...and...when they do...they are run out of town...
The problem is when they are questioned it turn into you are infringing on their rights. They have no problem using their beleifs to infringe on others!

see here's where we disagree...I couldn't care believe or don't believe...only what I believe matters in MY having said that...whenever a conservative injects their point of view...Liberals say " that we are trying to force our beliefs down their throats "...WRONG !...i'm just stating MY point of view and I said...I don't care what anyone else ain't happening in my world...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh...for the 50's...tears
See here's my problem you keep calling me a Liberal. I believe we all have conservative and liberal views. I am very fiscal conservative. I believe their should be checks and balances. I just dont care what people do in their own lives. To me if they are doing something I find sinful so be it. I am no one to judge anyone. That my friend goes against my own faith..

Giocamo's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:41 AM
Edited by Giocamo on Sun 12/21/08 09:52 AM

And Gio clearly you are wrong in the initial intent of this thread if you are simply trying to proliferate the myth that this nation was founded on anything even remotely Christian. You've got another thing coming.

my intent...was to finally make a point...about the subject I posted...I've read so many response to religion..." THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE "'s like when I hear about the Bush tax cuts for the rich...section 8 article 1 of the constitution...clearly states..." The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes "...NOT the for the war in Iraq..." The Congress shall have Power To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water...not the President...

Lynann's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:43 AM
Ladies don't spit

Krimsa's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:46 AM

And Gio clearly you are wrong in the initial intent of this thread if you are simply trying to proliferate the myth that this nation was founded on anything even remotely Christian. You've got another thing coming.

my intent...was finally make a point...about the subject I posted...I've read so many response to religion..." THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE "'s like when I hear about the Bush tax cuts for the rich...section 8 article 1 of the constitution...clearly states..." The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes "...NOT the for the war in Iraq..." The Congress shall have Power To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water...not the President...

Point? Or wild ramblings? huh

Giocamo's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:51 AM
Edited by Giocamo on Sun 12/21/08 09:54 AM

If only our politicians and citizens really understood the way our constitution was designed..great posting.
Here's my problem I do. How many people think there is a separation of church and state and believe it to be law. I did a poll on here and I would say %80. That's why I argue it. To help people understand there is not. There should be if %80 of people thinks there is and agrees that their should be. I dont bash Christians. I am one my self. I believe in the bible ( dont agree with certain interpretations of it) and believe in god. Because I argue points that might be against what Christianity's means to you doesn't mean I do not believe in god. That's what great about this nation. You have the right to believe in any religion you seen apropreate to you..

a poll on here ?...laugh ...I can can count one one hand the number of conservatives that post on this board...and...when they do...they are run out of town...
The problem is when they are questioned it turn into you are infringing on their rights. They have no problem using their beleifs to infringe on others!

see here's where we disagree...I couldn't care believe or don't believe...only what I believe matters in MY having said that...whenever a conservative injects their point of view...Liberals say " that we are trying to force our beliefs down their throats "...WRONG !...i'm just stating MY point of view and I said...I don't care what anyone else ain't happening in my world...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh...for the 50's...tears
See here's my problem you keep calling me a Liberal. I believe we all have conservative and liberal views. I am very fiscal conservative. I believe their should be checks and balances. I just dont care what people do in their own likes. To me if they are doing something I find sinful so be it. I am no one to judge anyone. That my friend goes against my own faith..

I think our frustration...meaning the we are also Social Conservatives...that's where there will never be common long as the courts...and politicians...decide and make rulings in regards to social matters...there will always be conflict...think about it...rock and roll listeners and opera listeners get along just fine...they both can enjoy their music...both sides are happy...what would happen if the courts decided that starting tomorrow...there will be no more rock n roll music...only opera...we would be forced to take sides...there would be conflict and fighting everyday...this is whats happening in this country each and everyday...the courts with their rulings...the politicians with the " bills "...are forcing Americans to " Take Sides " each others throats...ohhhhhhhh...for the 50's...tears

Giocamo's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:53 AM

And Gio clearly you are wrong in the initial intent of this thread if you are simply trying to proliferate the myth that this nation was founded on anything even remotely Christian. You've got another thing coming.

my intent...was finally make a point...about the subject I posted...I've read so many response to religion..." THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE "'s like when I hear about the Bush tax cuts for the rich...section 8 article 1 of the constitution...clearly states..." The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes "...NOT the for the war in Iraq..." The Congress shall have Power To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water...not the President...

Point? Or wild ramblings? huh

well...just because my head comes to a point...doesn't mean I'm sharp !...

Krimsa's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:54 AM
And as long as the religious right insists on butting into matters that clearly dont involve them such as abortion, stem cell research, then there will be conflict.

Giocamo's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:57 AM

And as long as the religious right insists on butting into matters that clearly dont involve them such as abortion, stem cell research, then there will be conflict.

exactly...thanks for making my point...only...replace the religious right with the courts and government...and you'd be 100% friend...:smile:

Krimsa's photo
Sun 12/21/08 10:00 AM

And as long as the religious right insists on butting into matters that clearly dont involve them such as abortion, stem cell research, then there will be conflict.

exactly...thanks for making my point...only...replace the religious right with the courts and government...and you'd be 100% friend...:smile:

Our Founding Fathers must have had a premonition this would occur. The religious right would work on eroding our freedoms. This is WHY they had the forethought to create a "wall of separation" No one wanted to deal with this crap. Your morals should be your own. End of story.