Wed 12/31/08 01:30 PM
I was born on september 24th, 1968. I was born in a little town called Acapulco. When I was born my mother and father were living together until my parents had another boy. This boy is my brother, his name is Rodolfo. When he was 3 months of age my parents were separated, But there was somethig strange because my mother never advised to my father she left us alone at home.

So one week my father left the house around 5 a.m because he had to be in Zihuatanejo ( a town which it´s around 3 hours from Acapulco) for one week, so he said good bye to my mother, and that day, my father never could imagine that my mother had planned to leave the house with us inside.

The house was closed and to the third day my grandmother(father´s mother) when to visit us but she was surprised that there was nobidy in the house, suddenly she heard a noise, so she decided to open the door and she found us inside completely dirty and starving. So she took us with her, and we were in a hospital for about three months until we could recover our efforts....... this story will continue.....