Topic: what is GOOD AND WHAT IS BAD
Wed 12/31/08 02:11 PM
Some people around the world are teaching the word of God, but they are trying to save the soul of the human being but what about them? I met a person in Mexico who used to talk about God to me all the times, and he was my boss,but when we were working he always was in a bad mood, so don't u think that he must be patient and tolerance for the rest people? He is a representative of God in Mexico and I still don't know why do the people follow him? But anyway, the point is that if we are praying all the time and we are talking about God, we must try to follow the rules of the commiments or no? Just that's all, we don't have to judge to the people just like i am doing now. I am not a religion person but I always pry for the humanity, for my family and for those people who are in war in Europe or Asia. I really want to thank u for giving to me the opportunity of writing this. God bless u.